Hola gorgeous goddesses!!!

It’s that happy time of the week again… Goddess Inspiration day.

SO much to share with you this week!

Let’s start it off with some muzak, yus?

I’ve been listening to the incredible Cora Flora’s music… she shines, that woman. And her handmade CD packages are just sublime. So good for the soul.

This week I wanted to add extra things that have been inspiring me this week… both on and OFF ze web.

So without muchos ado…

What’s been inspiring me in my world…

It’s been a really intense kinda week in my world. There’s some WFS happening in my life right now (Weird Family Stuff or Shi*, whichever one speaks to you most in the moment!)

So I’m really, really extra grateful for what goodness there IS. Sometimes I feel like I can see & feel even more beauty when my heart is extra vulnerable. Beauty, love & small miracles go such a long way.

I feel like my job right now is just to stay centered and grounded in my life. I have to keep my eye on ze prize… and ze price is being happy & peaceful. So that’s what I’m doing.

My love took me to the sea on Monday… to a very special beach where we first fell in love, and where we will be marrying on in May. And it was SUCH a magical experience. Utterly blissful. There were sea turtles mating (WOOO!) and the sky was incredible and I just felt so utterly, utterly at peace. I am a coastal mermaid for sure. And while I was sitting there, I knew without a doubt that it was where I was meant to be.

I just can’t even tell you how magical it is here…

We washed & cleansed in the ocean… Chris’ mama taught us that when you visit the ocean, you stand in the water, breathe out as the waves go out, and all your worries get taken from you into Mama Oshun. It works so beautifully.

See where those rocks are? Right at the tip, that’s where my love asked me to marry him. And that’s where we’re getting married. Sea eagles fly around the mountain that the rocks lead up to and there are always pelicans too.

We lay down for a nap & Ostara fell asleep, lulled by the sound of the waves. Her first sea nap!

It was just paradise in a day. So restoring for my soul… for all of us.

Also, I know you were wondering, but my New Year’s resolution to wear way more turquoise is going SPLENDIDLY. I feel like such a success! Hee! Triple bonus points for getting Ostara in on the act too! Yay!

I totally put love heart & smiley face stickers on my glasses to cheer me up. It worked. I feel very seven-year-old with them on, but I like it! (I don’t think I’m ever taking them off)

I did a few interviews this week via Skype from our backyard for a few radio shows & courses including Creative Soul Cafe radio show. And they totally lit me up on the inside. I so so so love what I do. SO love.

This week has been one of my busiest weeks… so many goddesses signing up for part*y payment plans for Goddess Circle… then getting them all settled into the space… It’s just magical & blissful to watch something that I had a vision off in a dream come into real life. My goshness it’s a blessing & a miracle.

AND! I am going to my first women’s circle since Ostara was born. A moon ceremony! I am so, so, so looking forward to being in sacred ceremony again… and also meeting new soulful goddesses here. Heart is happy knowing this!

What’s inspiring me on ze interwebz!

Oooh! Let’s start with this! A gorgeous goddess after hearing about my turquoise efforts sent me this article about people who wear one colour!

I’ve been reading & learning from the incredibly wise teacher & healer Hiro Boga. Her How To Rule Your World From the Inside Out program is really touching me. Hiro teaches about sovereignty – about how to be the queen of your own kingdom. It’s touching some sore spots in me that are in need of healing right now… I’m so very grateful for her work.

Have you seen the exquisite Hermitage yet? Magical art, magical life.

My dear friend Leah’s magical pregnacious mama artwork.

I love Darren’s 4 year old son’s reminder for bloggers:

Tell the world something important.


This rainbow artwork (via Design Mom) makes my brain happy.

Sarah’s insight into How to fix a relationship breakdown.

I’m sorry, but I just can’t stop giggling over this: Giving the gift of sound this Christmas. Everyone has been extremely pleased thus far. Can you imagine recording yourself humming stupid songs, packaging it up as a Christmas album & giving it to everyone you love at Christmas time? To the man who did it, I say BRAVO. BRAVO. And that feedback is just stellar.

I love Erin Faith Allen’s blurry photos.

My lovely friend Lisa’s Take That Nap ebook is just beautiful and gentle. Just like her.

I’ve been reading a lot of fashion blogs lately because they are just filled with creativity & beauty.
Adore adore ADORE these photos from Sea Of Shoes.

Pinky Mckay’s advice for mamas: Don’t let anyone should on you.

Okay, so there’s some important things for you to know. I used to be in love with Dawson from Dawson’s Creek. And I even told a friend that one day, I was going to marry a Dawson. A year later, I met a very hot man and I fell in love with him at first sight. And later I found out his last name was Dawson. So colour me deliciously happy, dearheart. I’m going to be Mrs Dawson as of May!

Anyways to say that the original Dawson holds a special place in my heart is to say that I mildly like cupcakes.

Then this week, my very favourite ex-cubicle boss & dear friend sends me a link, saying: Me thinky you might likey.

She was wrong. I LOVEY.

My gosh this has been the longest intro to a ding dang link ever.

Without further ado:

James Van Der Memes.

I adore Marissa Bracke. Two posts of fantastical goodness this week: Best & Worst Things To Do When You Are Overwhelmed. & Less Domination, More Tea: A Mini-Festo.

This artwork is amazeballs.

I think Unbrave Girl is just precious.

Keep Calm & Carry On wallpapers. I’ve got mine on. Must remember.

My insightfilled goddess sister Pixie shared the most incredible story this week… about how she found the reincarnation of her dear dog. Oh my goodness. I think I will always remember this story.

Loving the beauty of the August Empress website.

I really love hearing how other creatives create. This video about the fashion photographer The Sartorialist is utterly compelling. I just love how he looks for beauty in the world.

Okay my loves… I think this calls for a GROUP HUG!!!

Wherever you are, and however you are, I want you to know you are loved. And everything will be okay.

All my love,