Time left to grab the early bird discount:

My loves,
I’ve been pondering to myself what to launch next.
I have so many ideas & possibilities flittering around my head, but then I realised…
40 Days to Create + Sell Your eCourse hasn’t had a live round in a while now.
So I’ve decided to do a live round AND offer a three day early bird discount!

For the next three days, you can get $50 off!
But only while there’s still time on the clock…
Whenever I’m asked “Leonie, if you had to start your business from scratch, what’s the one thing you would do again?” my answer is always: eCourses.
I’ve sold over $8 million in eCourses and they are the foundation of my business.
Why should you create an eCourse?
- They get you selling to many instead of 1:1, saving you time and energy
- eCourses earn you more moolah
- They create more transformation for your clients as they are guided through your work
- eCourses are a great way to build passive income streams
Putting it sweet and simple babes, eCourses are the fucking bomb-diggity!

Now… let me answer all your questions!
*places fingers on temples* what questions am I receiving telepathically from you all…
Q. When does the course open?
A. September 1st, 8am Pacific Time. The course will be locked for new members until then.
Q. Are there live calls with you Leonie?
A. Yup yup, that’s what makes this a live run! There will be one a week for six weeks, and they start September 9th, 6:30am Brisbane Time.
Q. I want the early bird discount after the timer hits zero, is that possible?
A. Nooope! Soz, the early bird discount is strictly only available while there’s still time on the clock.
Q. Are payment plans available?
A. Not for the early bird, sorry!
Q. If I’ve already bought 40 Days to Create + Sell Your eCourse, do I need to purchase it again?
A. Noooo. You get complimentary access to this live run, so plz do not purchase it again.
Q. I’m a current member of 40 Days to Create + Sell Your eCourse, can you please re-lock my course so it opens along with everyone else’s on Sept 1st?
A. Can do! Email support@leoniedawson.com and my assistant will get right on it!
Q. I’ve bought a different course from you before, how do I make sure this one gets added to my library?
A. Make sure you login to your membership, and then open another tab in your browser and purchase! That way the system will register you’re a member and automatically add it to your library.
Q. Leonie, I know you’re an oracle but you didn’t answer my question!
A. My powers work in mysterious ways… Ha! No worries babes! Just email it to support@leoniedawson.com

Are you ready to finally create your eCourse?
Do you want to leverage and scale your income fast & effectively?
Or maybe you’ve created an eCourse but you’re not getting the sales you want from it?
This eCourse journey is for YOU.
In the space of 40 days, you are going to get your e-course DONE. And master the tech like a pro. And start SELLING it like crazy.
This is accountability, tech + marketing advice on SPEED.
It’s time to share your light big and bright with the WORLD!
With love from an eCourse superstar,

Time left to grab the early bird discount:

Daily-ish writings
Weekly love letters
Podcast: Leonie Dawson Refuses To Be Categorised
A library of free treasures
Sales Star
💥. Marketing Without Social Media
Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income
40 Days To A Finished Book
40 Days To Create & Sell Your E-Course