Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
It’s Creative Goddess Sunday! Weeeeeee!
Today’s the day I get to share with you some of what’s been brewing in my studio & heart lately… and you can share about yours in the Comments Circle if you are called 🙂 Wahoo!
I’m so excited to re-introduce Goddess Guide Art Prints!
My art prints have been taking a break on an island with a hammock and mango frappe in hand for the last couple of months. And one of them just came back from holidays, and is ready to go fly out into the world.

I’ve changed up my art print ordering system so they are now all taken care of by a pro-printing house. And the best thing is, you have CHOICES! Wahoo 🙂 You can order this print as a greeting card, laminated print, canvas, framed print and poster.
If I ever quoted Paris Hilton, I would say “That’s hot” but I don’t, so let’s pretend I didn’t just say that. *gigglesnort*
So yus! If you want to order yourself something scrumptious for your home, ch-ch-check it out!
Sweet sweetness
One sweet angel named Asha emailed me after receiving her print & said this, which totally made my heart glow with a thousand dragonflies and fairy dust and stuff.
“The gorgeous print came in the mail today and I am completely in love with it! It makes me feel all warm and comfy and cleansed like sitting outside the in sun wrapped in a soft robe after the best eucalyptus scented bubble bath ever– only on the inside! You are a goddess of life! And my kitty just crawled across the computer keyboard to snuggle you a bit, so I guess she loves it too! Thank you for being you!”
– Asha
Which reminds me, everytime I hear the name Asha, I think of this tacky but sweet romantic comedy set in India called Outsourced. One of the lines in it is “Asha can do anything!”
And I know you’ve all watched it and will totally know what I’m talking about, because I can’t be the only person who has watched every.single.romantic.comedy.in.the.store. Right?
Bueller? Bueller?
Anyway, long story short… I adore you Asha! And your sweet sweet emails.
And I love love love that my prints are going out into the world to create love and magic for humans and cats alike 🙂
Creativity takes many forms
Yus. Yus it does.
And because of my total dedication to the arts and adoration of you all, I am going to share something verrrrrry special with you.
A kind of creative act I’m not (yet) well known for.
A kind of creative act that only happens on a Saturday night in pyjamas after eating roast vegetables with mozarella on top with one of your dearest friends and accidently discovering that you both had an obsession with boy band East 17 in the early 90s.
A kind of creative act that is a dancing video tribute to that band that results in you collapsing in giggles.
To fully understand the genius that is this video, you need to watch the original East 17 video. And then see just how perfect our tribute is. Except for the butterfly arms bit. That’s got nothing to do with East 17, and more about us thinking butterflies are cool.
With all those disclaimers aside, here is my latest creative act:
Our Tribute to East 17 from Goddess Leonie on Vimeo.
The best masterpiece I can ever hope to create is one that makes me laugh, love, be childlike and love and have fun with that sweet soul inside me. So I’m going to mark this creative endeavour as being totally a success. 🙂
Passing the Talking Stick…

So what’s been brewing in youre creative pot lately? You can take the talking stick in the Comments Circle & share if you are called. I’d love to hear about your creative goddessness 🙂