Hola gorgeous Goddess,
Today, you have a goddess project to do. Do you accept this mission?
A couple days ago, my sweet cubicle-buddy Artemis (from The Happy Go Round) and I were talking about the things we felt obligated to do that felt so heavy. Like we needed to do this and that in order to feel like we were “nice”… and meanwhile our sweet spirits were craving something else.
And at some point I said… “you know what? I give you express permission to NOT contact people unless it makes you happy.” And her whole face lit up. And she said “You know what Leonie? I’m giving you permission to not always be available!” And my sweet little heart felt so very relieved.
Like we’d just put down some very, very heavy loads.
And then we got some office stationery and made each other permission slips to remember.
So your task today…
Work out what you need your permission slip to be.
Check in with that beautiful soul of yours, and find out what it is craving.
If everything was possible and easy, what would you give yourself permission for?
Do you need to stop doing something?
Do you need to start doing something?
And then…
Write it in the comments here. Or in your journal. Somewhere. Just put it out into the world, like a whisper of a wish. It will come back to you, riding on starlight. I promise.
Double deluxe project
What would it look like if you actually made your permission slip?
And popped it where it could remind you?
I believe in you.
Would it go above your desk? In your sacred corner? On your altar? In your journal? In your diary?
Go for it
I’m totally supporting you in giving yourself permission to do what you need to do.
I believe in you.
Love, your cheerleader with ra-ra pom poms spangled in glitter and magic,