Gorgeous ones!
I have a brand new piece of art to share with you!
I recently read Austin Kleon’s excellent book “Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad”
Holy SHITBALLS did it resonate with me.
If you’ve listened to my latest podcast you’ll know I’ve been feeling the need to be at home and not work as much (something I am extremely privileged to be able to do).
And then I read this book and I was like “Oh yeah….. I can still be creative as fuck even if I’m not working in my office…..”
And then I ended up illustrating 16 of his excellent ideas. MWHAHAHA

- Everyday is groundhog day
- Build a bliss station
- Make gifts
- The ordinary + extra attention = EXTRAORDINARY
- Forget the noun, do the verb
- You are allowed to change your mind
- When in doubt, tidy up
- Sleep tidies the brain
- Don’t let metrics over take your soul’s art
- Disconnect from the world to connect with yourself
- Keep lists
- Your real work is play
- Don’t monetise all your art
- Leave things better than you found them
- It is solved by walking
- Live your life in airplane mode
And THEN I thought “why don’t I share it with everyone?” so here we are!!!!
To grab your free copy of the poster, just pop your details in below!
Loves, I hope this poster brings some colourful joy to your world!
I HIGHLY recommend reading this book, it's an absolute joy.
Big love to you all!