Hola gorgeous goddesses!!!
Tis the season to be dreaming… setting our intentions for the year ahead using the 2012 Creating your Goddess Year workbook.
As part of our 2012 Dream Extravaganza, I wanted to invite some gorgeous friends to share some of their filled out pages from the workbook & what they were dreaming of for 2012. I get SO inspired hearing other people’s dreams + plans!

Today’s post is from my adorable friend Tara Swiger. She’s a fellow turquoise lover + she makes wild rainbow yarn + helps other creatives with their businesses. You remember her from this peek into her Creative Goddess studio? Anyways: adorables, kind + delicious. I adore her.
Take it away Tara!!!
* * *
Leonie’s workbook has become a yearly tradition for me. Last year, working through it while sitting in a rented room (having moved suddenly after being broken into), while the snow fell outside, I realized that the word I needed for 2011 was SAFETY.

Breaking into this year’s workbook, I suddenly realized that while I might have started the year feeling vulnerable and tender, 2011 was FULL OF AWESOME.
Honestly, it didn’t feel like an awesome year. It started with us moving into a tiny room that we rented from a friend and all of our stuff into a 10×10 storage space. For the first three months of the year, we searched endlessly for a homey home that would make us feel safe, snuggled and at rest.
It was a hard three months, but writing it all down in the workbook, it hit me:
Stripping everything away clarifies everything.
I can see that during that time, because I really turned my attention to the internal things (having very little external space) of safety, security and what I really wanted.. I built a safe space. That led to confidence, real feelings of safety (for the first time since…ever in my adult life?) and THAT led me to feeling bold enough to make some big decisions and take on exciting projects.
When we found our tiny little place, it felt just big enough and snug enough to feel both safe + homey.
And even though this seems silly, we (for the first time in our 7 year marriage) actually turned it into a home. We painted the bedroom and living room. We bought furniture we really love (instead of taking hand-me-downs). I painted for the first time ever. I framed + displayed my art alongside my friends’ art.
I finally finally feel like I have a home, a safe space.

So that’s cool, but that’s not all! That feeling of safety and having a home leads to all kinds of crazy things.
I didn’t recognize this until I worked through the first part of the workbook, but everything I did this year fit together. When I listed it all – I see that everything else (after moving) has been saying YES to things I didn’t think I was ENOUGH for.
- Taking on new clients and new kinds of work
- Starting the STARSHIP and filling it with smart people
- Deciding to write a book before I’m 30 (next June), pitching a book to a publisher (then getting a contract the VERY same week)
- Actually sitting down and writing that book.
- Travelling as much as I wanted, just for the joy of seeing far away friends
- Moving my yarn business into 90% wholesale (and rocking the shop’s world with how quickly they sold the yarn)
Until I started listing it (at Leonie’s insistence) I didn’t even know all that stuff happened in 2011!
And the thing they all have in common is that I had NO IDEA I could do them until I said YES.
So that’s my big lesson from 2011: Say yes. I am enough (big enough, smart enough, clever enough, organized enough) to say yes.
So as I look forward to 2012, and answer all the fun worksheets of goals and plans and wishes, I’m keeping that in mind: the intention I set now, the plans I set in motion now will lead to glorious beautiful lessons that will unfold in ways I never imagined.

And in one year, I’ll be sitting down with my workbook,
looking back, amazed at what happened.
Tara Swiger captains a Starship, makes maps, and spins yarns (metaphorical and physical). If you want to explore your own craftybiz world, check out her [free] mini-course for explorers.
Thank you beautiful Tara!
I love the dreams you’ve got coming true, girl.
One day I’ll wrap you up in a big bear hug for reals!
Let’s go make miracles happen together, party people!!!
joyful love + high fives!