You know you’ve got a book to write. It might even be one of your goals this year. Or just a long held dream.
But here’s the tricky thing about wanting to write a book: it seems like an insurmountable task. Too big to start on, much less stay consistent with and then actually FINISH.
It’s the Mount Everest of goals, the one that both keeps calling you forward AND also staying relegated to the bottom of the to-do list.
I get it!
More important things come up. And before you know it, another year has passed, and The Book still hasn’t been written. And it’s still burning inside you, its light a little less bright, the frustration in you growing.
Enough with the waiting.
It’s time to DO.
Learn more about the Academy here!
Books change the world
One story at a time.
One person at a time.
It’s time to actually birth this beautiful book of yours into the world and let it do what it was meant to do.
- It’s meant to heal you as you write.
- It’s meant to touch so many lives.
- It’s meant to create more clients for you.
- It’s meant to build your credibility.
- It’s meant to bring you abundance.
So here’s what we’re going to do:
Fuck waiting another year.
Fuck waiting for another time that will never come.
We are going to DO THIS THING.
We are going to schedule in 40 days.
I am going to give you daily, step-by-step instructions and accountability.
You are going to be surrounded by a mastermind of other writers.
There is going to be guidance. And support. And calls. And accountability. And FUN.
I am going to teach you everything I know about getting that book into the world into as many hands as possible.
I’ll teach you how to self-publish, and why it can be the best option.
I’ll teach you everything I know about getting a publishing deal.
And I’ll teach you how to market the absolute shit out of it, so as many people read your book as possible and get what they need out of it.
And you get the maximum amount of impact and abundance for your time invested.
Learn more about the Academy here!
“If you don’t see the book you want on the shelf…write it”
— Beverly Cleary
Why should you learn from me?
To put it simply, I know my shit when it comes to writing, finishing and marketing hugely successful books.
- I’ve sold well over a million dollars in books
- I’ve sold over $14 million in revenue – all while only working 10 hours a week!
- I’m an internationally best-selling author whose books have been used by over 500,000 people
- I’ve hit #1 and #3 at the same time on Amazon Aus for ALL BOOKS!
- I’m prolific – I’ve authored 15 editions of my Life + Biz workbooks, plus three more books.
- I’ve had a huge amount of success both in self-publishing + getting a publishing deal.
- I’m the winner of Ausmumpreneur of the Year’s People’s Choice Business Coach, Global Brand & Businesses Making A Difference Awards.
- Proudly neurodivergent with ASD.
“Finish your book, because you learn more that way than any other.”
— James Scott Ball
What you will get
You’ll join a Kajabi Community mastermind. You will get additional support, advice + brainstorming help from other authors on the same path as you! You are not alone!
You will have access to our collection of group coaching call recordings. Got questions about the process? I can 98% promise they will be answered already in these calls!
You’ll also get specialist training on:
Learn more about the Academy here!
“First you set out to write a book..then very quickly you realise the book was set out to write you.”
— Brandon A. Trean
These are just SOME of the glorious books students have written + published in this course!
“Finish Your Book in 40 Days completely clobbered my writer’s block.”
“I’m happily swimming in creative flow now with a joyful writing practice that moves me closer to my goals every day. Thank you for all the juicy, wonderful, powerful book love!”
— Laura Bickle, Author, authorlaurabickle.com
“I wrote 55,000 words in 40 days!”
“I’m so excited and proud to be self publishing my first young adult novel this year. Yikes it really is happening and all because of this course. I couldn’t believe that I wrote 55,000 words on the page during the 40 days.
So BIG BIG thanks and love to you Leonie for creating something so motivating and inspiring. It’s genius – – a simple formula and lots of lovely writers to support you in the Facebook Group. I hadn’t quite realised how the process of writing a book could break you open and heal you on such an intense level. It’s been one hell of a ride, but I’ve enjoyed every minute. I started writing my book 3 years ago, so it’s totally exceeded my belief about what I thought was possible.
I would highly recommend that people do this course and work with you. Your energy is bold, zany, smart and kind. It’s totally and utterly contagious. You had me in fits some days with your dancing, made up songs and story telling. You’ve given so many of us the confidence to tell our stories too, and get them out in to the world. The world definitely needs more Leonie energy in it.”
— Lisa Parkes, Child Coach & Mentor, smileyforlife.com
“I couldn’t have written my book without it!”
— Cari Moffet, RMT. CMI, www.carimoffet.com
“This course is straight talking AND wide open full heartedness all at once!”
“What I have loved is the powerful combination of straight talking (get out of your creative butt hole and write the fucking book) and wide open full heartedness (deep compassion and understanding for all the trials and tribulations along the way).
This in creative arts is a fine line – too much self beating discipline cramps the creative spirit, too much woo-woo self indulgence and shit doesn’t get done! So I really appreciate you for modelling a healthy amount of accountability with a humongous amount of love in your own awesomely eccentric unique way. I felt loved and propelled into momentum the whole way.
Thank you for being you and for having done the work to embrace and be you so fully – it means you can show up and let others be as messy and amazing as they truly are and as life really is. Thank you for modelling tough boundaries and totally wild flamboyantly gorgeous creativity. Thanks for insisting and demonstrating that writers can be successful, that creative women can be themselves and be successful, that we don’t have to compromise who we are to get the job done. That we can love and cajole and colour our way through it.
Thank you for your generosity with your energy, love, time, resources and creativity. This course is amazingly accessibly priced and I really appreciate that. Thanks for letting us all find our way through it in our own ways and honouring that every journey will be different, whilst also keeping us all single minded on the one task of WRITING THE FUCKING BOOK!
Thank you thank you thank you.
A thousand blessings and angels cheering your name – yay Leonie!”
— Katie Rose, Singer, Composer, Conductor, Writer, therosewindow.org
“I got my book out into the world!”
“Thank you for creating this class with just the right kind of support that kept me writing every day. I found ways around and through my daughter’s cancer surgery and also major medical tests for me. Knowing it was as simple as just “write the fucking book” helped me keep my commitment. Having the very active and supportive Facebook group was beyond helpful.
This all came down to the daily support and accountability. Thank you Leonie for helping me get my book out into the world to help other chronic pain sufferers.” I love you and hold this time with you as sacred.”
— Gail Sinclair, thrivewithchronicpain.com
“An unbelievable, inspiring journey…”
“The 40 days are over. And the journey is unbelievable and goes on and on.
It was inspiring, challenging, lovingly, doubting, exhausting, heart melting, wondering, energetic, out of this world, encouraging and soooo fun to work with you this way.
And I always come back to get a nugget of wisdom and a sweet energy kick.
I’ve written almost 40,000 words for my MoonGuide. It’s a wonderful journey. And I’ve got so much confidence and clarity thru you and your guidance.
So all in all, I’m so in LOVE with your courses and down to earth honesty! I´m a total LEONIE – FREAK and well I have to confess: I’m a Leonie-Addict!”
— Ellen Holzschuster, ellenholzschuster.com
“Leonie’s writing course got me out of my funk!”
My head was disappearing up my own arse with over thinking and anxiety.
It was Leonie who inspired me to quit social media and return to blogging. As an already established author, the task of sitting down to write my second book was daunting.
I enrolled in Leonie’s writing course, telling myself it would just be for fun. Not only was it fun, it got me out of my funk, and the end product was Social Media Detox for Mums: A New Way to Find Balance. Before I knew what I’d done, the damn thing got published!
— Dr Erin Bowe, www.doctorerin.com.au
“Pure gold and so much fun…”
“The 40 Days to Write a Book course was the most perfect platform to make me accountable to finally write down what has been in my head and heart for years. Who could quit when there was so much fun being had in being held accountable.
I wrote in airports, on holiday in Hawaii, at home before work and I began dreaming what the next chapter would be before starting my day with a thousand words before breakfast. I wouldn’t have done any of this without your support and inspiration as well as the magic mantra “just write the fucking book” lol.
The running joke in our house was just write the fucking book, my partner thought I was mad and hilarious at the same time.”
“If you’re tired waiting to get your book written… then this course is the perfect place to start.”
“I’ve been ‘writing’ my book for YEARS! But I was getting nowhere and it lay half-completed on my desktop and would probably never have seen the light of day.
I absolutely LOVE this programme. I’ve recommended it to all my clients and friends and anyone who has a book inside them and needs help and support getting it out into the world.
With the help of this programme and Leonie’s supportive, straight-talking wisdom and fun and the support of the community, it’s finally written!
Leonie helped me to just get over myself and to face every fear and doubt and worry that my ego threw at me with the words ‘Just write the f**king book!
Thank you Leonie, words just can’t express how grateful I am for your work and this course. I’m beaming joy at you as I can finally see my angel book in my hands.”
— Aishling Mooney, www.aishlingmooney.com
“Leonie’s writing course came at the perfect time.”
“I had my idea, I had started writing an outline but then got stalled as life was busy. Your no nonsense and basic approach helped me get out of my head and ignore all the what if’s and instead focus on the writing.
I finished in time for a summer road trip so I took my draft with me and worked on editing in some of the most beautiful places in America. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking for accountability and help getting out of your own way.”
— Noelle Rollins, NoelleRollinsArt.com
“Leonie’s course gets you doing it!”
“The course, 40 days to write your fucking book… that’s what it should be called, was an incredible resource, support, funniness and love…
Actually writing, not talking about it, thinking about it, dreaming about it… but doing it within the cocoon of her incredible realness.
I didn’t even know that I wanted to write a book and now it’s happening.
I would recommend this program to everyone…”
— Anja Simmons, parentingsuccesscoach.com
“Leonie’s Finish Your Book in 40 Days workshop was everything I needed.”
“I’d wanted to write a book for a while and this course took me from my book idea right through to publication. The daily motivation for writing was fun.
What I found super helpful was the detailed information on exactly how to go about the whole process; from picking a title, and editing to publishing options and how that process all works.
I completed my book, published on Amazon, have sold lots in print myself and I’m working through all of Leonie’s marketing tips from the course.
Stores are approaching me to carry it now! I’m super happy with sales and I feel this course made it so much easier to accomplish this project!
A bonus I’ve found is that having a published book has given my business added credibility!”
— Nancy Wesley, www.nancdesigns.ca
“Just the course you need to take to get the fire put under your rear to get it done!”
The support is phenomenal and the creator of the course is the mentor you want to have in your corner!
Although my book is not quite finished, I’m closer to the end than I’ve ever been thanks to Leonie!!”
— Irene Savakis, www.irenesavakis.com
“Just the motivation I needed!”
“Leonie followed up the course on writing a book with bonus material about publishing. The Facebook group was a great source of accountability and support.
This was such a small investment to help me get from idea to almost ready to publish within a matter of months!!”
“Best investment of my time and money ever!”
With this course not only did I actually write my book (in just 1 hour per day, which I could easily find with the accountability of the course), but I also learnt how to do the cover, the publishing, the launch and the “non-writing” side of it all.”
— Sophie Le Brozec, www.SophieLeBrozec.com/camp
“Leonie’s writing course came at the perfect time.”
“Leonie holds nothing back in her teaching. She explains things in real, raw and usable ways. It’s not fluff, it’s from learned experiences, and it makes learning fun!
Leonie is one of the pioneers of the online entrepreneur world, making possible for anyone with a passion to serve to be ale to follow their dreams and create their own business.”
“I love Leonie’s no nonsense simple, easy and fun business guidance.”
Her enormous humor and light-hearted laughter is Goddess-Sent. She is a rare combination of the Divine Feminine and the Purely Practical!
She’s got and gives The Big Gifts —the ones that keep on Giving!
Thank you Leonie from the bottom of my heart!”
“There’s nothing like an Aussie chick giving you a kick up the bum to get things done!.”
“I love love loved this course! I wrote a significant chunk, 30,000 words over the 40 days in cafes, buses, planes and trains. Writing helped lift me out of a low.
The webinars had laugh out loud moments and the Facebook group is a brilliant way to stay motivated.
I didn’t expect it to be so much fun. If only Leonie was there telling me to just fucking do it for all my creative pursuits. At the price it’s a no brainer!!”
— Catherine Hay, www.thetallpoppies.com
“I’m 74 and have wanted to write my memoirs /spiritual autobiography for YEARS!”
“This source has been miraculous for me!
I’ve been following Leonie for years and joined her academy 3 years ago to help me with my jewelry buisness! So when the writing course was offered I jumped at the chance to finally write and got my daughter to join me!
I write every single day, over 40,000 words now and not close to finishing!!
I feel very blissful after I write, It’s changed my life!!”
— Elizabeth Barzell, www.sacredstonecreations.com
“I wrote 70,000 words in 40 days – amazing!”
— Zoe Gaia, soul-arts.com
“I’ve found places where I simply make excuses for not writing”
I’ve come to see that even a few paragraphs is better than nothing – the perfect is the enemy of the good at times.The satisfaction of watching my book’s outline become prose!
I also have a keep sense of accomplishment at being on the road to completing something, rather than just fantasizing about it, taking action for a few days, then kaput.”
“I feel like a writer!”
“I really commit to write this time, and I have finished unfinished text. I love your natural inspiration and be who you are attitude, your way of inspire and show its possible to achieve anything really.
I have gone through the rite of passage from wannabee to writer. A great mix of creative inspiration, short peppfilm, and coaching calls, it felt like being next to my best friend telling me, I can do it.
Thank you Leonie from my deepest soul.”
Learn more about the Academy here!
“Works like magic to keep my focus straight!”
“I would take it every year if I could!”
“I would definitely take this course again. I actually achieved my word count goal! The simplicity, daily accountability and the daily writing tips/encouragement were perfect.
Everything pointed me to the task at hand: writing. Everything was so perfectly focused. I learned to not have excuses and just write the thing.
So much confidence and creative power walking away from this course!”
— Holly Manohar
“This is the most direct route to getting a book done.”
The community was terrific. I adore the way Leonie teaches and I had so much fun that I’m still going strong.
More books coming. Just watch me.”
— Roni Walker
“Leonie’s the tough love you need to stop making excuses and make your dreams happen.”
“Leonie’s course helped me finally break through so many internal blocks, low self-esteem and resistance to finish two books that have been sitting in my heart and mind for over 10 years. Leonie has a genuine level of warmth, generosity and ‘get er’ done’ attitude.
Sitting in stagnation and procrastination when it comes to your dreams is a form of self-annihilation. It’s soul crushing. Leonie is such a beautiful guide that got me through.
I’m excited to do the course again (and again and again). Doing the course along with her biz and life workbooks has created the foundation, guidance and map I need to stay on track.”
— Holly Elissa, http://mylifeon.earth/
“I LOVED Leonie Dawson’s 40 Days to a Finished Book!”
I now have my, My Moon Journal 2020 ready to go and am looking forward to self publishing by the end of 2019.
I’m not sure I would have found the internal courage to keep going with this dream if it wasn’t for this course. Thank you Leonie!”
“Above and Beyond!”
Leonie’s wonderful invitation appeared, and I signed up immediately for “40 Days to a Finished Book.” One of the reasons I signed up so fast is that I have watched Leonie not only get it done herself, but she has masterfully increased her life and business over the last decade.
Something else I have come to know about Leonie is that she over-delivers. There is always something extra, something more! In fact, I not only got my book done (I wrote over 70,000 words). I entered my name in a draw and won an unexpected piece of original art created by Leonie.
Just when I thought the course was over, Leonie shared her marketing tips and publishing experiences. This added bonus gave me more insights than I had when I self-published my first book years ago. What an amazing value!
Finally, and most importantly, I have written my memoir. It is a gift to my husband and children unlike anything I could ever give them. It is a legacy. As I review and edit my work, I am reminded of how my story will also touch the lives and hearts of others. It is finally on its way into the world!
Thank you sweet, precious Leonie for your life-changing magic!”
— Rosa Maria Szynski, Author and MAGICAL Living Mentor, www.radiancewithrosa.com
“Your course is exactly what I needed to bring my book back to life.”
The story I chose for your course has been the one from the very start of me becoming a writer (26 years ago!). It’s taken on many forms over the initial years, and I never felt like it was fully done and put it to the side for a while to let the thoughts process on what to do with it and how to edit it….. and that sadly became 26 years…
— Tracey Diamond, www.traceydiamondesigns.com
Learn more about the Academy here!
you’re going to be someone’s favourite author.
Why do you need your book finished already?
“There’s so much deep wisdom in Leonie’s courses & books.”
Before I found Leonie, I hadn’t thought it possible to blend art and business, I thought I had to choose… so finding her was a wonderful breath of fresh air & represented a huge permission to explore avenues I’d thought were closed.
There’s so much deep wisdom in Leonie’s courses & books, blended with real-life practical how-to’s, and all wrapped up in a loving, inspiring package.
— Joanne Ernst, Consultant
Learn more about the Academy here!
If you really want to know yourself, start by writing a book
Fabulous Answers and Questions
Is this for nonfiction/ fiction/ children’s books?
I have a full time job. Will I still be able to do this?
It’s not the right time for me. Will you offer this later?
How long do I have access to the materials for?
At least 12 months.
Will everything be recorded? If I fall behind, can I catch up later?
Should I buy myself a ye olden day typewriter?
Will this guarantee me a bestseller?
Learn more about the Academy here!
“It takes an awful lot of time to not write a book.”
Shining Student Experiences! 
“I love Leonie’s no nonsense simple, easy and fun business guidance.”
— Leesa Turner, Energy healer
“I literally covered the cost for my training within the first term!”
“I would recommend Leonie for anything.”
I would recommend Leonie for anything that is a meld of down-to-earth with that intuition we all have inside.”
— Katy-Rose Bye, Coach
“Now that I’ve started, I can flow.”
— Jaye Barros, www.thebalancetree.com.au
It’s Time.
Are you ready dearest?
Ready to do the work and birth forward the book that’s inside you?
I’m here to help. Here to create the sacred container to help you do what you were born to do.
There is so much ahead for you.
Let’s go make it happen.
Learn more about the Academy here!
Questions? Issues?
We are here to help! Just email support@leoniedawson.com
“Leonie Dawson is a completely unconventional, no BS, tell-it-like-it-is teacher, and I adore her.”
In fact, I finish feeling energized, well-informed, and ready to take the next step. I think the most important lessons I have learned from Leonie are to keep showing up, to be consistent, to trust that I have a gift to share with the world and that I don’t have to be perfect.”
“My horizons have been expanded.”
I absolutely recommend Leonie as a teacher!”
— Jelena Mrkich, Artist
“Leonie’s courses inspire and invoke my inner flame.”
“I wrote 80’000 words!”
“I loved it. Finished my book, edited it down to 64’000 words and published it.
The aha moment was ‘just writing the fucking book!’.”
— Rebecca Brittain, Author
“I absolutely adored Leonie’s course, “Finish your book in 40 days””
I’ve written my fucking book with you talking in my ears and you had me laughing out loud so many times!
It has been my book writing ritual to make a nice cup of tea, light my Amazon best-seller manifesting candle, click on the next lesson of “Finish Your Book in 40 days” and continue writing.
Thanks for everything you do. You made me see I CAN work 10 hours a week around helping my kiddos with online school and still have a successful online business.
Right, I’m off to listen to the Jeff Bridges call again!
— Emma Green, http://www.tenniselbowqueen.com/
I wrote 60,000 words!
This course helped me hugely to write continuously for 40 days!
Get Results Or Your Money Back Guarantee!
I've worked with tens of thousands of clients now and seen them get HUGE results.
And I know if you do the homework, you will get results too.
So I'll offer you this guarantee... if you do all the homework & don't see any results... I'll give you your money back.
So you can make this purchase with peace-of-mind knowing that you'll get a great return on your investment!
Learn more about the Academy here!
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