
Ready to download your fave freebies?

It’s now so much easier to download your shiny Leonie Dawson freebies!

We’ve put everything together in one place: the ultimate FREE Inspiration Library!

What are you looking for?

View Illustrated Conference Notes
View Meditations + Audio
View Printable Posters
View Printable Colouring Books + Activities!
View Free ebooks and illustrated Zines
View Illustrated Conference Notes
View Meditations + Audio
View Leonie's Best Blog Posts
View Wallpapers
View Leonie Speaks Live!
View Leonie feautred on podcasts
View Leonie's most popular videos
View Printable Posters
View Leonie's Best Blog Posts
View Wallpapers
View Leonie Speaks Live!
View Leonie feautred on podcasts
View Leonie's most popular videos

Workshops + Trainings

Cash Crunch – free eBook & webinar!

The RIDICULOUSLY popular FREE workshop on how to make more money & save more money even when times are tough.

This workshop covers reducing expenses, increasing income, what to do when times are tight and SO much more. It’s my most popular webinar to date and we are STILL getting phenomenal feedback for it.

How I’ve Sold Over $10 Million in eCourses – free webinar!

How you can stop trading hours for money and create passive income!

Learn from the award winning entrepreneur who has taught tens of thousands of students!

Stop selling 1:1 and start selling to hundreds + thousands!

Please note this webinar was part of a promotion for a deal that has now expired. Prices & offers mentioned in this webinar are now out of date & no longer available to purchase.

Behind the Scenes: Multi-Millionaire’s Finances

Take a deep dive into my business!

  • How I make my money & what makes me the most money
  • Where I invest
  • My fave money books
  • What & who I donate to
  • My actual net worth…

Please note this webinar was part of a promotion for a deal that has now expired. Prices & offers mentioned in this webinar are now out of date & no longer available to purchase.

How to Sell from the Heart: Lessons from Over $13 Million in Sales

How you can EARN BIG while being your best, authentic self!

  • How to get out of your own way and start making cash
  • How to create marketing that is authentcial, ethical, compassionate & joyful
  • Mindset blocks to heal to receive more $$$

Please note this webinar was part of a promotion for a deal that has now expired. Prices & offers mentioned in this webinar are now out of date & no longer available to purchase.

Heart Centred Business Conference

The professionally recorded keynote on building raving fans that buy from you for decades

Your goodie bag includes:

  • Professionally recorded video training
  • 7 page workbook
  • My hand illustrated conference notes
  • Slideshot PDF

How to Goal Plan for a Successful Year in Business!

A brand new, free workshop all about goals, goal planning & creating a successful year in business!

We’re covering:

  • how to goal plan for a very successful year in business
  • the common mistakes people make & how to avoid them
  • how to set yourself up for success
  • how to get the most amount of impact from your actions
15 Reasons You Need To Sell an eCourse

This is the first step to creating an eCourse that will earn you $$$!

A question I get a lot is, “Leonie, if you had to start your business all over again, if you lost EVERYTHING… What would you do?” and my answer is and always will be: eCourses eCourses eCourses.

You’ll get:

  • a 15 minute video that covers all the reasons to sell eCourses 
  • a gorgeous 11 page eBook that you can download and print out

Printable Colouring
Books + Activities!

Weekly Biz Planner!

A couple of weeks ago, one of my mastermind sisters reached out.

“Leonie… I need a really fun way to plan out my week. Please tell me you have something rainbow & colourful I can use!”

I didn’t… but an hour later I did. Because, sure, my to do list might be 3000 miles long, and my assistant may be waiting for me to respond to her emails… but gosh darn it, if someone needs rainbows I WILL MAKE THEM RAINBOWS.

And so I did.

And it turned out so rainbow-tastic I thought I’d share it along so you can have it too!


2024 Wins poster!

This year, I decided I wanted to really celebrate & document all the wins in my life and business.

The small & the big!

So I made myself another handy dandy poster to hang over my desk.

I’ve been filling it out when the miracles & magic fly in & it’s bringing me SO MUCH JOY.

Monthly Business Plan

A printable worksheet for you to plan out your biz goals each month!

Get your month organised with:

  • Income goals
  • Daily habits
  • What you need to achieve your goals
  • & more…
The Stay-at-Home Quarantine Planner

I’ve spent the last few days with piles of paper strewn around me and ink stained fingers. I was making myself a life raft. I made myself a planner and workbook to dream new dreams and craft a new life… one that was firmly centred at home.

And I’m giving it away free to you.

In it, you’ll find:
  • 100 Quarantine Projects
  • Habits Tracker
  • Daily Schedule
  • Worksheets to set goals for your creativity, health, mental health, relationships, exercise & productivity
  • Printable colouring posters to inspire your spirit!
The Mini Goals Planner for KIDS!

Here’s that thing that came as a wild fangly idea a week or so ago, that thing that made me leap up from my morning peppermint tea to get started creating straight away.

It’s small but mighty + will lead your magical munchkin through:

  • journaling the best + worst bits of the last year
  • the top 10 things that make them amazing
  • what they would like to learn over the next year
  • sports and hobbies they’d like to try out
  • what adventures they’d like to have
  • how they want to feel
  • + books they’d like to read.

Creative Soul Colouring Book


Chockfulla mermaids, gnomes, affirmations, unicorns & inspiration!

Inspire My Spirit Colouring Book


Inspire your spirit with this printable colouring book based on my popular art series – the Soul Story Collection. I started making these a zillion years ago… goddesses with messages. All designed to invoke your creative spirit and awaken your soul.

Printable Pocket Gratitude Diary

Let’s write tiny love letters to the universe to thank it for its gabazillion miracles.

A 21-day gratitude journal for you to jot in & muse about the abundance in your own life… the best attitude to have is an attitude of gratitude!

Things I Need To Thrive printable worksheet

Knowing what we need to thrive is a hugely important practice for self care + self love.

What each of us need is highly individual too!

I needed to remind myself of what this particular constellation of cells needs, so I made myself a poster to find out. And thought I’d share it with you too!

Free e-books &
illustrated zines

Business Success Series (BSS)


  • networking & finding your target market
  • creating your social media plan 
  • how to grow your mailing list
  • creating free opt-ins
  • … & so, SO much more

The House That Joy Built – Leonie’s Illustrated Notes

The first comic I’ve ever made…

So basically… I read a book. A wonderful book on creativity and writing and making art. I studied it, made notes, highlighted it like the diligent lil student I am.

Then I took those notes and turned them into… a 50 page collaged zine. It was blooming fun, I tell you! It became the most decadent kaleidescope of colour and wisdom.

It felt like I could let the wisdom of the book permeate deeper into my bones with all those words and imagery. And I thought it would be fun to share my book fan zine with you!

I Don’t Know Either – Comic

The first comic I’ve ever made…

  • I made you an odd new thing

  • Don’t really want to talk about it too much

  • You can just go read it & take from it what you will

  • No email signup necessary… just go read!

Blogging + Biz Star ebook

This is one of the most popular ebooks I’ve ever created. You’ll learn….

  • how to make a living from your creative + spiritual gifts
  • 7 ways to get 30,000 blog readers
  • how to double or triple your business growth
  • and how to do it all joyfully without going batshit cray-cray!

100+ Ways To Market Your Biz!

Over the last decade, I’ve built serial successful businesses + generated over $13m in revenue.

In this free ebook, I share with you a whole bundle of smart, simple + creative ways for you to market your business + grow your income. Get stuck into it + start implementing to see results!

Hyperemesis Gravidarum: The Illustrated Zine

This is for you if you know the hellish existence of going through HG.

This is for you if you know someone who has it.

This is for you if you’d like to hear my illustrated story of the most difficult 9 months of my life.

Made with ink, typewriter, love and tears.

Internet Addiction: The Illustrated Zine

Maybe you’re a little like me, feeling frustrated, lost, a little sad at your phone addiction… but at a loss at what to do about it.

This free illustrated zine is my musings about:

  • my (and our culture’s) internet and phone addiction
  • what may be causing it
  • what tools + tips may help in healing the addiction.

How Not To Burnout: Free ebook!

how to Prevent Burnout including:

  • my experiences with burnout (aka: I’m a world champion of burnout!)
  • how to prevent burnout + heal it when it comes up
  • my Economic Cost of Burnout calculator to help you work out exactly how much burnout costs you in $$ terms + what is a good investment in preventing it (insanely useful… I’ve used it for years!)

My Ocean Retreat Journal

Whenever I go on holidays, I create to process and document and celebrate my journey.

I do it through art, photography and writing. I collect artefacts and paste them together like a bower bird. Here’s a look inside my illustrated journal from a beach holiday with my family.

The Project Finisher: A Cowgirl’s Guide to Riding Wild Donkeys

Discover my secret to producing and creating effortlessly + with ridunkulous amounts of joy…

How to get your projects finished + out into the world in record time How to transform your biz + creative practice with this simple, powerful technique… The secret to making your ideas into real, finished, tangible creations that can touch the world + give you gorgeous income!

What Your Angels Want You To Know

The angels came a-tapping upon my shoulder…

& so I made a book with them, and helped by a number of incredible, brave, beautiful women I’ve photographed over the past six years. It is for you!!

Creating a Mini Retreat ebook

We all need to create time for us. Creative & soulful time. Time to fill the well.

And we think we need to head off to a week-long retreat to do it. And that’s lovely when you can get it, but what you really need? Is a system for building it into your everyday. This workbook will help you discover & find it. You’ll learn how to create your own mini-retreats in the time you have right now – whether working full-time, or living the life of a mama. Your retreat is just here at your fingertips, waiting for you to choose it.

How To Be A Morning Goddess

20+ creatives, authors + business women share their own morning rituals

to inspire you & give you ideas for creating, nurturing & loving your own morning goddess self!

How To Be A Domestic Goddess

My ridiculous, tongue-in-cheek ebook about how to truly NAIL domestic life (or not!)

This is EVERYTHING I know about how to do it ALL :: be a mama, artist & business owner while keeping all the laundry folded.Handy hints + secrets galore. It’s like the love child of Martha Stewart + Louise Hay.

10-10-10 Productivity Hacks Cheatsheet


Create MASSIVE results in LESS time.

This is for creatives & entrepreneurs alike!

6 Money Mistakes Women Make

Your little book on exactly what NOT to do and how to start creating an abundant future right NOW!

5 Steps to Surviving & Thriving Financially

A multi-millionaire’s 5 step plan to surviving & thriving financially (even in difficult times)!

Notes on Millionaire

Illustrated notes on The Millionaire Booklet – How To Get Super Rich by Grant Cardone.

To download this 20+ page eBook PACKED with terrific tips and actionable ideas, just pop your deets in the form below!

How I Know I Am Officially Middle Aged

Some musings on ageing, my ancestors and where life could go from here…

A Message from the Angels

A heart-felt message from the angels, as I hear them.

Illustrated Conference Notes
How I Know I Am Officially Middle Aged

Conference Notes

Growth Summit: my illustrated notes!

My illustrated notes from the best conference I’ve ever been too, hands down.

Chock full of awesome business wisdom from legendary business teachers: Jim Collins (author of Good to Great + so many other brilliant books!). Verne Harnish (author of Scaling Up). Liz Wiseman (author of Multipliers).

Ausmumpreneur Convention

The illustrated notes from the Ausmumpreneur Convention + their entrepreneurial speakers, with advice on:

  • selling
  • time management
  • business growth
  • recommended business books!

Women’s Collective

The illustrated notes from the Canberra Women’s Collective event, including:

  • branding wisdom
  • social media marketing tips
  • business finance advice
  • hiring suggestions
  • and more!

Susun S. Weed: Herbal Healing workshop!

My illustrated notes from a workshop with Susun S. Weed.

She is the best-selling author of such legendary tomes as “Healing Wise” and “Herbal Healing For The Childbearing Year”.

Raising Girls: Steve Biddulph

Steve Biddulph is one of the world’s best-known parenting educators.

He is a family psychologist and best-selling author with over 2 million books sold. His talk centred on parenting girls, and the major psychological concerns affecting today’s girl. So bloody important!

Meditations +

Meditation for Healing

One rainy glorious day, a little meditation for healing came into the world.

And it had gossamer wings, and it wanted to fly out to be heard. So I listened, and here it is… just for you. Use it whenever you’re feeling depleted, or in need of some revitalisation.

Best Day Ever! Meditation

Want to feel happier, more productive + inspired?

Listen to this short (under 10 minute) affirmation meditation now to feel a noticeable shift in your day!

Anxiety Releasing Meditation

This short, powerful meditation combines two powerful breathing practice

It is based on physiology that are designed to slow the nervous system and quell anxiety.

Dive in now to discover this powerful practice that will transform your life.

You Have Permission

Last night, under a growing, glowing moon, I curled up in my caravan & recorded this for you as an affirmation meditation.

Based off of one of the most popular blog posts I’ve ever written: You Have Permission.

Printable Posters

Get 20+ of my best FREE productivity, creativity, inspiration + marketing posters + wallpapers!

I thought it would be fun to make myself a printable checklist of 36 easy things to declutter to keep me motivated and on track.

Because if there’s one thing I love, it’s TICKING SHIT OFF A LIST!

I figured some of you might want it to… so wanted to offer it up as a free goodie!

8 Ways to Increase Your Sales Today!

8 different ideas that you can implement to increase your sales & grow your biz!

Want even more ideas? Check out my workshop Marketing Without Social Media!

U.S Friends – What You Can Do

An illustrated poster of advice from Sherrilyn Ifill (Civil Rights Lawyer) regarding the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade.

You can also follow & support Sherrilyn here.

(Please note: this is not an opt-in; you do not need to join the mailing list or freebie library to access this poster. The download button will take you straight to the PDF.)

Inspiration is Perishable

I fell upon this quote via Sara Soueidan’s desk and it struck me immediately.

I knew I needed to make it into a wee poster to put above my desk & use as an iPad screen.

Leonie’s Best Blog Posts

Leonie’s Greatest Hits: The Blog Edition

I’ve been blogging since 2004 (the early days of ze internet – before social media even began!)

I’ve written over 2000 articles since then.

Here’s the best articles I’ve written on:

  • business + entrepreneurship
  • money
  • marketing
  • mental health
  • mothering
  • love + life


Speaks Live!

Featured on

Leonie interviewed on Podcasts!

Get the complete list of all the podcasts Leonie has been interviewed on… speaking on everything from business and marketing to mental health and motherhood.

Leonie’s Best