Start making bucketloads of abundance
Let go of the job that doesn’t inspire you
Build your very own dream business

Hola gorgeous Goddess!
Once upon a time, I was convinced that I was supposed to be doing something different with my life. I wanted my dream job. The one I’d always dreamed of. One that was artistic and soulful and creative and made me glow.
I would sit in my cubicle, and I would doodle on yellow looseleaf paper, bored, eyes burning. One day, I wrote down on a piece of paper:
In the next 12 months, I want to make $30 000 doing what I love.
Then I tried to work out how I could do it by selling my art. The numbers didn’t add up. I had no idea how it was even possible.
But my heart longed for my dream so deeply that I decided I would make it happen. I got all crazy determined (like I do) & decided I was gunna find out the secret… the on
the secret of becoming a Business Goddess.
That year, I made $30 000. The next year I doubled it. The next year I doubled it again.
Next year? I have no idea what I’ll make. I just know it will be BIG. And I know for the first time that I really CAN do whatever it is I want. This numbers-phobic right-brainer happy artist hippy really can be a super successful Business Goddess!!!
Where my dreams have taken me…

I’ve quit my cubicle job. My love did the same. We had a wee little mermaid. We both get to be stay-at-home parents. And we moved across the countryside – leaving behind the alpine city to live in tropical paradise in northern Australia.
I can’t quite believe this is my job. Of helping women remember they are goddesses. It’s my sweetest, most precious dream come true. I am grateful for every damn moment of it. I get to be a mama. And a creative goddess. A writer. A maker. A dream-believer. Everything I’ve ever wanted to be. My heart is full.
What’s next?
And so, my darling. That’s my story of how I came to be a Business Goddess.
I have another huge, big, massive dream now.
I want to help you make your dream come true too.
What would you do if you became a Business Goddess?
Where would you live? By the sea? In the mountains? In a sweet wooden cabin? In a sprawling ranch home?
How would you live? Would you spend most of your time with your loved ones? Would you spend Thursday afternoons having baths and Tuesday mornings. And Fridays? Fridays are ALWAYS for long lunches sprawled out in the sun.
What would it mean for you? For your family? To not worry about money anymore? To be able to make choices with childcare and schools and holidays and travelling.
What would it meant to your soul? To be doing a job that lights you up and makes you sing?
What I love about The Business Goddess course is that it’s fun, lush and soups-to-nuts on what you need to have a love-filled, fit-you and successful business.
Highly recommended!
– Jennifer Louden
Best-selling author of The Life Organizer
& creator of Savor & Serve The World (
I really want you to glimpse what’s possible, dearest…
I’m proof that huge massive dreams are possible.
I believe with all my heart that you have deep & incredible gifts to share with the world.
And that oh my gosh, how this world needs them.
This is everything I could give you – all the practical stuff, story sharing, wisdom, juju & magic – to help you on your path of being a Business Goddess.
The Become a Business Goddess e-course
So what’s in this course?
You’ll get:
- 8 Ways to make Money Online
- The Blueprint of how I did it: with all ze juicy goss
- The Practical Parts: website, pricing, techie bits
- 100 Ways to market magically, mindfully & joyously
- How to stay sane & joyful when business gets BUSY
AND some deeeelicious bonuses:
- Profiles of Business Gods & Goddesses
- The Becoming a Business Goddess workbook
- The Magic Money Maker kit.
There’s over 190 pages of wisdom + genius + experience + love in this baby. All the business goddess goodness you could need.
5 Business Goddess Classes
Class 1: The Blueprint of how I did it: all ze juicy goss
Want to know how I went from art hobby barely-making-money goddess to business goddess earning over $100k a year?
This is my story. With pretty pictures.
Secrets. Love. Seriously inspiring.
Bonus: How to create your business while you are working full time.
“This is by far the best book I’ve read on creative business –
it’s so full of love and acceptance and fire.”
Class 2: 8 Ways to make Money Online
Includes how to come up with the content, how to make them happen & how to make them SUCCESSFUL:
- E-books.
- E-courses.
- Coaching.
- Webinars & teleseminars.
- Audio programs.
- Being an affiliate.
- Creating your own affiliate program (& how to rock the buggery out of it!)
- Selling & marketing your art/books/stuff online.
And this one is chockfulla bonuses:
- Why you need income streams (SO important!).
- How to create videos.
- How to record meditations.
- How to create & sell art prints.
- Things to try when your art isn’t selling.
- How to self publish a book or CD.
This e-course is a veritable encyclopedia of creative business guidance.
I’m still kind of floored by all the things Leonie covers in it. Here was this happy hippy beach chick, thriving in her creative business, and willing to share all the millions of things she’s learned to get there.
Her advice is smart. And generous.
Thanks in large part to Leonie’s help, I feel I’m right where I’m meant to be, in my new business. I know how to do the things to help my company grow; I know the next step I want to go in. And the next step after that.
– Goddess Christine Long, artist
Class 3: The Practical Parts
All the essential left brain stuff you need to wrap yourself around to be a Business Goddess:
- How to create your website
- How to write brilliantly for your website
- 5 things you must do right now for your website
- How to price your stuff profitably & joyfully
- How to set up your techie bits: e-junkie, Paypal & a mailing list provider.
“If you’re like me and you’ve been struggling with how to make your beautiful dream happen, let Goddess Leonie answer your prayers!
It will inspire you, give you courage, and fill you so full of passion that you cannot help but leap into your vision, both arms open and heart ablaze!”
– Halo from Haloquin’s studio
Class 4: 100+ Ways to market magically & joyously
So this is the big mama of the course. Marketing is the single most important thing you need to do in order to have a successful, sustainable business.
- Things to do every day to build your business
- How to increase your subscribers
- How to rock your mailing list
- How to make exquisite & dobleros-making sales pages
- Being a social media goddess: Facebook, Twitter & all the rest
- How to guest post like a goddess
- How to earn more from your emails
- Marketing Goddess worksheets.
Plus, you know… a bazillion more tips. This is one magic class you’ll use over & over again whenever you need to market your beautiful business.
Class 5: How to stay sane & joyful when business gets BUSY
Once you are flying as a Business Goddess… there’s SO many lessons to learn about staying sane and joyful and happy.
I downloaded all the big wisdom and huge lessons I’ve learned along the way.
- How to stop burning out
- How to be okay about putting yourself out there
- How to stop freaking out & start turning up
- How to keep your business soulful & inline with your spirit
- How to be okay with making mistakes.
I am brimming with ideas that I am ACTUALLY implementing.
AND it also has inspired my husband who is currently working on his first ebook!!!
I think the course is so worth the money, in fact I already recouped the money by income. Crazy, or what?
– Melanie Martin, photographer
Bonus #1!!! A Pocketful of Business Advisors
Case Studies of Business Gods & Goddesses :: their stories. Their incredibly sage business advice. All in a kit.
Includes some of my favourite business gods & goddesses:
- Fabeku Fatunmise (sound shaman)
- Jenn Lee (author & creativity coach)
- Chris Zydel (expressive arts teacher)
- Lisa Baldwin (world traveller & blogger)
- Kimberly Wilson (yogi, clothing designer & author)
- Leah Piken Kolidas (artist)
- Marissa Bracke (happy business helper)
- Jamie Ridler (blogger, podcaster & creative maven)
- Julie Stuart (graphic facilitator)
- and more!!!
It’s like an angel tribe of business advisors in your pocket. REALLY powerful stuff.
“It’s just FULL of wonderful information that gives you everything you would ever need to know about starting a business online. She takes all the scary out of it and makes it accessible and fun ~ the same way she does everything.
For any goddesses out there who have been thinking about starting a business online or taking your biz to the next level and are overwhelmed with all the information out there … this course is for you. I’ve read a LOT about online business over the years and this course is tops. Highly recommended.”
– Danielle Cornelius, chiropractor, USA
Bonus #2!!! The Magic Money Maker kit
I’ve had goddesses JUST use this kit and meet their money goals within A MONTH. When they totally couldn’t even see how it was possible before.
It’s a money + marketing worksheet that works like miracles and magic. I know because this is the system I use!!!
All you do is pull out this kit every month. Fill out the worksheets. And kabaaaamy!!! Money out the kazoo & wazoo & sometimes even the gazoo!
It’s money making at its most fun & glorious & wildly brainifing wacky!
So that’s the course, darlingheart.
190+ pages of business genius, wise business stories, sage advice & tools you can start using RIGHT NOW to get your business soaring & supporting you.
I stand behind this course with all my heart.
I know it can do *wonders* for your business, no matter what business stage you are at.
What other goddesses are sayin about it!
It’s the best e-course on business I’ve done.
Every page is an ah-ha! moment.
It’s the most expensive e-product I’ve ever purchased, but I’m so glad I bought it!
If I implement even half of what you have shared, I’ll double my income.
– Goddess Virginia Bailey &
Goddess Leonie’s business e-course has inspired me in so many ways. Not too long ago, I started a blog, not to make money, but to share my story in hopes of helping others. However, the blog has grown beyond my expectations, and for all the time and effort I put into it, some income from the blog would make things much easier.
My husband likes to joke that I make the worst hourly wage ever. Hehe. Anyway, reading through the e-course, I realized that if I’m putting so much of my time, energy, and love into the blog, then it’s okay to view it as a source of potential revenue.
After all, “In everything, there needs to be an exchange of energy.” Now I just have to choose from all of Goddess Leonie’s wonderful ideas and suggestions and implement them. I can’t wait!
– Goddess Heather, blogger
Marketing has been my pink elephant in the room, but now it’s not so scary to me anymore!
This e-course really shows you how to market your business in step by step detail and in fun and creative ways.
– Goddess Petrea, therapist
Who is is this course for? Beginners or existing business owners?
Short answer: No matter what stage of business you’re at, there is a mega amount of wisdom & money-making tools in here for you.
By all means, go through this baby with a fine-tooth comb to mine up all its goodness. But a short guide to where you need to go for where you are right now?
If you’re still working out what you want to do
Start with Classes 1 & 2 to get the goss behind how I did it, ideas of what you can do & worksheets to make magic happen with. Instant clarity-makers & ginormous inspiration boosters up the butt!
If you’re just starting out in your business
Start with Classes 2 & 3. You’ll find out ways you can start making even more money right now, market your business more effectively (& joyfully). Then you’ll be ready to start jiving with the rest of the classes.
If you’ve already got a successful business
Classes 4 & 5 are for you especially. And the bonuses. ZOMG. What’s it all spell?
M-O-R-E M-O-N-E-Y A-N-D M-O-R-E J-O-Y.
Woah. That was a really long sentence. But anyway!!!
You’ll discover ways to supercharge your marketing. How to plan out your business so it’s meeting your dream income. And how to stay sane and joyful when your business gets crazy busy. Mega important thangs.
I have read through this goddess ecourse twice now as I want to be sure not to miss one single juicy magical bit of this beautiful and intelligent Leonie goddess wisdom.
Although I have been a goddess business owner for more than 20 years, I find valued new wisdom in your words. It is definitely worth the money to add this to mine (or anyone else) business teachings and guidance.
– Goddess Deborah, child carer
How long does it go for?
I’m doing something COMPLETELY wackadoodle (by my standards). You get the FULL course & ALL the bonuses *instantly* when you buy. Why? Because there’s no time to lose when it comes to making the business of your dreams. You can grab whatever your business needs right now. You can dive in & do it at the perfect Business Goddess speed for you.
So the answer? It goes for however long you need it to.
When does it start?
Right now. You’ll get instant access when you sign up, my love. Business wisdom, right when you need it.
What do I get in the kit?
Three PDF ebooks with 190+ pages BRIMMING with wisdom, uber magical marketing strategies, behind-the-business secrets, get-with-ze-program worksheets and fiery determination sauce.
Also: gladness, wonder, hope and love. In equal portions.
What kind of business is this for?
Any and all. You can be based online or offline. Acupuncturist, VA, healer, coach, web designer, photographer, therapist, masseuse, store owner. There is a massive amount of marketing wisdom in here for *everyone* to grow their business and make more gorgeous money!
Ready to become a Business Goddess?
Home Study Business Goddess e-course
You can get the Business Goddess e-course instantly for $79.
VIP Business Goddess
But what I really recommend? Is grabbing a Goddess Circle membership instead. It’s only $99. It’s only $20 extra, but you get $900 more of my stuff. You’ll get ALL my meditations, workbooks & other e-courses AND a year’s access to the Goddess Circle private sanctuary, including the Business Goddess Circle. You can brainstorm it up & make miracles happen with all the other business goddesses. So that’s the option I’d recommend, not because it’s more expensive, but because it’s absoloodely all the support and love I can lavish upon you.
(And yup, you’ll get the 2012 Creating your Goddess Year workbook as well included… in fact, you’ll get the 2013 one as well as soon as it is released! I really have NO IDEA how the Goddess Circle could get more magical + awesome than it already is!!!!)
And there is a big, gorgeous group of goddesses working through the Business Goddess e-course starting February 1.
Ooooodles of support, brainstorming goodness + wisdom sharing!!!
Got questions dearest?
I’d so dearly love to help. Just pop me an email & I’ll do my ding dang darndest to help.
I am SO honoured to be here… and would be utterly delighted to help you on your beautiful journey.
All the love in the world (and SO MUCH more!!!)