Hello lovelies,
Christmas is just around the corner (actually it is almost staring us right in the eyes!! FARRRRK I HAVE SO MANY PRESENTS STILL TO WRAPPPPPPP) and I wanted to share my version of the 12(ish) days of Christmas!
This year I mixed things up and added some new shiny things to help you achieve your goals with some bloody deeeelicious features and heaps of benefits for your biz and life.
Excuse me while I warm up my singing voice…Do Re Me Fa So La Ti Dooooooooo
On the first day of Christmas Leonie gave to me… a Shiny 2016 Diary!

This was very much a labour of love to create it – I’ve never created a weekly diary-planner before.
It was something that was very much requested so I created this to help our workbookers implement their goals and dreams into their months, weeks + days.
Having a daily diary is perfect to help you set your goals, your tasks and achieve them every single day. The diary is filled with inspirational quotes, doodle spots and monthly goal setting exercises that will keep you on track and a place to turn when you just need a little umpf in your step.
At the end of each month, there is an important reflection process to help you celebrate you:
- celebrate what goals you achieved that month
- discover the important soul + mind lessons you’ve learned
- reset your focus for the next month ahead
On the second day of Christmas Leonie gave to me…A 2016 Shining Wall Planner!

This wall planner let’s you see your year in overview on a giant A2-sized wall planner.
Stick it above your desk, in your bathroom mirror or wherever you see fit!
The planner has weekly to-do lists for life + biz, highlighted weekends, monthly income goals and inspiration + space to lay out your major goals and deadlines.
Looking at your Shining Year every ding dang day will help you hit your goals and make 2016 as magical as you wish!
On the third day of Christmas Leonie gave to me… an all new (and re-written) 2016 Workbook Collection!

Everything you need to plan, create + execute your goals. You get daily, weekly + yearly planning system that has been completely rewritten + redesigned!
This year…
- Workbooks are now in two separate printed books (so non-biz women + teenagers can just get the Life goal planners!) with thicker, heavier covers and on gorgeous recycled paper that is a dream to write on!
- We’ve added plenty of extra paper at the back of both books for you – in a gorgeous variety of graph paper, lined paper + unlined paper for your magical notes!
- The 2016 yearly wall planner is DOUBLE the size of last year’s one! This one is A2 sized and completely damn scrumptious!
- The 2016 diary/weekly planner is brand spanking new! It features rainbowy pages, monthly goal planning, weekly to do list reminders, income goals, action plans + lots more! Exactly what you need to get your goals happening every week!
- The to do list pad was brand spanking new as well! While we are sold out of the physical version, if you purchase a Biz or Life bundle you will receive digital access!
On the fourth day of Christmas Leonie gave to me… a 2016 Biz Workbook!

Ohhhh the Biz Workbook, how I love it! This tool will guide you to map out so many aspects of your business that it will rock your socks off.
It covers strategic business planning for the year, money + profit goals, mapping out new income streams, reviewing your biz successes, marketing goals, staff + contractor goals and so much more.
The Workbook will help you unlock areas of your business that you may never have even thought of before and this is incredibly powerful. It is like the secret garden of success tools that every biz should have.
On the fifth day of Christmas Leonie gave to me… Monthly Check-ins from my Diary!

Now even the most dedicated goal setter can make a list of goals and deadlines but if you never check in on them to see how you are doing, will they ever get done? The diary works hand in hand with your workbook and reminds you each month to evaluate where you are.
If you waited until December 2016 to see if your targets were hit, you wouldn’t have any chance to change course and achieve them.
Regular check-ins will help keep you on track or see where you need to re-evaluate.
On the sixth day of Christmas Leonie gave to me… A Magic Mountain Map!

Make your goals happen and get shit done! Setting goals is just one part of the process of making things happen. To actually ACHIEVE your goals, you need to figure out what you need to do, how are you’re going to get them done and WHEN!
In this section of the Biz Workbook, I’ll lead you through a process to make getting to the goal at the top of the Magical Mountain doable!
Think of your goals as the top of a magical mountain that you need to climb. Getting to the top of your mountain (achieving your goal) is not possible with just one step.
But you’re going to need to climb that mountain one step at a time and sometimes those steps need to be broken into littler steps. This can make the mountain seem impossible to climb and a bit hopeless.
On the seventh day of Christmas Leonie gave to me…a Systems Checklist!

Systems are what your business is built on. It’s how things are done. Your procedures, how you run your team, what technology you use and how everything is executed. They are what help our businesses scale beyond us.
Use the Shining Systems checklist in the Biz workbook to make sure that you have a system in place to scale your business and get (or stay) organized.
On the eighth day of Christmas Leonie gave to me… a Bonus 10 Steps course!

There are two online bonus courses for anyone that invests in the Shining Year in Biz & Life Workbooks. The 10 Step Plan to make your business + life goals come true this year.
You will get 10 videos for each workbook over the first month that will help you set your goals and complete your workbooks to get HUGE results.
On the ninth day of Christmas Leonie gave to me… a 2016 Life Workbook!

The Life Workbook will help guide you to map out your financial, family, health + wellness, career, and bucket list goals. From creating your dream day to the self love + care you need and deserve, the Life Workbook will help you along the way.
Everyday can’t be perfect so there is also a section for “What to do when everything sucks!” Curling into the fetal position with a bucket of ice cream doesn’t have to be the only remedy!
On the tenth day of Christmas Leonie gave to me… Shining Self Care!

Taking care of yourself needs to be in your plan. There are many ways that you can take time away from the hustle and bustle to make sure that you are okay.
In the Shining Self Care section of the Shining Life workbook, you can map out time for yourself to refresh + renew so that you can be your best you. Even if you don’t believe it every single day…YOU ARE IMPORTANT!! This is a pure fact. You matter and you need time for yourself.
Map it out and make it happen (a happy you makes everyone happier).
On the eleventh day of Christmas Leonie gave to me… My Shining Family!

Mapping out your family life may seem a bit silly but your family has challenges and goals and carving out part of your life to make things run smoothly is super duper important.
You are a goddess but even the most together goddess needs a bit of help so I’ve included some handy dandy resources to help your household thrive in 2016 and beyond in your Life workbook.
On the twelfth day of Christmas Leonie gave to me… a 2016 Workbookers Facebook group!

Questions, comments, help….this Facebook group is for people who want you to win and are using the workbooks too. So if you get stuck along the way, want to share your success or want to post some photos of what your shining year looks like, you get to join this collaborate group of switched-on successful lovelies just like you!
Okay, so not everything rhymes perfectly with this popular Christmas time tune, but you have to admit it is a pretty awesome list!
I want you to have the best 2016 possible and know the power (that six years and over 200,000+ women who have used it have had HUGE results with) that these gifts can bring for you.
If you haven’t ordered yours yet, you may not end up on the naughty list but wouldn’t it be nice to create the most amazing year?

Stop procrastinating and start your year of abundance in life or your business.
Big love,

P.S. If you already have your 2016 Workbook Collection – why not share the gift with a friend, colleague, sister, neighbor or anyone who you know could reap the benefits of such a precious gift?! Purchase your gift now and download + print a gift voucher here so you still have something for under the tree!
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