Hola gorgeous Goddesses!

Hurrah! It’s that time of the week again! The day I share with you all the treasures I have found around the interwebs. I hope they fill you up, inspire you & make you dance!

This UP inspired house is magical.

Did you ever play Draw and Fold Over as a kid? Thanks to the wonder of the interwebz, you can play it again!

I love my darling friend Lisa’s declaration of sassy.

These tiny, incredible scuptures by Slinkachu just do me over.

Unbrave Girl is my travelling hero. Funny, smart, wise and lover of cookies… she is a girl after my own heart.

I love Huntressa’s 100 Things to Do in 2011.

Oh! Lovely Goddess Anita wanted me to let you know there’s still some printed copies left of the 2011 Workbook if you were feeling called!

Kitty Dreaming. Best ever.

This cartoon pretty much sums up my interwebz surfing life. (Though I hopesicles these Goddess Inspiration posts make it a leeeeetle bit easier for you to find joy & inspiration!!! Yay to THAT!)

My adorable friend Jolie has the BEST creative project ever: A Year Of Pastry.

Oh! If you’re a US business goddess & need some tax support, I totally recommend my gorgeous friend Marissa’s Inspired Tax Relief.

Conan’s farewell speech is actually dang inspiring. Amazing Things Will Happen. Oh yes! They WILL!

I love John Styn’s vibrant pink spirit. Bless you groovy dude!

Me & my sweet friend Brandi the Joy Rebel have been hanging out on the interwebz for years. Back when we called the love of our lives our “boyfriends”, hung out at Camp Sark & hadn’t heard of blogging. Oh, how we’ve grown (but matured so little! Yay!) Anywaysies, she’s running a lovely course called MOVE! So excited for her!

I’m only linking to this because it’s got Colin Firth in it, but that’s plenty reason enough, my darling friend. Agree? Actors in Character.

I love my darling goddess circle sister Kyeli. Take note of her beautiful idea: if you want your home to feel like a haven, rename the rooms to be sacred. The Sanctuary. The Room of Sacred Water.

Karen Maezen Miller is one of my favourites: My Practice isn’t Working

If my practice doesn’t make me more tolerant, humble,

and generous,

my practice isn’t working.

When I haven’t been here, I’ve been…

writing up a song in some of my favourite places!

The Full Time Job Of Being A Goddess :: Scoutie Girl Blog

Baby Led Weaning: An Adventure in Joy :: Heather Eats Almond Butter

Nest :: Creative Every Day

Walking Through The Land of Birth :: Offbeat Mama

Interview :: Creative Soul Cafe

8 Ways to Get Wild With Your Art :: My Blooming Life

I’m teaching at Find Your Sparkle!

Mama Goddess Corner

All the treasures I found for mamas…

I am so grateful for the work of Parenting By Connection.

I heart Offbeat Mama: Finding peace with my new stay-at-home life. Oh, and My Unexpected Love Affair With A Stroller had me howling with laughter. Me too, sister. Me toooo.

Happiest Mom does it again: On labels and limits: why I no longer call myself an “attachment parent”. And Keep It Real.

Do you remember the show “Blossom”? She’s now Sheldon’s love interest on The Big Bang Theory. Oh AND a writer about parenting! Cue: Why I don’t force my kids to say Please.

Video Goddess

And oh.dear.goddess.

This is pretty much the best way to end a Goddess Inspiration ever:

Let’s go have a magical weekend!!!

Huge love & great spirit & incurable giggles 😀