Are you ready for the next year to be your most incredible one yet, in life or in business (or gasp! in BOTH?) I’m here to help you do just that… easily, affordably + powerfully.
The uber popular My Brilliant Year Biz & Life workbooks are back for the 16th year (!!!), readily anticipated by over 500,000+ party peeps who use it each year to create their own amazing lives and businesses with HUGE results.
With brand new pages, redesigned graphics, page numbers & contents page PLUS hardcover, paperback & digital options, the 2025 Brilliant Biz & Life Workbooks are the best editions yet!
New Year’s resolutions and goals have a bit of a reputation of being a one-night stand kinda relationship. They don’t last long, they don’t create profound change and what’s more we usually have regrets and hang-ups about them.
Over the last 16 years, hundreds of thousands of women have used this workbook with the most amazing results. It’s the best planning tool available to help you make your next 12 months an absolutely incredible year!
It uses simple yet powerful techniques to help you not only dream your biggest dream and set your goals, but to actually MAKE THEM HAPPEN too.
Many miracles have been made from using these workbooks. You’re going to read the words of the rad humans who’ve been using it every single year + swear by it for making their new year their very best ever. It’s something I use religiously – and I’m constantly amazed when I review each year’s at just how many of my dreams and goals came true.
“I’ve been using the workbooks for a few years now. They’ve allowed me to achieve some really crazy goals I’ve set for myself. I’m a huge fan. They are a must-have if you want to create an amazing year. Make sure you grab them.”
Denise Duffield-Thomas Author of “Lucky Bitch” www.luckybitch.com
“Leonie Dawson’s workbooks are SO powerful. I have used them every year for the last 7 years. I gush about them all the time. Leonie is the one that got me started in the work that I do, and has been such a guide for me every step of the way from the very beginning. Whatever I put in these workbooks ends up becoming destiny. I cannot recommend them enough”
Hibiscus Moon Author + Crystal Expert www.hibiscusmoon.com
“I love these workbooks and have used them for years for my life and business. Whatever I write in there ends up happening. I highly recommend them.”
Nathalie Lussier Entrepreneur www.ambitionally.com
With brand new pages, beautifully redesigned graphics and more!
With brand new pages, beautifully redesigned graphics and more!
I am a person who knows how to make her own dreams come true.
I created these workbooks for myself first and foremost… and they have created huge results for me.
The fact that they’ve gone out into the world now, and helped 500,000 other gorgeous souls to do the same is just a joyful side effect.
- I’ve created over $14 million in revenue working only 10 hours a week in my businesses
- I’m an international best-selling author
- I’ve created over 150 courses
- I’ve taught over 10,000 people
- I’ve been Ausmumpreneur of the Year and Australian Business Woman of the Year finalist
- I live on the Sunshine Coast, Australia with my husband and two daughters
- I’ve lived all over Australia in some of the most gorgeous places
- I’ve been able to dedicate most of my time to being with my family!
“The workbook helps me in so many ways. When I first discovered it, a friend of mine suggested it to me. I decided to give it a whirl. I was in the darkest place I’ve ever been in in my life so I thought: What the hell!
I completed the workbook, listing all my goals and planning out the year ahead. I was a bit skeptical that this would work at all. As my year unfolded, I realized that I was completing goals, taking action, and DOING SOMETHING about my life. This tool has been an incredible resource for me. It is something I carry with me on a regular basis and frequently refer back to. I plan on keeping them all as a record of how awesome I am and can be. It is proof that I am a survivor. I am the creator of my life. I am a warrior and I have taken back my life!”
Michelle K MendeliLife Coach + Intuitive Oracle Reader becomingyourinnergoddess.com
“Before I found the Creating Your Shining Year in Biz workbook, I felt lost. I’d tried other marketing programs and classes, searching and seeking. They meant well, but they didn’t speak my lingo. Leonie MAKES SENSE!! At least in my world she makes sense, my world of old-hippy, professional belly dancer, crazy mom/grandmom, far out there woo woo woman.
So the differences it has made in my life is that just knowing someone speaks my lingo, has helped me feel more calm, more focused and more hopeful that I CAN DO THIS! It’s given me direction, and most of all it’s wooshed the energy of my projects from woo woo artsy fartsy into business mode. This is huge, girlfriends! HUGEMONGOUS! FANTABULOUS!
I’ve just finished and published my first ever book, a dream come true!”
Mezdulene Bliss
Belly Dancer, Author & Publisher mezdulene.com
“I’ve purchased the Create Your Shining Year in Biz & Life workbook for the past three years in a row. I purchased the first one just days after discovering Leonie’s website and falling in love with her words. At that point I was struggling with depression and had no faith that I could ever live the life that I saw in my dreams. These workbooks totally changed how I felt – they gave me hope and filled me with excitement for the future. Each year I soak up all the wisdom and fill in faithfully the workbook of all the dreams that I have and all that I want to achieve that year. And I ALWAYS fulfill all of what I hope for and more!
I’d highly recommend these to everyone – if you need some faith, a push, a boost – give it a try and you won’t be disappointed.”
Pixie Polly
Artist & Mama ThisEnchantedPixie.com
What’s new in these delicious new books?
Oh babes. Where to begin.
- You spoke, I listened: the colourful backgrounds are BACK! No more white pages.
- Redesigned & updated pages! A HUGE number of the pages have been redrawn, so you get the classic workbooks that you love but with a brand new feel!
- Hardcover versions are available in certain Amazon regions. Omgggg!
I bought a digital copy of the workbooks last year, do I need to buy a digital copy this year?
If you want the updated version, yes! (Hot tip: watch the new flip through videos to compare!)
Is there a digital version of the wall planner?
Niet. Only physical.
Help! It says they’re out of stock on Amazon!
Please make sure you’re looking at the correct Amazon website for your delivery address. This is such an easy mistake to make, but if Amazon don’t deliver to you from the website you’re attempting to order from, then they won’t let you purchase workbooks from that site.
Once you’re on the correct Amazon website for your own global zone, just type in “My Brilliant Year Leonie Dawson” and you’ll be shown what’s available in your area! BINGO! (hopefully!)
And if by chance the print-on-demand option is either not available to you, or is expensive, then our advice is to purchase the digital workbooks then print them out and get them bound using a printing service.
Are the Goal Getter Weekly and Daily planners still available?
Not to the general public, no. Digital copies of the Goal Getter Weekly & Daily planners ARE available to Academy members, however.
I ordered a physical copy and it arrived in black & white!
This is an Amazon glitch. All workbooks are meant to printed in full, glorious colour! Please contact Amazon support with your order number and photos of your book. Their customer service will get you sorted ASAP!
There’s an issue with the wall planner, help!
Please contact Redbubble’s customer service with your order number. They’ll be able to get your sorted quicksmart!
How do I bulk order the workbooks?
Please email support@leoniedawson.com with how many workbooks you’d like to order.
Are you offering scholarships for the workbooks?
Not at this time, sorry.
“I highly recommend Leonie’s work.”
“Leonie is a gifted goddess and illuminated creator.
I happily recommend her and her lilting work!”
SARK Best-selling author of “Succulent Wild Woman” + 15 other books
“Amazing artist & spiritual teacher.”
“Leonie is an amazing artist, spiritual teacher and Goddess woman.
She’s inspiring, wise, kind & oh-so-talented!”
Lucy Cavendish Hay House author of “White Magic” + “Oracle Tarot” + many more! lucy-cav.cam.ac.uk
“Thanks to the Biz & Life workbooks, I’ve seen some significant business and life goals come true!
On the business front: I landed 4 new big clients! My new clients are the kind that make excited to wake up in the morning to work on my projects! The best part is that I’ve attracted clients that pay me what I’m worth. My work has also allowed me to travel all over the United States and visit new places. I’ve also raised my rates and updated my package offerings to reflect the value I can give to my clients. For the first time in a year, our family has not had to stress over money.
Some of my big life goals that came true: I entered a writing contest and actually won FIRST PLACE! One of my blog posts was chosen by BlogHer as a Voices of the Year Keynote! I was read my post to an audience of over 2000 of my peers! I had an original goal to speak at 2 conferences, and I ended up speaking at 5! I was featured on NPR!”
Thien-Kim Lam
Blogger & Social Media Consultant imnotthenanny.com
“The Biz & Life workbooks galvanized my life and my business. I took my mailing list from 100 to 500+. My business increased by over 300% and I even had the courage to raise my prices.
Life before this workbook was good, but life after the workbook was STELLAR! It was like vanilla ice cream before and vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce after. Seriously! I think that the biggest changes for me were how I focused more on what worked. I learned to create lists that worked for me. And actionable steps to my goals? I accomplished one major goal within 90 days of using the workbook. Changed my life.
I wanted to release a book. I did that. I wanted to release an eCourse. I did that too. I wanted to step forward into my self-proclaimed role of professional joy seeker. I have done that. My life’s goals suddenly had to be increased because of the methods and madness I got from my workbook.”
Arwen Lynch
Tarot Conversationalist and Professional Joy Seeker tarotbyarwen.com
“I cannot praise the Biz & Life Workbooks enough. I really had an epiphany while filling in the workbook, by asking myself what I really wanted out of my life! I found I never dared to dream too wildly (because there are bills to be paid, stuff to be done, etc) And now I just did.
I felt so energized and changed from muddling through the days in my business and taking care of my household and four kids to being proactive and taking risks. I have actually started to implement my plans and goals in my daily schedule. I’ve become a certified trainer that provided a lot of insights in my new work field. I didn’t let my mind talk me out of it. Instead I heard Leonie’s voice in my head whispering “You can do anything you want. ANYTHING” and I just jumped right in and did it! It was an eye-opening adventure. Not only did I get my certification, but I learned to put myself out there. I learned I could do the things I really wanted to do.
Most importantly: whether you’re 17 or 70, it’s never too late to reinvent yourself and to reshape your life! Because this is the one life that you’ve been given. Don’t let it go to waste!”
Judith Lang
Author and Certified Trainer GrowBlossomFlow.com
It’s time to make a decision, gorgeous soul.
Are you ready to join the group of incredible, empowered women who are making their life + business dreams come true with these proven, powerful tools?
How would you like your life or business to be different in a year?
Why say yes?
Say yes because your future self with thank you.
Say yes because your dreams and goals are damn important. They are life changing, and business changing.
And these workbooks are the real deal at getting you there.
Jump on it NOW so you don’t miss out!
Big love,
“I’ve been doing Leonie’s Life workbook each January for the past few years. It’s a yearly ritual that has reached the “indispensable” status.
You see, my life and life’s work is in service of evolution. I’m here to become a fully realized woman— professionally, spiritually, creatively, and relationally—and to inspire and empower other women to realize the same. As part of this path, I’m a growth junkie. A transformation addict. A change fiend.
This conscious expansion requires regular check-ins. What were my triumphs and defeats? Where did I keep my word to myself and where did I betray it? Did I stay on course? If I veered off, was it intentional or sleepy? What, exactly, in me and in my life, is changing? Where am I stuck and where am I soaring?
This workbook helps me to answer these questions with honesty, compassion, and faith.
Every year, I savor my annual review, sometimes with my morning tea, sometimes by candle light in the evening. Over the last three years of workbooks I’ve celebrated so many dreams come true including publishing my first book.
I use this workbook on a daily and monthly basis to help me plan out my dreams for the year and make them happen.”
Sara Avant Stover
Yogini, Motivational Speaker & Author SaraAvantStover.com
“Talk about a rebirthing! Leonie’s Biz Workbook was the swift kick in the butt I needed to start looking at my business for what it really is, a huge source of joy in my life.
Taking an honest look at my finances the way it was presented in the workbook, allowed me to really get a handle on where I was and where I wanted to go for the next year! Since doing the workbook I have tripled my monthly income and found financial freedom in my business! This truly took my business to the next level! Thank you Leonie!”
Flora Sage
Author, Speaker, Coach florasage.com/
“I finally bought Leonie’s yearbook last December after months of putting it off and trying to decide whether to jump in or not. I wish I hadn’t delayed, from day one I felt different about myself and my business. One of my biggest issues I have had has been coming from a teaching background I had no experience of the business world but Leonie’s straight talking, comprehensible approach to business made it easy for me to take all the steps I had either been avoiding or wasn’t even aware I should be taking. Within a month I had not only been brave enough to set income targets for the first time, I had met and over shot them! I was also meeting targets for newsletter subscribers and had completely re-vamped my website. I cannot tell you the impact that this one book had on my business. Thank you Leonie for making the world of business accessible, you have made my dreams of reaching more families and helping more children come true.”
Kate Beddow
Holistic Therapist katebeddow.co.uk/
“To be honest, I was a bit skeptical when I bought the workbooks. They were pretty, but I really didn’t think they would do much for me or my business. I just really like pretty things and I’m a sucker for planning tools. However, I was BLOWN AWAY by the value offered in the workbooks!
For starters, I have a million ideas for how to grow my business and I often find myself scrambling to do as much as possible. After going through the workbooks, I had a clear plan for achieving both my personal and business goals. I’m now calmer, more focused, and more productive. The workbooks got me to take a good hard look at what I had and had not accomplished in the last year. Those insights were priceless! By walking through each step in the workbook, I realized that I had accomplished way more than I thought. I also realized that I could have accomplished a lot more if I had done these exercises a year earlier!
My monthly income has more than doubled since I got my workbooks and feedback from new clients has given me the confidence to know that I’m on the right path. I’m on track to double my income again in the next year and I know that the workbooks will be a big part of that growing process.
On a personal note, I’m feeling happier, more creative, and more confident. I now have more free time to pursue my business passions and still spend time with friends and family. I can’t wait for my year-end Shining Biz & Life reviews!”
Shay de Silva
Founder and Fitness Coach fastfitnesstogo.com
“I was amazed at the impact it had on me and my planning for the year ahead. I’m a big forward thinker and straight away this shifted my thinking because first up I had to reflect on the year just past which was incredibly powerful.
Every page in the workbook is fun as well as being thought provoking. I’m still working through this year’s workbook as I eagerly anticipate the next one. I have never come across anything as beautiful and soul nurturing as these workbooks. I loved it so much I ended up purchasing copies for several of my coaching clients so they could enjoy the experience of completing their own workbook too!”
Belinda Jackson
Marketing, Business and Lifestyle Strategist webchameleon.com
“The Biz workbook helped me identify what really mattered to me in my business and life, and helped me develop a business that was completely grounded in those values. As a result, my business brings me joy and I feel set free from what a person in my industry “should” look like – I am finally doing the work only I can do and it feels fucking RAD.
The business workbook gave me a comprehensive framework with which to develop my business and assess its progress effectively. That means the steps I take are considered and aligned with the values and purpose of my business instead of wild flails in the darkness. I feel confident in how and why I am doing what I do, which, for someone with chronic anxiety, is AMAZING.”
Katie Cowan
Symphony Law’s Founder, Director, Chief Lawyer symphonylaw.co.nz
“There must be some kind of magic in these workbooks, because in the first year I filled them in, then totally forgot that I had for six months. I didn’t check in with it once. When I dragged them out and had a look (thinking that I was going to find that I was six months behind in what I wanted out of my year), I was SO surprised to find that I had actually achieved a lot of the items I’d wanted to. Even ones that weren’t obvious things I’d remember in daily life. Magic!
The best things that have come into my business from me filling in the workbook have been:
Setting and reaching money making goals. Having a goal to work towards and think about reaching has definitely lifted my bottom line.
This workbook helps me to answer these questions with honesty, compassion, and faith.
Crafting an ideal business day has made me focus my business on what I find fun, and shifted my focus on work that I’d love to do!
Maximising the creativity of what I put out there for my clients and interested people to access. I’ve realised that the skills I have are unique, and that I am valuable to my clients.
Basically: I’ve stopped trying to put myself into a cookie cutter job description, and started owning what I do best. And I am just so damned happy doing it too!
The workbooks have made me a happier, more present mum to my kiddos, and a more patient partner to my husband – things I never thought were connected to how I ran my business!
I’ve created, and continue to create a business that I love to work on and in, which to me is the pinnacle of this whole work-for-money-malarkey.
Will I be filling out the workbooks again? You betcha! And will I be recommending them to my friends and fellow businessy people? Sure will. You can’t go past them for focusing intention and getting results from your year, even if you forget to check back in on what you wrote!
I have had great results, both personally and professionally with the workbooks, and delight in spreading the word to my friends too.”
Tamara ProtassowWriter & Editor tamaraprotassow.com
“The incredibly inspiring and creative Leonie Dawson’s Shining Year workbook have transformed my life in so many ways.
First of all, I loved looking back on last year and closing it a beautiful way and then I had so much fun dreaming up my new year. I dreamed VERY BIG for this year and I am so happy to say that so many of those dreams came true. Even the so-huge-they-can’t-possibly-come-true ones!
One of my big dreams was to create a workshop to teach others how to communicate with their spirit guides and I ended up doing not only one but THREE workshops + a multimedia e-course. I was just blown away by the incredible results the workbook has had in my life.
Thanks to Leonie’s intuitive and business skills I have grown both in my business and in my personal life. I feel so much more in tune with my needs and I’ve gained so much clarity. I love this very powerful tool and can’t wait to fill the next workbook. It is so clear to me now that anything is possible. I am so grateful to you, dearest Leonie for your amazing work. If you are looking for an easy and super powerful way to transform your life and business – grab your own copy as soon as you can.
Let the magic begin!”
Karina Ladet
Intuitive Healer KarinaLadet.com/
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