Hola gorgeous goddesses,
If there’s one thing I love more than making light of fears, its allaying any questions that come up. So today, I’ll be answering some more questions goddesses have been emailing me and commenting about the Creative Goddess e-course & circle. If you’re feeling unsure about anything, I’d love to help you find that place that is more sure about the journey you wish to choose. So if you’ve got more questions, drop me a line dearheart, or ask in the circle of comments. For those who’ve been asking questions, check back into the comments where I do answer 🙂
But first, a little bit on my journey…
It’s storytime again. Because I believe stories are mythical journeys that touch the soul.
Since my graceful & sacred face-plant into Mama Earth, I’ve been really watching my energy & balance levels. As much as I’d like to be a Do-Bunny right now, obviously my body is aching for some more Be-Panda time. This means temporarily giving up trying to wake up at 5:30 every morning to be more productive, and having some solid switch-off-and-curl-up times with my love. The next step for me is to actually schedule in a retreat time for me. Retreat time used to happen whenever it fell. Now I have realised I need to schedule it in just like any other social activity – it’s as important, if not more so, to meet my own needs before another’s. I know that the big truth here is it is *more* important to meet my own needs before a friend’s, but for now, it’s a bit shift to even think of my own being *as* important. So I’ll work with that, and the next level of understanding will come in time. I don’t want to feel overwhelmed by the lesson and run screaming in the other direction, so I’ll just work with what is most possible right now for me.
And what happened with all my fears about healing?
A few days ago, I wrote about fears. How we all have them. And not just about what bad things might happen – but the fear of the things we know to be good and true too. I wrote about my own fears about spending one-on-one time with my mentor/healing wise woman Ellanita of the Teddy Bear story. I spoke about being afraid of having my buttons pressed, afraid of it being too much, worried about spending money on myself. And I also spoke about how the Wise Woman inside me answered those fears. Well – I’m so glad that I went. I’m so glad I faced the fears, and walked into the healing space anyway.
I spent a magical afternoon with Ellanita filling up with a massage and reading. It felt like a pocket of time where I could put down all the things I’d been carrying and just sit. Be. Speak honestly about those things that have been dulling my shine. Be Heard. Be Listened to. Be Loved Anyway.
The truth of my fears was that healing didn’t press my buttons – it just showed me the ones that ached already, that were already asking for attention and care. And it showed me the path forward to healing them, nurturing them back to love as I would an aching part of my Teddy Bear inner child.
The truth of my fears is that I would gladly spend the money all over again on My Self for the peace, joy & comfort it brought to my life. And I am going to – one of my retreat participants has started her crystal therapy business, and her Recharge & Rebalance sessions sound perfect for this time in my life. {Rebalance – get it? ha ha!}
The truth of my fears is that I was given exactly the right amount I could deal with. I’m not overwhelmed with the healing to continue, nor the changes to make. I’m not untouched by it either – I’m living in a beautiful balance of what is perfect for me, right now. That’s the beauty of soul work.
It’s been a big, amazing journey of healing & life these past few days. I’m so blessed to have experienced them.
And now onto the Creative Goddess questions…
So we’ve been talking about fears about creativity & the Creative Goddess e-course & circle. And today I’m talking about the questions that come up about the practical parts of the course – as in – is this right for me? Will it work for me & my life?
First question… Time commitment. How much time can you expect to spend doing the Creative Goddess course?
If your time is stretched, you can participate in the course using only an hour or two… or if you get really into it, you can keep on going 🙂 There’s enough in the course to get you filled up and inspired for an hour, right through to however much time you’d love to spend on it. It’s the magic expanding course that works with your energy. The important thing is to do it, and be able to do it in the time that works for you.
I know our lives can be so busy, with some weeks more than others, so the course materials are bundled and given to you so you can save them for later & use at any time that works for you.
Imagine that we’ll be meeting up for connection, creativity, inspiration & a big mug of tea for an hour or two each week. Time for you to come home to yourself. Time to experience the beauty of creativity. Time to meditate, connect, create, and be overcome with joy at the sight of paint on your fingers.
And if you’re worried about not having enough time & not being able to dive fully into the course – one hour spent in creativity is about a thousand times better than none. It can fill you up with inspiration, energy & bliss like nothing else. 🙂
For those who want to get *really* into the course, you can do that too…. and work on whatever calls you each time. Whatever is perfect for you right now, is perfect.
Secondly: doing it with friends & family!
I’ve been so excited & delighted about all the friends, mamas, daughters & sisters signing up to do the course together. I love that besties from across the world are enrolled to participate together, to share the experience of creativity & soulful inspiration to bring them even closer together. I love that mamas & daughters are enrolled to connect even more deeply – both mamas with teenage daughters at home, and mamas with grown up daughters who live across the country. I love that sisters are joining up to create together as a way of connecting, talking, growing & loving together. I love love love this. And I love that my own mama & sister are signed up to. Magical times must ensue. Gorgeous goddesses who sign up in pairs or more get the course at a discounted rate of $60 each – just email me {leonie AT gmail DOT com} and I’ll send a Paypal invoice with the special rate. YAY! You can also sign up friends & family for Christmas gifts – enrollments before Dec 1 get an extra Creative Goddess treat in the mail for Christmas.
Thirdly: What art supplies will you need for the Creative Goddess e-Course?
First and foremost, I’m not an art supply snob. I’m kind of the opposite of. It’s so much more important to me to actually do it – create – and have fun with it – than worry about what I need to buy this week. My art supplies consist of a box of student’s acrylics – all different brands – all picked up from the cheapest places possible. A packet of half broken oil pastels and chalk pastels that I was given when I was 16 {ten years ago} that are still going strong. A box of wrapping paper from presents received that I keep for collage. A stash of old magazines from ones I’ve read, and some ancient National Geographics I bought at an op shop/vintage cheap shop for twenty for $3. A box of string, sequins and other stuff I pick up here and there. A few feathers that I’ve found on walks. Half run out ink pens and students PVA glue from the newspaper shop. And paper offcuts and cheap canvasses from wherever I find them. As I said – art is supposed to be FUN. It’s not supposed to make you have a mini-freak out about an extensive art supplies list. I’ve been gathering the above over the last ten years, and it’s really superflous to what I really need to make art.
This is *not* a painting course – we will be working in lots of different projects & mediums, so the supply list includes paint because it can be used in so many ways. We’ll be exploring sacred creativity in loads of different ways including journalling, collage, sculpture & mixed media. And if you’ve got a medium you really love working in or supplies, you can totally use them and adapt the project to them. YAY!
So, with that in mind, here’s the totally extensive art supplies list of what you’ll need for the course:
* Some paint.
Because paint is fun and it is bright and can be used in a thousand different ways for a thousand different things.
You can pick up a set of watercolour, acrylic or gouache tubes cheaply.
I recommend student’s acrylic because you can water it down to make it watercoloury, or keep it fairly opaque so you can layer it like oil paint.
Even picking up a six tubes of your favourite colours works great. Get it from wherever is cheapest or happiest for you. And go go the student’s acrylics – you don’t need the expensive professional artist’s acrylics. Anything that makes you anal about using it is not fun or good for the soul. 🙂
* Something to paint with i.e. brushes.
You need two brushes – one thick, one thin. Ignore the brushes made out of exotic animals with different textured hairs. Go for the big pack of five for $2. Because it’s FUN.
* Something to paint on.
You can use office paper. Or cardboard. Or cheap artist’s canvasses. It’s not important. What’s important is you – beautiful you – giving yourself the time and space to create. Because you can. And it will make you feel inspired and shining and amazing.
* Extra stuff.
Keep old magazines and newspapers and scraps of coloured paper (wrapping paper… hello Christmas) for collage. I’m a big fan of using what’s around you :).
There’ll be a project or two where you get to find natural materials to use as well. YAY! 🙂
And a tiny Creative Goddess story to finish off…
A gorgeous goddess who came along to one of my Creative Goddess workshops here in Canberra has gotten so excited and re-invigorated about creating since she can to the workshop. Like so many of us – she loved loved LOVED art during school, and just hasn’t found the time/space/inspiration to do it since. Well, since the workshop, she got so fired up, she went to the art store and bought herself a packet of soft pastels. She’s totally relishing exploring with pastels… and has decided to try her hand at watercolour paints once she’s loved up pastels. It was a huge step for her to do it ~ and I’m cheering for her like a pom-pom short-skirted pig-tailed honey!… and I love that it takes just these simple steps to get us completely Creative Goddess awakened and re-invigorated again!
Three cheers for ALL of us!
So the lesson of today: it’s more about the act of creating and exploring soulfully than what you’re creating *with* ~ the moments of soulful creativity are the beautiful thing.
We’ll be talking about more Creative Goddess fears in the next couple of days – including: What if I don’t fit in? Am the odd one out or don’t belong?
And more questions including: “I’m already creating – what will I get out of this course?” And also about what the Goddess traditions means and how it can work for any woman – no matter what religion.

Until then… huggle yourself, nourish yourself, nap & rest…
just like my little golden spiritual mascot, Charlie.
Big Love,

Gorgeous goddesses who sign up for my Creative Goddess e-course by Monday December 1 get an extra Creative Goddess surprise in the mail for Christmas. I so hope you can join us in this magical, inspiring and creative course & circle starting Jan 15. The perfect way to begin the New Year!