Everyday, there’s an email in your inbox.
Filled with love.
From a dear Goddess sister.
Who’s walked your path. Who’s learned huge, ginormous lessons.
Who wants to send you a message of love and reassurance.
Of all the powerful tools she knows to help you get through.
To help you light up and bloom.
That’s what 30 Days of Goddess is.
Learn from these incredible goddess women:

It’s a very special joint project created by 150 luminous Goddess sisters.
A tribe of them gathering around you.
To support you & illuminate you.
For a whole month.
(and forevermore)

They are incredible women.
I should know: they are my goddess circle sisters.
They are intuitives & healers & mamas & artists & brave soul warriors.
They will teach you how they became free. How they stopped being lost. How they got out of feeling anxious and stuck and broken.
They will teach you how to be calm. How to find happiness. How to feel, at long last, powerful. Joyous. Glad to be alive. Finally, utterly, in love with their bodies, their stories & their song.
How to find the Goddess inside you.
Just as they have done.
It’s hard to talk about this stuff, you know.
People call it by a thousand names: feeling powerful, joyful, authentic, healed, in alignment, in the flow, inspired…
But those words mean so little.
The best way I can explain it:
You’ve either got this buzzing, glowing light that is inside you… the one that makes you lift your arms to the sky and whisper Thank You!!!!
Or… you are looking for it.
Plus over ONE HUNDRED more goddesses!!!
What does it look like?
Each goddess love letter is a wee gift born from each goddess’ soul.
There’s a little bit of video.
A little bit of meditation.
A little bit of writing.
Whatever each goddess feels called to tell you.

What will I get out of it?
I don’t want to overemphasise,
but probably your life changing.
If not, you’ll probably have at LEAST five minutes each day
which feels totally aglow.
Which is 150 minutes at the end of the month.
Which is like 2.5 hours.
Which is a LOT.
What will you learn?
Each of the 150 goddesses will teach you some of their biggest soul wisdom.
You’ll learn how to:
- Access ancient goddess wisdom and become your own priestess
- Let go of financial worry and bless your life
- Photograph your soul
- Do a deep love meditation
- Colour a goddess mandala
- Unleash your creativity
- Strengthen your intuition
- Make a magic wand
- Move through grief with crystals
- Heal yourself using basic Reiki techniques
- Care for yourself when self-employed
- Create abundance
- Schedulecreative time
- Be a happily-organized, project-finishing goddess
- Fall in love with your body in 10 different ways
E-Course Only
The 30 Days of Goddess E-Course {do at your own pace, without a circle} is US$67 and gives you all your course materials, videos, meditations, and projects.
Want to get ALL the goddess goodies + a circle?
Get all of my meditations, e-courses, workbooks & a year-round goddess circle – over $900 of my goodies… for only $99. Have questions about the Goddess Circle? Head over here for answers!