Hola sweetpea,
A day late. Tired & a little saddle worn.
But you know what makes me feel better?
It’s Allsorts Day. Inspiration Day. The day I share all the goodies I’ve found that are inspiring me.
But first. A miracle.
I spent 1/1/11 doing something momentous.
I had lunch with my cousins.
It sounds normal enough, no?
It could have been disguised as normal and everyday.
But underneath?
Something else entirely. Something big, profound and healing.
You see, 13 years ago, a storm tore through my father’s family. Fathers & brothers & sisters no longer speak with each other. And we, the children of those siblings, got stuck behind (what felt like enemy) lines.
The threads of our tight-knit family gnarled in knots and unraveled. It was incredibly sad at the time.
But then, as it does, time passed.
Wounds softened, hurts healed, fear grew bored and found a new home.
And children grew up and decided there were no more enemy lines to be made or witnessed.
So that’s what we did today.
Maybe you saw us. We were the loud crew at Hog’s Breath. Laughing and hooting and swearing too much (or maybe that was just me). You would of recognised us as vaguely looking like some kind of tribe – one that all herald the lightest of blue eyes.
It looked like an ordinary thing.
But I can tell you in my heart of hearts, it was no ordinary thing.
For the first time in 13 years, cousins gathered together. To commune, and laugh, and be together.
It was one big healing miracle.
So there you go, dearest.
Miracles do happen.
I so wish I could go back to my 16 year old self – the one who was trembling & so very hurt by the storm – and say:
It will get better. It will get easier. Healing miracles will happen. All in sweet time, my love. Right now, just be gentle. In time, it will happen.
And so it did.
So much grace, love and togetherness to let sink deep into my bones this day.
I am grateful.
And now… my dearest… onto the goddess allsorts! Things that inspire me this week!

You know how I said I might one day get over my love of Bookshelf Porn? Nope, still not today.

I’ve been reading the Simple Blogging ebook this week. A refreshing breath of air, it tis.
I love this post on how much can change in one year (& how to make it change) by my sweet friend Catherine.
My incredible friend Pixie’s sharing about sweat lodge.

Via the ever sweet Design Mom, Martha Stewart’s new range of craft room furniture.
The beautiful Tara ze Organic Sister shares her 11 Permissions for 2011. I love love love these:
I hereby give myself full, unapologetic permission to….
1. Only take and keep the photos I love.
2. Feel shy or walk away.
5. Be selfish with my self-care.
9. Have a piece of life that belongs only to me.
10. Fearlessly live up to my full potential.

These toys from EcoToys are scrumptious. I’m a thinking these might be a beautiful first birthday gifty to our Mermaid Daughter?

Holy dinger I love the photographers Bobbi and Mike. Every year they create a crazy fantastico Xmas card. This year, they decided to do an Awkward Family Photoshoot. I howled & HOWLED with laughter over these ones. Again and again. Tell me I’m not alone in this.

And another story about a sweat lodge. This one however is about how a sweat lodge is like birthing. I’d agree with that. It’s like going on a vision quest all on your own. The most incredible of initiations.

And continuing on in my grand tradition of adoring Cass Oswald, she sent me a tweet this week that said “I’m pretty sure you’re going to gigglesnort WILDLY when you see the Halloween costume I wore this year.”
And then she posted this pic. Of her all dressed up as a PURPLE UNICORN.
Ark! That girl killllls me. Let’s go tell Cass she makes a magnificent unicorn, okaysies?
When Parents Text has me howling.

Chris, aka The Hot Manfairy That Reads (as one goddess reader puts it) (as pictured above) asked me something this week:
So, hon, what makes you most uncomfortable?
I thought for a moment, and then said:
Vulnerability. Oof. Ark. Uck! YUCK!
he says.
And then a couple of days later, he emails me a link to watch this. He’d already watched it, and thought it was good. And then he sits and watches it with me for the second time.
I’m not kidding. Sensitive, in tune, spirited men are NOT UNICORNS. They REALLY DO EXIST! Spread the word!
Now I’m going to stop talking so you can actually watch the movie.
And to round off, I’m so so so in love with the artwork of Erin Faith Allen this week:

Ahhhhhh… what a glorious, glorious life.
And what a truly luminous start to 2011.
Inspired now? Me too.
Happy new year, my darling goddess sister.
Let’s make magic happen.
Love, great spirit & luminous joy that seeps out your pores,