Admission: I’ve got so much to blog about, I’ve been feeling a bit stressed. I’ve got so many new Soul Story Custom artworks & Summer Solstice ceremonies & Radiant Raw Food recipes I want to write about here. As my love says though “Make it simple. What’s the simplest truth here?”
So I sat for a little bit, and let the simple come. And here’s my simple. Here’s my stress-free. Here’s what works beautifully: Next week I’ll start sharing all those things. But this week – this week I want to talk about the Creative Goddess e-course I’m running. Or more specifically… the fears that might come up around it.
Wise Woman Fears
I thought about fears this week, because in a couple of days I’m visiting one of my old spiritual mentors – a wise healer woman in her sixties. And when I say “visiting” – I mean getting body, mind, spirit and heart worked over through massage and tarot reading. And as much as I’m looking forward to it and know it will be good for my soul and heart, there are a couple of fears coming up around it. Namely:
“Oh dear. What if this presses one of my buttons?”
“Should I really be spending this money on me?”
and, perhaps the most strongly:
“What if this brings up something I don’t want to face.”
And I stay awake for a couple of hours at night mulling this over, until I ask the Wise Woman in me to step up and answer the questions. And in her gentle, deep voice she says:
“If it presses one of your buttons, it is a blessing. It will be an opportunity to heal something which wants to be healed.”
“Yes my love. You deserve to spend your money on your body, mind, spirit and happiness.”
“You will have brought up what is perfect for you to face right now. Trust that you are loved. Trust that you are in the right space for this. Trust that you will be held.”
Facing fear & hearing our hearts
And so I got to thinking that maybe we all have different fears come up whenever we are fronted with something new, and unknown, and deep – no matter how beautiful we know they will be.
So this week I’ll be posting on a few different questions/fears that have come up for some people around the Creative Goddess e-course & circle. If the e-course doesn’t call to your spirit to do – that’s totally okay. But if it does, and you feel a bit stuck in the what-if of fear, that’s totally okay too. We can talk it out, and find the sweet and simple truth of it – the truth that feels good to be in. Sometimes just shining a torch of awareness and love onto a place that feels a bit afraid can do wonders. I don’t want anyone {especially me} missing out on something that could be beautiful because of their fear.
Let’s go fears hunting & shining!
Over the next few days we’ll talk about all the creative fears and questions that could pop their heads up – including:
“But I’m not an artist! I can’t even draw a stick person!”
“I’m already creating. What would I get out of this course?” and that old goodie:
“I don’t know if I’m good enough/if I’ll fit in/if I’ll belong”
and if you’re really not sure…
“I don’t know what this Goddess thing is all about! Will it work with my religion?” (Hint: the answer is yes!)
If you’ve got any more Creative Goddess questions or fears – silly or huge – leave a comment {anonymously if you like}, and we’ll get to work on them and shed some light on them.
Starting tomorrow, we’ll shine a little soul torch into the stick person drawing fears. Can’t wait!
Group hug it out,

Start the New Year with six weeks of creativity, joy and inspiration by enrolling in my Creative Goddess e-course & circle. Signup by Dec 1 to receive a Creative Goddess surprise in the mail in time for Christmas!