It’s always beautiful.
Spontaneous lunches with two of my dearest friends in the park just across the road from work.
We collect our lunches in brown bags, homemade or store bought,
and we tread along the road,
into the great sweeping belly of the park.
It swallows us up as a peaceful whole,
Surrounded with green
and the largest, most gentle trees which hold us safe in the park’s womb.
We select our patch of grass,
or the quietest table.
We let the park seep into us. Let the trees help us soar to the sky.
I love that Deb had no idea I had my camera out…
We eat our lunch.
We giggle. We speak of our day’s lessons, its pains, its joys.
We open the cards and we read.
Doreen Virtue‘s Healing with the Angels cards.
SARK‘s Juicy Living cards.
Toni Carmine Salerno‘s Universal Wisdom oracle cards.
I love that moment of quiet ~ each of us absorbing the words of our cards.
We are all affected by our cards.
Lile holds hers close and reflects.
Our most beautiful Deb shaved her head for “Shave for a Cure” on Friday.
She looks incredible without hair.
She is reborn and new in this world. A new movement. A birth.
Her eyes become alive in her face. So many have commented on her monk~ishness.
I adore it, I adore her.
Everytime we leave the park, we are reborn.
It nourishes us, touches us in that hour.
Sacred lunch hours
with sacred friends.
May you find new ways to delight in friends, in nature, in yourself today.