
Am nailing (PUNNY!) these DIY projects of late! BEHOLD!

More things of note:

  • Australia after being mostly free from COVID over the past year is having a small outbreak currently (130ish people). I do feel a little bit tense until it gets back under control. Vaccines aren’t widely available here in Australia yet – only to some parts of the population. And that totally makes sense of course – other countries actually NEED the vaccines, and we’ve been able to largely eradicate through a variety of restrictions including short lockdowns and quarantining international travellers. Anyways, I just wanted to acknowledge that my chest feels a bit tight while we wait to see how this outbreak spreads or is contained.
  • I spent the weekend swimming around in Susan Branch’s “Martha’s Vineyard” illustrated memoir. Ooof it is DELICIOUS, and makes me: A) want to bake and do lovely homemade things B) do more art C) live on a small island that has four seasons just like that too!
  • I’m in creative cave finalising Marketing Without Social Media which starts in a few days. All I can think about is COURSE! And COVID!
  • I haven’t done any challenge logs for my latest challenge. I might have to do a shit one just to get started.

That’s all!

Big love,