Photo by my gorgeous hunkapunk

Hola gorgeous goddesses!

All around us – we have access to the most powerful, loving {and free!} healer.

Whenever you are feeling down, out-of-sorts, out of energy, or in need of recharge… here are eight beautiful ways to receive a healing!

1. Animals

Whether it is your own puppeh or meow – or a free-roaming animal {from caterpillars to birds to butterflies}… animals are a beautiful all-rounder healer. They can heal in a moment with their love and joy – as well as each having their own individual medicine to heal with.

Whenever I’m sick or in pain, my Charlie puppeh will lie himself as close to the place of pain as possible… he is my own little healer intuitive doggy.

2. Moonlight

Sleep in a moonbeam – or just step outside before going to bed to stargaze and bathe in the moonlight for a moment.

Moonlight helps us regulate our hormonal and sleep cycles, awaken our intuition and helps our feminine energy bloom and grow.

3. Sunlight + Wind

If you feel like your energy is old, stale or negative, just pop outside and let the sunlight warm you, and the wind kiss your face.

It will clear away all that excess energy el pronto, and return you home to yourself.

4. Earth

If you feel rundown, depleted or like you are too much in your head with swirling thoughts, head outside.

Place your bare feet and hands on the earth, and it will recircuit and rebalance your energy, and help you feel grounded and whole again.

5. Salt water baths + Ocean

These are beautiful to use when you are detoxing emotionally or physically, or feeling negative.

Both will help cleanse and clear you.

6. Sunrise + Sunset

The gorgeous light at sunrise and sunset clear all your chakras… immensely healing! Just step outside for a few moments at sunrise or sunset to feel all beautiful and balanced again.

7. Trees

Sit beneath a tree, climb one, or lean against one… trees will help ground you, as well as filling you with strength and wisdom.

8. Flowers

Flowers have the most beautiful healing medicine – they work with the fairy kingdom to give light, joyful healings.

Yesterday, I was feeling a little toxic, so I walked around our garden, smelling roses, wafting purple flowers around my aura, and lying down among the cheerful yellow flowers.

Within five minutes, I was feeling so cleansed and joyful again…

What is your favourite way to receive a nature healing?

big big love, joy & goodness!