While you wait for your freebie to arrive in your inbox, why not check out my course Sales Star Mastermind?
Scroll down to become the sales star you were born to be!

Sell like a star:
It’s time to make more $$$ in your business!
Learn from a master saleswomxn who
has sold over $10 million (now $11 million!)
Gorgeous human,
Is this you?
- you’ve got offerings to sell but aren’t seeing the $$$ come in
- you feel weirdsies about marketing – like it’s hard, and spammy, and you’re just not comfortable doing it
- you’re spending 24/7/365 hustling but you’re not seeing the income results
- you feel like you’re doing all the right business things but your bank account still looks sad
- OR your business is already doing great – but you’d love to sell even MORE?
If so, you’re in the right place.
I’m here to help.
And I can’t wait to see you earning WAY MORE with LESS EFFORT.
That’s what this program is designed to do.

Why you need this course like NOW!
- You will discover how to write in a way (on your website, ads, brochures, social media… everywhere!) that LITERALLY MAKES YOU MONEY.
- You will save yourself THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of dollars on copywriters – I promise that no expert can make you more money than YOU can!)
- You will learn seriously lucrative sales skills that are a licence to print money for the rest of your life – no matter what businesses you have!
- No matter how good your product or service is, you need to learn how to sell it well OR you will be leaving HUGE SUMS of MONEY on the TABLE!
“From lockdown to £50,000 in sales!”
“When COVID-19 wiped out my income as a live illustrator for conferences, I was SO GLAD to have Leonie’s course.
We launched Good Ship Illustration which earned £50,000.
It was a game changer!”
– Katie Chappell, co-founder of Good Ship Illustration

“I made over $8,000 (8x more than I’ve ever made launching a course before!)”
“My course has now launched and is in progress (with wonderful feedback so far) and I made over $8,000 from the launch (8 x more than I’d ever made launching a course before).
Yay! I’m genuinely blown away by this result and so incredibly grateful.”
– Sarah Jensen, Rock Your Goals
“Leonie gets results FAST.”
“Everything Leonie has told me to do has gotten me results FAST. Leonie has given me concrete steps and tips which have pumped up my business growth. She knows what she is talking about. She has taught me another way to do business. I can honestly say the reason I was able to leave my teaching job and build my business is because of Leonie.”
– Hibiscus Moon, founder of Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy

“Leonie has razor-sharp strategies…”
“Leonie’s razor-sharp insights and business strategies leave no stone unturned when it comes to creating a business and life you love.
If you get the chance to learn from her, go for it!”
– Victoria Gibson, Facebook ads expert

This is FOR you if:
- you can afford this course without putting yourself in financial harm
- you are ready to do the homework + see the results
- you honour and respect boundaries
- you commit to doing the work and taking full responsibility for your own success
This is NOT for you if:
- you find it hard to even navigate a computer or the internet.
- you need 1:1 handholding and guidance
- you aren’t able to respect boundaries.

Why learn from me?
- I’ve sold over $11 million in revenue – all while only working 10 hours a week!
- I’m an internationally best-selling author whose books have been used by over 400,000 people
- I’m the winner of Ausmumpreneur of the Year’s People’s Choice Business Coach, Global Brand & Businesses Making A Difference Awards.
- I can break complex stuff down to be easy to understand, simple (and even bloody enjoyable!)
- I’m not going to upsell you into some massively priced mastermind to give you the REAL information… I’ll just give you everything I know in this course.
- I’ll swear like a mothertrucker, make you gigglesnort out your nose, kick your adorable butt into action & love the absolute bejeezus out of you.
- Proudly neurodivergent with ASD. Pronouns: she/they

Q: Will everything be recorded? If I fall behind, can I catch up later?
Everything will be recorded. You will have access to the course for AT LEAST 12 months, and have FREE alumni access to all future live rounds!
Q: Why do you charge such low prices?
I’ve sold programs up to $6,000 before. I personally prefer having my programs at a lower price so I can help more people.
Q: Why do you charge in US$ when you are Australian?
Because 60% of my clients are American, 20% are elsewhere around the world & only 20% are Australian. It makes sense to charge in the currency that 80% of my customers are familiar with.

Get Results Or Your Money Back Guarantee!
I've worked with tens of thousands of clients now and seen them get HUGE results.
And I know if you do the homework, you will get results too.
So I'll offer you this guarantee... if you do all the homework & don't see any results... I'll give you your money back.
So you can make this purchase with peace-of-mind knowing that you'll get a great return on your investment!

NOTE: Group calls are pre-recorded from the most recent live round (March 2021).

“Leonie is an absolutely sensational guide who explains things so well and makes it real.”
“Leonie is straightforward, fearless and a breath of fresh air.”
I love how direct she is when it comes to answering tough questions. Her course is organized, easy to access and beautiful. She’s been a breath of fresh air.
“More aha! moments than I can wrap my head around!”
The course HAS paid for itself already! My husband is on board because you make perfect sense to him as well.
“I’m loving your energy and honesty!”
I love that you’re SO generous with your experience and wisdom and are encouraging us to benefit from it.
“I love your no BS – just do it attitude.”
I love Leonie’s course!
Leonie has a way of making people feel like they are capable of anything (plus she’s flippin’ hilarious!)
I absolutely love Leonie’s course.
Every time I learn something from her and implement it, I get results!!
This clarity has even helped me grow my membership practically overnight!
“An unbelievable, inspiring journey…”
“The journey of Leonie’s course is unbelievable and goes on and on.
It was inspiring, challenging, lovingly, doubting, exhausting, heart melting, wondering, energetic, out of this world, encouraging and soooo fun to work with you this way.
And I always come back to get a nugget of wisdom and a sweet energy kick.
So all in all, I’m so in LOVE with your courses and down to earth honesty! I’m a total LEONIE – FREAK and well I have to confess: I’m a “Leonie-Addict”!
“Best investment of my time and money ever!”
Leonie Dawson is a Superb Creative!
She knows when to stand strong and when to go gentle in her guidance of Creatives.
Her enormous humor and light-hearted laughter is Goddess-Sent. She is a rare combination of the Divine Feminine and the Purely Practical!
She’s got and gives The Big Gifts —the ones that keep on Giving!
Thank you Leonie from the bottom of my heart!
“There’s nothing like an Aussie chick giving you a kick up the bum to get things done!“
I love love loved this course!
The webinars had laugh out loud moments and the Facebook group is a brilliant way to stay motivated.
“Works like magic to keep my focus straight!“
It motivates the shit out of me. Makes me love and accept myself. Very inspirational and magical in bringing creativity fron imagination into realization. Thank you!
“Leonie’s the tough love you need to stop making excuses and make your dreams happen.“
Leonie’s course helped me finally break through so many internal blocks, low self-esteem and resistance to finish two books that have been sitting in my heart and mind for over 10 years.
Leonie has a genuine level of warmth, generosity and ‘get er’ done’ attitude.
Sitting in stagnation and procrastination when it comes to your dreams is a form of self-annihilation. It’s soul crushing. Leonie is such a beautiful guide that got me through.
I’m excited to do the course again (and again and again).
Doing the course along with her biz and life workbooks has created the foundation, guidance and map I need to stay on track.
“Above and Beyond!”
Something else I have come to know about Leonie is that she over-delivers. There is always something extra, something more!
“I’ve learned that I really do know a lot more than I thought I did…”
This course is very fun and is keeping me going!
I am writing up my sales page this weekend & will be ready to launch!
You have given so many different resources to look into, however I love that you really encourage us to not get stuck on all that shit.
That really helps to take the pressure of “perfection” off the shoulders.
I have been trying to complete this course for over a year. I had it written up, I just kept procrastinating on setting up slides & recordings.
I now have the slides completed & half the recordings done. I am writing up my sales page this weekend & will be ready to launch!
I put my first ever online course on sale six months ago and last week I just hit the $20,000 mark.
Your spirit is generous and I see that and appreciate it deeply.
Leonie holds nothing back in her teaching. She explains things in real, raw and usable ways. It’s not fluff, it’s from learned experiences, and it makes learning fun!
Leonie is one of the pioneers of the online entrepreneur world, making possible for anyone with a passion to serve to be ale to follow their dreams and create their own business.
I love Leonie’s no nonsense simple, easy and fun business guidance. Her courses are filled with real information that is current and relevant. Leonie’s allowed me to follow my dream of having my own business, seeing her walk your talk, she has paved the way for so many other women to follow their hearts and dreams too!
When I embarked on my journey with Leonie I got more than a high quality teacher and great results… I literally covered the cost for my training within the first term!
I began my business in 2011 from Leonie’s trainings and even in 2019, it’s barely changed due to the clarity Leonie’s work helped me find.
I would recommend Leonie for anything that is a meld of down-to-earth with that intuition we all have inside.
Leonie touches a part of me that wants to shine, wants to make things, wants to manifest. I feel touched in the part of me that is vulnerable and strong, like two sides of a coin. I know many things already, but being touched by a teacher in that sacred part of my heart is rare.
With Leonie’s help I have already created a book, inspirational cards, online courses and a happy life.
I love the “just fucking get your course done!!”
I have clarity on just focusing on getting my course done, not getting ahead of myself by worrying about how it all comes together with marketing and list building, etc.
I’m surprised by how easy and quick it is!
Brilliant! I’m surprised by how easy and quick it is to create a course when you have this kind of momentum and support.
I’m now writing week three. I’m on track.
I am finding the course amazing to say the least!
I really like the fact that I can just work with what I have and don’t have to buy anything more.
Enjoying the course immensely!
Been writing my course and find it easier than I thought it would be to get it together.
Love the resources.
I know more than I thought.
That discipline, just do it, is the key.
I am fortunate that I am teaching a class in-person at this moment, so I am getting immediate feedback from the students in the class to create an e-course stuff!
I loved the course!
It helped me stop overthinking things and to simplify the e-course creation process.
I honestly am surprised that I am sitting here ready to launch my own e-course and already have an outline for my NEXT e-course I want to create!
My course is created and I have 5 people signed up for it so far!
You had success as a solopreneur.
This is music to my hermit inspired ears.
To create great art stuff in solitude (with my dog) and release it to the world!
My e-book version of the new e-course has sold thousands of dollars worth over the years but it really needs a revamp and that’s why I’m doing this course.
My course goes out tomorrow!
Big A-ha: Learning that I can create a profitable course by focusing on a single, simple topic/solution using the tech I already have has freed me from the blocks of thinking I had to do some huge, expensive process.
I’ve created a survey to zero in on the topic my email subscribers want to learn.
Results WILL come when I finally get my head out of my arse!
I loved all of the information provided throughout the course Leonie!
It was very informative and easy to understand. Some things I had experience with already, but I have learnt sooooooo much.
I know that I can make all of the excuses under the sun, but when it all comes down to it, I just need to COMPLETE MY FUCKING COURSE!
I have gotten further on this course, and building my course to releasing than ever before!
It’s been good, I have set up the sales page and lead magnet, I have the course mapped out and am looking to launch Nov/Dec.
I have yet to build and record the entire course content, but getting there.
Ahhaaas – lots. I realised that when I just do the thing – and not stress over the process it just happened!!
This course rocked my world!
I loved the energy of the course, the hands-on materials, Leonie’s great “just do it” vibe and the amazing insights and tools delivered lesson after lesson, yayyy!!!
I have revamped my live courses and started selling them online. Now I’m planning to launch my e-school.
Following up Leonie’s advice of getting things flowing and done right here, right now, new possibilities emerge in different ways!
More confidence in marketing, some extra ideas popped up, and a lot of clarity…
I realised that I have and know everything so all I need to do is sit down and to the work.
I got clarification on marketing which is great as I don’t feel confident doing it but I think I will get better by practice
You’ve given us all the tools to finally get what’s been incubating in our hearts and heads out into the world!
New perspectives on how to offer my course in a way that keeps it true to the process.
That was the wall I was bumping into, and why I’ve stalled all these years.
Plus, tech challenges. Still scary, but working my way through it.
Love, love, LOVE this course, Leonie. Thank you <3
Absolutely bloody love it!
I really appreciate Leonie’s motivating approach, which is both very personal and uplifting.
The course has helped me bust past some creative blocks that I thought had settled in for good, and has actually taken the lid off some very stale, restrictive thinking about what and what isn’t possible.
I love the way you teach, Leonie!
Massive positive attitude changes, the planning stages of my (first!) course are complete, I’m absolutely chock-full of drive and enthusiasm to get on with the rest of it and – I kid you not – I feel like I used to feel years ago, getting creative and believing in my potential again for the first time in ages.
Thank you so much!
I can get things done in 40 days!
This course was very helpful from start to finish.
I loved the ideation and the push to keep it simple and just build your course!
It had all the right components to make me feel like I was being set up for success without being overwhelmed.
My AHA moments were that my own thoughts get in the way of I just stick to the course guide and layout it stopped me from getting ahead of myself.
You don’t need a big following to launch, you have people already that you can start with and ask for those testimonials!!
I think I’ve finally realised the one thing I have to do is: create the fucking course.
I am absolutely loving Leonie’s style!
I went all round the houses but then I realised – write it out as a slide deck, as if I’m giving a talk or presentation – I know how to do this. and lo! it’s finally coming together.
I did have to finally WoMan up and get a new computer mainly as all the iMovie editing stuff and recording stuff/storage was becoming a nightmare on my old computer.
I’m doing it. I’m creating a course. I made an outline slide deck. I’ve got my headings and need to script and jot done bullets and record. Holding back on watching week 3 videos. Feel a bit behind but that’s ok.
I’ve enjoyed helping some other people in the group and realise my design and marketing skills are pretty good so I just need to um, get my head out of my bottom, sit the fuck down and write. the. fucking. course
Created and launched! Woo hoo!
It was WONDERFUL! It helped me create and finish my course and I launched a couple weeks ago!
It was the fire under my ass that I needed to get it DONE!
Thanks Leonie! <3
I already have more than 60(!) signed up students!
I have loved this class.
It gave me the hutzpah to actually start doing video and visual. I have loved the Zoom platform and the Facebook group, and the women on it.
I’m really thrilled to have produced a course. It wasn’t perfect and I still have more to learn but I’m doing it! A true miracle!
I produced a course and finish it tomorrow. I am in the midst of building a website on Kajabi. I enlisted in Kajabi and am thrilled to have the platforms.
Leonie makes learning fun and exciting so it’s money well spent!
I’m enjoying the course!
I’ve already got 2 courses out in the world, but I’m always looking for new ideas and inspiration!
It’s been a few months since I launched my last course, so I’m grateful for the push to Mind Map my next course into existence!
The section on how you make $8M in ecourses really widened my view of what’s possible…
I started creating sales pages for several new course ideas.
The undercurrent throughout all of this is just that you are playing. I love my yard and I “play” in it, I move stuff, plants die and it’s no big deal, I create new garden beds and tear ’em down, I build trellises and take those down, etc.
You seem to be doing this with all of life and it’s so helpful to see someone doing this.
So far I have saved $2,700 a year which blows my mind!!
I was a little scared to calculate my net worth but turns out it was in the positive even though it’s far from where I really want it to be.
Also doing the expenses challenge was freakin’ awesome!!
I finally did the things I needed to do to cut down on my expenses instead of just thinking about it.
And I am well on my way to finally getting my blog going and creating wealth with it.

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