10 Reasons The Academy Is Built Different:


We do things wildly differently around these parts.

1. I offer the Academy at the most accessible price I can. I'd love to see you have the support you need to birth your dreams come true.

2. You get over 100 of my courses, workbooks, checklists & workshops for one low price. Plus new courses each year (!) It's an incredibly valuable resource for starting & growing your online business. Over $10,000+ in value... all for under $500!

3. I'm not a flash in the pan. I started selling my art online in 2002. Began blogging in 2004. My husband & I have both been "fulltime" with my business since 2010. The Academy first opened its doors in 2010 as well! I've been making money online since before social media was invented and the word "influencers" wasn't invented yet.

4. I don't need to show you a private jet. Instead, might I tempt you with real results? I've brought in over $14 million in revenue. My goal planners have been used by over 500,000 people worldwide. I'm allergic to debt, and have profit margins that give my accountant a business boner.

5. I'm not a hustler. I've only ever worked about 10 hours a week in my business. My priority has always been to be a present mama and have a gentle, connected family. I will not forsake them for the sake of my business.

I also need to lovingly tend to my panoply of conditions (I am Autistic, ADHD, mental health & Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome). If I hustle, I burn out or prolapse a disc.

6. I am not interested in encouraging consumption or excess. I'm more excited about ethical investments that change the world and philanthropy than I ever will be in Louis Vuittons.

7. Everything I teach, I've learned in the trenches of building my own high-growth, high-profit business over decades. I've taught tens of thousands of business owners now, and I've seen their results when they implement. This stuff WORKS.

8. I am committed to building safe spaces for neurodivergent, disabled, LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC souls to thrive and learn. I am committed to learning, unlearning & doing better.

9. I redirect income to the places that need it. I donate large sums of $$$ as well as offering scholarships & donating products to non-profits. You'll see further down this page some of the magical work we've been able to do with that abundance.

10. My accountant once said to me: "Leonie, in business, we count the customer lifecycle in terms of months. A customer finds a business, buys something from them, and leaves... All in the space of a few months. But your business isn't like that. We can't count your customer lifecycle in months. It wouldn't even be counted in years. It would be counted in DECADES. That's how long your customers stay with you."

He is right. I have SO many customers who have been buying from me since 2002. Throughout the years, at least 80% of our Academy members renew for another year. Many have been in it since the day that it first opened its doors in 2010, and REFUSE to run their businesses without it.

Why are people so obsessed?

Because I give THAT much value. THAT much advice that REALLY WORKS. THAT much support. THAT much love.

When you deliver with generosity, when you provide delight & service AGAIN & AGAIN, of COURSE people stay for decades.

It's common sense.

My relationship with my customers isn't a one night stand.

I'm all in to be your biggest cheerleader, loving buttkicker & big sister business advice giver for as long as you want me around.


I aim to make this the EASIEST

“no-brainer” decision of your life.

Like… OF COURSE you’d say yes.

I’ll give you an enormously powerful toolkit to help you grow a startlingly abundant business without losing your sanity.

  • Courses out the wazoo, ready to teach you what you need at the moment you need it.
  • Powerful books & masterclasses with proven marketing & growth strategies.
  • Monthly group coaching so you can pick my brain whenever you need.

It’s all you need and more to start & grow your business.

All at a gloriously generous price.

It’s time to join the revolution.

A smarter, kinder, better way of doing business.

Sales Star Masterclass

In I order to succeed in business you MUST learn how to sell, and do it well.

This is the essential program for new + mature business owners alike.

ONLY use it if you want to make more money however!

Priced at: $297

40 Days To Create & Sell Your

In the space of 40 days, I’ll help you get your e-course DONE. And master the tech like a pro. And start SELLING it like crazy.

This is accountability, tech + marketing advice on SPEED.

Priced at: $197

Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income

Want to know how I’ve built a multi-million dollar net worth?

Want to grow your own income and savings with joy and consciousness?

Join me on this practical, inspiring and FUN 4 week journey to transform your financial destiny.

Priced at: $197

40 Days To A Finished Book

Want to get your book written, finished and out in the world, doing what it’s supposed to be doing?

Learn the book writing + book marketing success secrets from an internationally best-selling author who has sold over a million dollars in books!

Priced at: $197


Marketing Without Social Media 

We’re all HUNGERING for ways to grow our businesses WITHOUT it costing us our time, money, joy, self esteem and inner peace.

Let me teach you the smart, savvy and super profitable ways to market your business WITHOUT social media!

Priced at: $99

Work Less, Earn More workshop

Whenever I tell people I’ve created over $13 million in revenue, while only ever working 10 hours a week, the response is always the same:

“HOW??????? HOW DO YOU DO THAT??????”

This workshop is my answer. 

Priced at: $99

Get Organised!

Feeling overwhelmed & disorganised by your life & business?

You’re in the right place. Get Organised! is a 21 day decluttering & organising challenge.

Learn hacks to help you organise your tax, housekeeping, money, tasks, e-mails, parenting, home, paperwork, planning, task lists & more!

Priced at: $99

Midas Touch

Join this 11 day transformational experience to learn how to touch everything you touch into gold.

This divinely guided journey will lead you through the success mindset to cultivate so you can create literal (and spiritual) gold.

Priced at: $77

How to Hire & Manage a VA

I’ve bundled together everything I know about hiring and managing virtual assistants to make it as easy as possible for you to get the help you need to grow that big, beautiful business of yours.

This training is ESSENTIAL if you’re thinking of hiring a VA… or already have one & need help on how to make sure it makes YOU money, instead of costing you big time!

Priced at: $99

Burnout: How to Heal & Prevent

Burnout can be a regular occurrence for creatives, entrepreneurs, mamas & neurodivergent hotties. This training bundle guides you through my best tools, guidance & calculators to help you heal your burnout & prevent it from happening again.

Priced at: $66

How To Deal With Trolls & Criticism In Your Business

If you’ve run an online business for a while, you may experience criticism, snarky comments or trolling. This practical, kind workshop will help you through these painful experiences, help you get clarity on whether it’s useful feedback or standard issue assholery, and how you can improve your business going forward. Bonus: you’ll get to hear about some of my biggest internet bushfires!

Priced at: $99


How to Decide What Business to Do! 

This workshop is your ultimate guide to finding clarity and confidence in your business venture.

We’ll delve deep into self-discovery, uncovering your passions, skills, and that special idea that ignites your spirit. Through practical exercises and insightful guidance, you’ll navigate the maze of business brainstorming and uncover the perfect match between your passions and the needs of the world.

Priced at: $99


How to Find Your Perfect Accountant

A bonus mini workshop designed to support you in finding the perfect accountant for your biz!

Valued at: $7


Behind The Scenes of a Multi-Millionaire’s Finances

Ever wanted to know exactly how a multi-millionaire manages their money? Here’s your chance!

Come sit with me as I share with you all my juicy money goss including my net worth, current income streams and what I invest in, my retirement plan + how I track my income goals and MORE!

Priced at: $7

ADHD + Autism
Business and Productivity Success

How to harness your brain to become wildly more creative, prolific & successful.Tried and true strategies from the ND entrepreneur who has created $14 million in 10 hours a week!

Priced at: $99


Cash Crunch

In this super popular training you’ll learn how to save more money and make more money, even when times are tough.

The training is filled to the brim with hot tips, deep insights and practical ideas grounded in reality (none of this “get rich quick” BS).

And as a bonus, you’ll also get a beautiful eBook with 50 money making ideas!

Valued at: $25

Monthly Group Coaching Calls

As another BONUS, consider my brain open for the picking! Join my wildly popular, fun & helpful monthly group coaching calls.

I’m here to help!

Valued at: $997


24/7 Virtual Co-Working Room

You’ll also receive BONUS access to our Academy virtual co-working room. Research shows that body doubling like this can hugely improve your productivity and focus. Our members agree!

Use this room daily as you work or when you need an extra productivity boost to conquer the hard but important tasks.

Valued at: $997


Planning for ADHD Hotties!

This brand new free training (originally shown as part of Mim Jenkinson’s Planner Craft Pro Summit in 2024), covers my faaavourite productivity hacks and insights for neurodivergent minds.


Total Value = $3,757+

My Brilliant Year Business Workbook (PDF)

Used by over 500,000 people worldwide, these powerful workbooks will guide you to map out goals for every area of your life including finances, marketing, team, work-life balance, customer service, philanthropy & more.

Priced at: $9.95

My Brilliant Year Life Workbook (PDF)

Used by over 500,000 people worldwide, these powerful workbooks will guide you to map out goals for every area of your life including finances, family, health, creativity, self care, career, bucket list & more!

Priced at: $9.95

Goal Getter Daily To Do List Planner (PDF)

Stay on track with your goals every single day with this printable digital planner.

Set your priorities, track your habits, monitor your water intake & get reminders to move & connect.

Priced at: $9.95

Goal Getter Weekly Planner (PDF)

Stay organised & on track with this weekly planner.

Set your priorities, write your gratitude lists, set monthly & weekly goals & income targets!

Priced at: $9.95

Salt: an erotic romance novella (PDF)

And just for fun…

Get a free copy of one of my wild creative side projects – an erotic romance novella written under my pen name Lola Leigh.

Priced at: $3

Calm Christmas Planner (PDF)

Get organised & enjoy a calm, chaos-free Christmas with this gorgeously illustrated planner.

It includes 30+ pages of:
+ Budget planner
+ Menu planning
+ Present planning
+ Gift card address list
+ Xmas travel planner
+ Important Dates planner

Priced at: $10

Total Value = $50+

“Five stars!”

“I am so grateful that Leonie has brought back her amazing Academy! I love her courses, especially Sales Star and anything to do with planning and procrastination.

As someone who is neurodivergent myself, I appreciate the way Leonie shows up as her authentic self, because it means a lot of what she teaches works for me too.

The programs are well-constructed, the calls are so helpful (and worth getting up early for – I don’t say that lightly), and Leonie’s experience as a business owner shines through.”

– Tash Corbin, business mentor

“Leonie is pure magic for your business (and heart).”

“Leonie’s mind is magnificent and they have an incredible ability to help you see what’s possible, provide important strategies and tools in a fun way so you’ll ACTUALLY do the thing and  unwavering belief in you.

I’ve been in the Academy and used her yearly books for many years – whatever I write in them comes true!

My life and business is forever changed since being in Leonie’s world.

– Amanda Rootsey, youth mentor & Hay House author of “Shine From Within”

“I left my corporate job & became a million dollar Tarot teacher!”

“When I found Leonie Dawson and the Academy back in 2012, it was exactly what I needed. I had just quit my corporate job to become a full-time Tarot reader – and everyone thought I was crazy.

But, not Leonie.

Leonie inspired me to embrace my creativity as an entrepreneur, set wildly outrageous goals, and get sh*t done – all to create the 7-figure business I have now.

She’s the cheerleader, buttkicker, and profoundly-deep-question-asker you need in your business and personal life. The best thing about Leonie is her infectious energy. She’s like the human equivalent of a triple espresso shot. You can’t help but feel motivated and inspired when you’re around her.”

– Brigit Esselmont, founder of BiddyTarot.com (the world’s largest tarot website)

“Brimming with knowledge, value & joy!”

“I am so grateful for the day I found Leonie Dawson. I was like “How has she not been in my life for all these years!”

Firstly, she is such a beautiful soul and that life-giving, infectious energy shines through everything she does. Learning through Leonie has been such a joy and full of laugh your face off moments! Her lessons are clear, packed full of the juiciest info and so easy to navigate through. The Sales Star course is absolute gold and I find myself referring back to it often.

The Academy & the courses are so full of value and knowledge and the energy you feel from Leonie will have you believing that anything is possible, just by being your beautiful self!”

– Cass Deller, one of Australia’s top surface pattern designers!

“From lockdown to £50,000 in sales!”

“When COVID-19 wiped out my income as a live illustrator for conferences, I was SO GLAD to have Leonie’s course.

We launched Good Ship Illustration which earned £50,000.

It was a game changer!”

– Katie Chappell, co-founder of Good Ship Illustration

“I made over $8,000 (8x more than I’ve ever made launching a course before!)”

“My course has now launched and is in progress (with wonderful feedback so far) and I made over $8,000 from the launch (8 x more than I’d ever made launching a course before).

Yay! I’m genuinely blown away by this result and so incredibly grateful.”

– Sarah Jensen, Rock Your Goals

“Leonie gets results FAST.”

“Everything Leonie has told me to do has gotten me results FAST. Leonie has given me concrete steps and tips which have pumped up my business growth. She knows what she is talking about. She has taught me another way to do business. I can honestly say the reason I was able to leave my teaching job and build my business is because of Leonie.”

– Hibiscus Moon, founder of Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy

“Leonie has razor-sharp strategies…”

“Leonie’s razor-sharp insights and business strategies leave no stone unturned when it comes to creating a business and life you love.

If you get the chance to learn from her, go for it!”

– Victoria Gibson, Facebook ads expert

Where would I be without the academy?

The academy is my anchor in my business. Leonie and their guests are SUCH a shining light. I’m in my second year now and my knowledge of how to make business work has increased so deeply.

Every SINGLE time I’m stuck on how to do something or struggling I head into the academy and it’s like Leonie has delivered a class just for me. The light hearted and empathetic delivery has had me in fits of giggles many a time. I adore being in the academy, the value and transparency of knowledge sharing is SO incredible.

Thanks to the creation of a new income stream (Sparkle on Substack) influenced by ‘Money, Manifesting and Multiple Streams of Income’; money is flowing like it NEVER has before. I’ve made over $50k USD from this stream alone in 8 months.

Joining the academy has hands down been the best business decision I’ve made in 16 years of running my own business.

– Claire Venus, Substack Expert & Academy Guest Expert

Hear from the Brilliant Academy students!

Brilliant Biz & Life Academy
ALL my courses, coaching & resources to help you grow a wildly abundant business... all at a "Can't Say No!" price!

done Sales Star e-course (usually $297)

done 40 Days To Create & Sell Your E-Course (usually $199)

done 40 Days To Finish Your Book e-course (usually $199)

done Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income e-course (usually $199)

done Marketing Without Social Media workshop (usually $99)

done Get Organised! course (usually $99)

done Work Less, Earn More workshop (usually $99)

done ADHD + ASD: Business & Productivity Success (usually $99)

done How to Hire & Train a VA (usually $99)

done Midas Touch (usually $77)

done How To Heal & Prevent Burnout (usually $66)

done Cash Crunch: How to Make & Save More Money (usually $25)

done How To Deal With Trolls & Criticism In Your Business (usually $99)

done Behind The Scenes of a Multi-Millionaire's Finances (usually $7)

done My Brilliant Year Business e-workbook (usually $9.95)

done My Brilliant Year Life e-workbook (usually $9.95)

done Goal Getter To Do List Planner (usually $9.95)

done Goal Getter Weekly Planner (usually $9.95)

done Calm Christmas Planner (usually $10)

done SALT romance novella (usually $3)

done BONUS: Biz Basics workshops (usually $2400)

done BONUS: Business Templates & Spreadsheets (valued at $580+)

done BONUS: Monthly group coaching calls with Leonie (valued at $997)

done BONUS: Monthly Guest Expert Workshops (valued at $3700+)

TOTAL VALUE: $10'000+

This is FOR you if:

  • you can afford the membership without putting yourself in financial harm
  • you honour and respect boundaries  
  • you commit to doing the work and taking full responsibility for your own success

This is NOT for you if:

  • you find it hard to even navigate a computer or the internet.
  • you need 1:1 handholding and guidance
  • you aren’t able to respect boundaries
  • I've sold over $14 million, all while only working 10 hours a week.
  • I'm a globally best-selling author of the My Brilliant Year goal workbooks, used by over 500,000 people worldwide.
  • I’m the winner of Ausmumpreneur of the Year’s People’s Choice Business Coach (twice!), Author of the Year, Creative Entrepreneur of the Year, Global Brand & Businesses Making A Difference Awards.
  • I can break stuff down to be easy to understand, simple (and even enjoyable!)
  • Proudly neurodivergent!


Q: Will my membership price increase?

You get to keep the price you signed up at for the life of your membership, even when the membership price for new members goes up.

Please note however: if you decide to cancel your membership and rejoin later, you will need to sign up at the increased price.

Q: Is this the exact same program as your Shining Biz & Life Academy?

No and yes!

The courses are all new content - my old courses were retired at the same time as the Academy closed in 2019.

It is a similar format to the olden day Academy however - 12 months access to all my courses!

Q: I've bought the Academy before, do I have to buy it again?

If you want access to the new courses, then yes.

Ye olden day Academy was only ever sold as 12 month memberships... just as this new Academy will be.

Q: Can I get access to the old Academy site?

No, my love. Ye olden day Academy was closed in 2019 (5 years ago). 18 months notice was given to all members before then.

I've only ever sold the Academy as a 12 month membership - NOT as lifetime access. So all memberships have well and truly expired.

Q: Do I get sent printed coursework in the mail?

No - all offerings are digital programs.


Q: Will this include absolutely EVERYTHING you create?


There will be other offerings that are separate from the Academy container.

Q: What happens if I've already bought some (or all) of your courses? Can I get the Academy free? Can I get a refund?

My love, to keep it simple, no.

If you've already purchased a course, you will have permanent access to it (for as long as the course is offered).

With the Academy, you get 12 months access to it (or for as long as you keep your Academy membership).

You are most welcome to purchase an Academy membership - it will give you 12 months access to anything you haven't yet purchased. And you will continue to retain the permanent access to courses purchased in full.

Q: Can I promote this as an affiliate?

Absolutely! You get 50% of each enrolment annually. Sign up & get your promo link here.

Q: Can I share my Academy access with someone else?

If they are a friend - no.

If they work for you - yes.

Q: Will the goal workbooks be included?

Yes - but only the digital PDF versions. NOT the printed versions.

You are most welcome to print out the digital PDF versions however! Yay!


Money saved in our challenge!

Some of the books written in our “40 Days To A Finished Book” Academy program!

Just some of the courses created by our students in “40 Days To Create & Sell Your E-Course!”

Welcome to the ESSENTIAL TRAINING LIBRARY you need for business growth!

Sales Star: The Essential Building Block For Unlocking Business Growth!

  • learn life-changing skills that will enable you to print money for the rest of your life
  • the “hot words” to insert into your emails, social media posts & sales pages to make people buy now
  • how to master your marketing mindset
  • the key strategies that will supercharge your sales
  • the essential sales page checklist: what you MUST do if you want to increase your revenue today!
  • how to craft your expert bio
  • reducing abandoned shopping carts
  • the super simple yet wildly powerful 2 page marketing plan
  • sales page conversion calculator
  • how I train my staff to copywrite better than professional copywriters!

40 Days To Create & Sell Your E-Course

  • how I have sold over $10 million in e-courses
  • how to + accountability on getting your course DONE
  • how to market the absolute crap out of your courses!
  • success checklists
  • how to be a stronger + more effective teacher
  • how to brainstorm your course offering
  • step-by-step guidance to get your course finished
  • how to create excellent boundaries in your course
  • system tips to make your e-course run smoothly and take less admin time
  • my e-course launch procedures

Work Less, Earn More

  • how I’ve made over $13 million while only working 10 hours a week with a micro-team
  • what I say NO to in order to earn BIG
  • exactly how I structure my days, weeks & months for maximum impact, minimum effort!
  • productivity and strategy secrets that help me work less & earn more
  • how to embrace the Work Less, Earn More system in your business
  • my super-simple, high-profit business model uncovered
  • worksheets to help you discover the hidden profit providers & time sucks in your business!


Tech How-Tos

  • How to create an ebook
  • How to create a hand-illustrated e-book
  • How to create worksheets
  • How to create transcripts
  • How to record audio & meditations
  • How to run group calls
  • How to create videos
  • How to create webinars
  • How to design graphics
  • What software platforms to sell & teach on
  • How to receive payments online
  • How to nail customer service

40 Days To Finish Your Book

  • Get your book written in just 40 days! Yes DAYS!
  • plan out your book
  • get over your fears & just start writing already!
  • choose your book title
  • get your book cover designed
  • get your book edited effectively
  • grow your audience, income + reach through your book!
  • increase your writing productivity exponentially, plan out + execute your book on time with less stress!
  • score a lucrative publishing deal (+ how to choose between self-publishing and a publishing house!)
  • self publish in a way that is wildly successful and profitable
  • how I’ve sold over $1 million in books!
  • attract enthusiastic new customers and clients with your book!
  • how to sell more on Amazon
  • the book marketing masterclass.

Marketing Without Social Media

  • 150+ ways to market your business without social media
  • how I made $2 million in my 2 year hiatus away from social media
  • the often-ignored marketing methods that can be faster, cheaper & more effective than social media
  • my social media-free marketing plan
  • how to grow a large following outside of social media
  • 8 ways to increase your sales today (without social media)
  • how to reduce (or eliminate) the time you spend on social media marketing


Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income

  • Mastering the 4 M’s of money: Mindset, making, managing & multiple streams of income.
  • 100 money making possibilities guide
  • a fun & powerful challenge to help you reduce your expenses
  • net worth calculator
  • Magic Manifester Meditation
  • how to achieve your money goals
  • the essential mindset + habits you need to have to be a millionaire
  • how to overcome money blocks and fears (+ how I’ve done the same – including what fears + blocks I had!)
  • exactly what multiple streams of income I’ve created and why
  • what I plan to invest in in the future
  • how to choose what to invest in for you
  • tips and tools to help you manage your money better
  • the software and tools I use to manage finances in both my life and business
  • the money mistakes I’ve made – and what I did to fix them
  • how I transformed from viewing money as greedy, evil and shallow to seeing it as freedom and possibility
  • what has made the biggest differences to my net worth
  • the surprising truth about the REAL spending habits of 7 figure net worthers (+ how to do the same!)
  • how I choose what philanthropic causes to donate to – and how to get maximum impact with your philanthropic dollar.
  • the spreadsheets I use to track money + reduce expenses

Get Organised

  • daily decluttering challenge
  • money & finances organising worksheets
  • password management
  • time & sanity saving housekeeping tips
  • how I hacked my own version of the Getting Things Done system
  • no/low buy experiment
  • digital lists & assistants
  • managing business tasks & projects
  • organising with Autism & ADHD
  • estate planning
  • streamlining & systemating your customer service

In 3 days I gained 90 students and $1000!

I built a waiting list of approximately 50 people for the course and when it went live I had 18 sign ups on day one.

I got my course recorded in one week and my sales page done in a day!

Jo Cauldrick


“Leonie is an absolutely sensational guide who explains things so well and makes it real.”

Kari Sutton

“More aha! moments than I can wrap my head around!”

The course HAS paid for itself already! My husband is on board because you make perfect sense to him as well.

Melody Kientopp

I’m really clear on how to manage my biz money!

I’m just setting up a new business and feel it’s all much more doable. The course made it very clear what to do each month, quarter, year. It takes the fear out of it all! I saved a lot of overwhelm and anxiety. I recommend this course to everyone starting a business!

Claire Westwood


Leonie has a way of making people feel like they are capable of anything (plus she’s flippin’ hilarious!)

I absolutely love Leonie’s course.

Every time I learn something from her and implement it, I get results!!

This clarity has even helped me grow my membership practically overnight!

Billie Gardner

“An unbelievable, inspiring journey…”

“The journey of Leonie’s course is unbelievable and goes on and on.

It was inspiring, challenging, lovingly, doubting, exhausting, heart melting, wondering, energetic, out of this world, encouraging and soooo fun to work with you this way.

And I always come back to get a nugget of wisdom and a sweet energy kick.

So all in all, I’m so in LOVE with your courses and down to earth honesty! I’m a total LEONIE – FREAK and well I have to confess: I’m a “Leonie-Addict”!

Ellen Holzschuster


“Best investment of my time and money ever!”

Sophie Le Brozec


Leonie Dawson is a Superb Creative!

She knows when to stand strong and when to go gentle in her guidance of Creatives. 

Her enormous humor and light-hearted laughter is Goddess-Sent. She is a rare combination of the Divine Feminine and the Purely Practical!

She’s got and gives The Big Gifts..the ones that keep on Giving!

Thank you Leonie from the bottom of my heart!

Lynda Beth Unkeless

Author, Meet One New Person Every Day: The Magic of Conversation

“There’s nothing like an Aussie chick giving you a kick up the bum to get things done!“

I love love loved this course!

The webinars had laugh out loud moments and the Facebook group is a brilliant way to stay motivated.

I didn’t expect it to be so much fun. If only Leonie was there telling me to just fucking do it for all my creative pursuits. At the price it’s a no brainer!!

Catherine Hay


“Works like magic to keep my focus straight!“

It motivates the shit out of me. Makes me love and accept myself. Very inspirational and magical in bringing creativity fron imagination into realization. Thank you!

Elena Popova

“Leonie’s the tough love you need to stop making excuses and make your dreams happen.“

Leonie’s course helped me finally break through so many internal blocks, low self-esteem and resistance to finish two books that have been sitting in my heart and mind for over 10 years.

Leonie has a genuine level of warmth, generosity and ‘get er’ done’ attitude.

Sitting in stagnation and procrastination when it comes to your dreams is a form of self-annihilation. It’s soul crushing. Leonie is such a beautiful guide that got me through.

I’m excited to do the course again (and again and again).

Doing the course along with her biz and life workbooks has created the foundation, guidance and map I need to stay on track.

Holly Elissa


“Above and Beyond!”

I have watched Leonie not only get her creative projects done herself, but she has masterfully increased her life and business over the last decade.

Something else I have come to know about Leonie is that she over-delivers. There is always something extra, something more!

Thank you sweet, precious Leonie for your life-changing magic!

Rosa Maria Szynski

Author and MAGICAL Living Mentor, www.radiancewithrosa.com

I put my first ever online course on sale six months ago and last week I just hit the $20,000 mark.

Your courses are easy to follow, well thought out, beautiful and original.
The thing I want to compliment you most on though is the over delivering.  

Your pricing in GENEROUS.  You share with GENEROSITY EVERYTHING YOU KNOW.  

Your spirit is generous and I see that and appreciate it deeply.


Katie Rose


I made my course and had 200 attendees!!

You make things so simple and easy!

Alejandra Bennett


I launched my first course at $499 and had two sales within an hour!

Shelby Gordon


I’ve gotten more accomplished in 2 weeks than I have in 2 months!

Cassandra Key


You made it easy for this 74 year old to keep up!

I have found it so practical and you can get started right away.

You and the group have mentioned so many viable options for varying degrees of cost and skill ability, so this has made it easier for me at (74) an old hippie to keep up!

Deryn Van Der Tang

7 people signed up for my first workshop!

Katie Farrell


“Leonie is one of the pioneers of the online entrepreneur world”

Leonie holds nothing back in her teaching. She explains things in real, raw and usable ways. It’s not fluff, it’s from learned experiences, and it makes learning fun!

Kerry Spina


When I embarked on my journey with Leonie I got more than a high quality teacher and great results… I literally covered the cost for my training within the first term!

Munira van der Zijl

Yoga teacher

I love Leonie’s no nonsense simple, easy and fun business guidance. Her courses are filled with real information that is current and relevant. Leonie’s allowed me to follow my dream of having my own business, seeing her walk your talk, she has paved the way for so many other women to follow their hearts and dreams too!

Leesa Turner

Energy healer

“With Leonie’s help I have already created a book, inspirational cards, online courses and a happy life.”

Leonie touches a part of me that wants to shine, wants to make things, wants to manifest. I feel touched in the part of me that is vulnerable and strong, like two sides of a coin. I know many things already, but being touched by a teacher in that sacred part of my heart is rare. 

Fanny van der Horst


I’m surprised by how easy and quick it is!

Brilliant! I’m surprised by how easy and quick it is to create a course when you have this kind of momentum and support.

Jen Storer


My course is created and I have 5 people signed up for it so far!

Heidi Lane

This course rocked my world!

I loved the energy of the course, the hands-on materials, Leonie’s great “just do it” vibe and the amazing insights and tools delivered lesson after lesson, yayyy!!!

Cindy Figueroa


You’ve given us all the tools to finally get what’s been incubating in our hearts and heads out into the world!

Rosann Whale


The course has helped me bust past some creative blocks that I thought had settled in for good!

I really appreciate Leonie’s motivating approach, which is both very personal and uplifting.

I feel like I used to feel years ago, getting creative and believing in my potential again for the first time in ages.

Lorraine W

I can get things done in 40 days!

This course was very helpful from start to finish. I loved the ideation and the push to keep it simple and just build your course!

It had all the right components to make me feel like I was being set up for success without being overwhelmed. You don’t need a big following to launch, you have people already that you can start with and ask for those testimonials!!

Michelle Broadbent

I already have more than 60(!) signed up students!

Oh Dear! I am sooo happy with this course, I never thought I´d be able to make it and yet, here I am!
My course just launched a couple of days ago, I already have more than 60(!) signed up students, over 3000 dollars in revenue, and some great response from the students.
I am shaking of happiness!
Leonie, you are more than a teacher, you are an inspiration of strength, self re-invention and joyfulness.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Liona Hotta


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