I am quiet at the moment. Have you noticed?
I don’t have much to say. I’m just quietly rearranging my innards.
Here’s some dot points of brain fartage:
- Read Primary School Confessional by Mrs Woog. Made me feel less alone in all the weird parenting freakouts I have in my brain like JAYSUS WOT THE FUCK HEADLICE and DID I JUST TALK TO ANOTHER SCHOOL MUM OR WAS I JUST GUEST STARRING IN AN EPISODE OF REAL HOUSEWIVES.
- I’ve been learning from a bunch of e-courses and books currently. The doodle above is what I created while listening to a 40 minute lecture today. It’s the same symbol I have on my arm.
- I’m on my third or fourth re-read of Tessa Dare‘s Spindle Cove romance novels. To me, they are perfection. They have become my comfort read.
- I honestly feel like I’m in a bit of a rut. I might need a new creative project or 21 day challenge to perk me up. I’ve been thinking about doing a no spend challenge. That’d be fun, right?
- Everything here is totally fine and I adore my family AND I also want to run away into the night. You know what I mean? Sometimes the lack of spontaneity and play time is just crushing. Usually when I’m in this kind of mood, I can shake it by going out with my mates and laughing until our sides ache. But we’re kind of lockdown adjacent at the moment, and I don’t feel comfortable going out. In a few weeks we’re off on a long weekend to visit an old country town and see my in-laws (as long as Covid behaves itself, of course!) I’m hoping a bit of a change to our routine and seeing new things we haven’t seen before will be the balm that is needed.
- The Great Pottery Throwdown is still the highlight of my family’s day. The 2021 season is especially cracker. I fucking love the giant hulk of a judge, Keith, who cries when he sees beauty. And the new co-judge is that gentle hunkaspunk Rich who got promoted from a non-speaking gig in other seasons. The new host is Siobhan McSweeney (from Derry Girls) who is hysterical and I’d like to adopt as my BFF stat. And they have a trans woman on the cast now! All in all: fucking wholesome. I was actually squealing on the episode when they did naked raku firing. Apparently, I now talk in ceramics.
Big hugs,

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