Hola gorgeous goddesses!
I am *so* excited about all the Goddesses hearing the call & joining the Creative Goddess e-Course & Circle. As with all circles and retreats, I’m excited about the creative & soulful miracles that will be born from it, but I’m most excited about the Goddesses who are gathering for it, and the connections we will share. Such amazing Goddesses from all around the globe – artists, writers, mamas, beaders, photographers, women who want to create, women who are already creating, dancers, dreamers, wise ones & women wanting more creativity & soul in their lives.
I also love that sisters and friends are signing up to do the course together, and three sets of mamas & daughters {including me & my mama, and a 14 year old & her mama}. I love love LOVE that we are going to be all connecting creatively & soulfully!
When women circle, miracles happen. Every time.
I’ve also been asked some questions about the course… and just incase you’re wondering about the same things, here’s the Creative Goddess e-Course & Circle FAQs!
1. How will the course be run?
Every week I will send out by email all the course materials for the week. You’ll be able to listen to the MP3 meditations, watch the videos, do the Creative Goddess projects & participate in the Goddess Circle message board at whatever time is delicious for you.
For VIP Creative Goddesses, we will work out a time during the six weeks that I can call you for our 45 minutes of Goddess Coaching/Readings.
2. Can menfolk enroll?
They most certainly can. And they can be our honourary Creative Gods!
3. What creative medium will we be creating in?
The Creative Goddess eCourse & Circle will include projects in a range of creative mediums, including collage, painting, journalling, drawing, scrapbooking and sculpture. You can also elect to do some extra creating including dance and photography. Basically – it’s about getting you to unleash your Creative Goddess in all kinds of creative ways, and trying out new mediums you might not have tried before. If you’ve got any special requests for mediums, just ask, and I’ll see if I can include. And please don’t worry about requiring lots of equipment or materials for this course – you can adapt the mediums to work for you. This course is less about creating one specific thing in one specific way, and more about discovery, sacred exploring, soulful creating and going where your Creative Goddess energy is calling you!
4. If I’m a New Zealander, do I pay in US or AUS dollars?
You can pay in AUS dollars.
5. Is there an minimum age limit for Goddesses to enrol?
No there’s not. I do have early teens enrolled in the course, and in the workshops I run here in Canberra, I regularly have little Goddesses involved. Children & teens are already gifted at creativity, living in the moment, being present & being open hearted, so they are such a beautiful part of courses!
For more information and to enrol, go to the Creative Goddess eCourse page.
If you have any questions, please just ask dearhearts. I would so love to have you a part of the circle, and if there’s anything I can do to ease any questions you have, please just let me know, by asking in the comments or emailing me 🙂
You are SO loved!