It’s close to midnight, and I can’t sleep. Too buzzed up from creating my next big thing.
And I thought:
What better thing to do than write to you?
Send a love letter off into the world?
So here I am. Turning up. Tapping softly over the keyboard so as not to wake my slumbering love.
If he catches me up, he’ll gently send me to bed. He’s handsome like that.
So anyhewsles, dearest. Two parcels of treasures to send you off into the wonderous world this weekend. Three, actually, but who’s counting?
The first. “The Art of Asking” by Amanda Palmer.
While I don’t necessarily believe you shouldn’t set a price on exchange, I deeply believe in that moment of connection between giver and receiver in sacred commerce. With everything I do, I believe it’s a destined thang. You choose me, and I choose you. I am humbled and grateful and honoured to be allowed into the lives of so many, and do the most I can do to help. It’s a sacred, holy contract and I think Amanda conveys that beautifully.
The second. Another Amanda Palmer. Look it’s a weekend brought to you by her! Hoorah!
This one a song. I didn’t GET the song until half way through.
And then I tumbled into love. Because it’s about self-love. About being human and not being exactly who you thought you would be but it being even better in the end anyway.
And #3: your supwise bonus!
If you can get this magazine anywhere, GET ON IT.

It’s the launch issue of Messenger Collective – a gorgeously designed magazine just for entrepreneurs, bloggers & women changing the world.
I’ve been looking for something just like it for ages – and I’m so glad Lisa Messenger heard the divine call & went ahead and created it!
(Hilariously enough – I found out about it via friends on Instagram today, ran down to the local newsagency, pounced on a copy like an eager cat & have devoured it with joy. Gosh I love the creativity of this world! And the Instagram-alerts-of-cool-things!)
I’m sending you oodles & poodles of love, kindness & magazine-dreams come true,