• I've sold over $14 million, all while only working 10 hours a week.
  • I'm a globally best-selling author of the My Brilliant Year goal workbooks, used by over 500,000 people worldwide.
  • I’m the winner of Ausmumpreneur of the Year’s People’s Choice Business Coach, Global Brand & Businesses Making A Difference Awards.
  • I can break stuff down to be easy to understand, simple (and even enjoyable!)
  • I'm not going to upsell you into some massively priced mastermind to give you the REAL information... I'll just give you everything I know in the Academy
  • Proudly neurodivergent with ASD.



“Leonie is an absolutely sensational guide who explains things so well and makes it real.”

Kari Sutton

Leonie is straightforward, fearless and a breath of fresh air.”

I love how direct she is when it comes to answering tough questions. Her course is organized, easy to access and beautiful. She’s been a breath of fresh air.

Tanya Smith

“More aha! moments than I can wrap my head around!”

The course HAS paid for itself already! My husband is on board because you make perfect sense to him as well.

Melody Kientopp

“I’m loving your energy and honesty!”

I love that you’re SO generous with your experience and wisdom and are encouraging us to benefit from it.

Robyn Webb

“I love your no BS – just do it attitude.”

I love Leonie’s course!

Becky Lundin

Leonie has a way of making people feel like they are capable of anything (plus she’s flippin’ hilarious!)

I absolutely love Leonie’s course. 

Every time I learn something from her and implement it, I get results!!

This clarity has even helped me grow my membership practically overnight!

Billie Gardner

“An unbelievable, inspiring journey…”

“The journey of Leonie’s Book course is unbelievable and goes on and on.

It was inspiring, challenging, lovingly, doubting, exhausting, heart melting, wondering, energetic, out of this world, encouraging and soooo fun to work with you this way.

And I always come back to get a nugget of wisdom and a sweet energy kick.

So all in all, I’m so in LOVE with your courses and down to earth honesty! I’m a total LEONIE – FREAK and well I have to confess: I’m a “Leonie-Addict”!

Ellen Holzschuster


Best investment of my time and money ever!”

Sophie Le Brozec


Leonie Dawson is a Superb Creative!

She knows when to stand strong and when to go gentle in her guidance of Creatives. 

Her enormous humor and light-hearted laughter is Goddess-Sent. She is a rare combination of the Divine Feminine and the Purely Practical!

She’s got and gives The Big Gifts —the ones that keep on Giving!

Thank you Leonie from the bottom of my heart!

Lynda Beth Unkeless

Author, Meet One New Person Every Day: The Magic of Conversation

There’s nothing like an Aussie chick giving you a kick up the bum to get things done!

I love love loved this course! 

The webinars had laugh out loud moments and the Facebook group is a brilliant way to stay motivated. 

I didn’t expect it to be so much fun. If only Leonie was there telling me to just fucking do it for all my creative pursuits. At the price it’s a no brainer!!

Catherine Hay


Works like magic to keep my focus straight!

It motivates the shit out of me. Makes me love and accept myself. Very inspirational and magical in bringing creativity fron imagination into realization. Thank you!

Elena Popova

“Leonie’s the tough love you need to stop making excuses and make your dreams happen.

Leonie’s course helped me finally break through so many internal blocks, low self-esteem and resistance to finish two books that have been sitting in my heart and mind for over 10 years. 

Leonie has a genuine level of warmth, generosity and ‘get er’ done’ attitude. 

Sitting in stagnation and procrastination when it comes to your dreams is a form of self-annihilation. It’s soul crushing. Leonie is such a beautiful guide that got me through.

I’m excited to do the course again (and again and again). 

Doing the course along with her biz and life workbooks has created the foundation, guidance and map I need to stay on track.

Holly Elissa


“Above and Beyond!”

I have watched Leonie not only get her creative projects done herself, but she has masterfully increased her life and business over the last decade.

Something else I have come to know about Leonie is that she over-delivers. There is always something extra, something more! 

Thank you sweet, precious Leonie for your life-changing magic!
Rosa Maria Szynski

Author and MAGICAL Living Mentor, www.radiancewithrosa.com

“The course is done!”

I suspect it needs tweaking but I’m out of my own asshole and that’s what really matters.
The course is amazing because if taken in the right spirit it doesn’t allow for over-thinking. It’s clear and encouraging, loving it.

Biggest AHA is to give myself permission to rename as I go- if I don’t get traction it’s a matter of tweaking, not starting from the beginning.

Uhm, I can see daylight (since I’m out of my own asshole). It’s done, that’s major.

My list is at 44 (and all friends + family) so up next is proper marketing and making moolah!

Madelaine Coelyn

“I’ve learned that I really do know a lot more than I thought I did…”

Very fun and keeping me going!

Loved getting help to narrow what I have to offer, title help, and realizing less really is more.

I have all of my bullet points scripted and ready to put them into slides.

I’ve learned that I really do know a lot more than I thought I did about how to run a successful canvas painting party business.

Things I think are just common sense are not always that way to others.

I’m also learning that really people sometimes just need to do the course so they aren’t doing it ‘alone’. They need the encouragement.

Jen Jones