G’day darlinghearts!
Today’s guest post is by my beautiful friend Jen Saunders. Jen is a writer and daydream believer living in Melbourne, Australia with her hippie-husband. She’s the creator and editor of Wild Sister Magazine, an inspiring e-zine for women who are ready to love themselves, follow their bliss and change the world. You can follow her at www.wildsister.com.
As you know, I very rarely accept guest posts, but each year I like to invite some gorgeous, passionate, inspiring women to share their new year dreams, goals + miracles.
The more we hear of women dreaming big dreams and making them happen, the more it will become the “new normal” and fuel us to do just the same.
Introducing darling Jen!

Since I woke up on 1st January 2013, after having fallen asleep at 8.30 New Year’s Eve with a bad cold, I knew my word for this new year would be:

Now more than ever, I feel called to truly get in touch with myself, with nature, and to nourish my mind, body and soul.
My first step in doing that was diving deep into the 2013 Create Your Incredible Year Workbook and Planner – both the Life AND Business Editions.
Sitting down with peppermint tea in my favourite mug, lavender oil burning, and the summer sunshine streaming through my window, I spent an entire day filling in those workbooks and filling up my soul. Nourishing.

I honestly had no idea how powerful writing my dreams and ideas and goals down on paper could be, how amazingly heartwarming it is to see all my achievements from 2012 smiling up at me from the page, or how liberating it is to feel the past washing away, making room for all the good things coming my way.
I swam deep down into the depths of my heart and brought my most sparkling dreams to the surface.
I gave my dreams a place to grow within the rainbow-hued pages.
In the Life Edition, I released my hopes, listed my goals and imagined the wonderful year that lay ahead. In the Business Edition, I crafted my own treasure map to my dreams.

My dream to have a business that feels like freedom, like summer breezes, birdsong, flowing abundance, and celebratory high-fives and happy dances.
My dream to follow the sunshine, to leave the city suburbs and be surrounded by nature.
My dream to self-publish my fiction work, to hold my very own book in my hands and flick through its pages.

Now that my map is set out in front of me, it has all suddenly become so much more do-able.
So much more real. In my mind and heart, I have been catapulted to where I want to be, feeling my dreams as though they have already happened.
For the first time in my life, I have my entire year mapped out in front of me. Being a free spirit, I always thought setting goals and planning so far ahead would create anxiety and make me feel trapped. But I was happily surprised to see that the opposite happened when I looked over my month by month plans.
Instead of feeling suffocated, I feel free. Instead of feeling anxious, I feel excited. I feel completely clear about what my goals are and what steps I need to take to get there.
And now, only a few days after pouring everything into the workbooks, I’ve never felt more inspired to create my dreams.

Want to know what else?
Taking the time to sit and write about my life and my dreams opened the floodgates to a ton of life-changing ideas that I know will put me on the fast-track to those dreams coming true.
Finally, I have become the conscious creator of my life.
I am my own miracle worker.
And I’m ready to ROCK 2013 with everything I’ve got!
Thanks so beautiful beautiful J.
I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Let’s make the magic happen!!!!
All my love,

P.S. Join the hordes of women – just like you – creating their own incredible lives + businesses with the 2013 Create Your Incredible Year workbooks.
Just $9.95.
Worth their weight in gold!