The One Thing That Changed My Business

Hola gorgeous hearts!

One of the things that really inspired me (+ still does) when I’m down in the salt mines of my business, trying to work out the next step, is listening to the stories of other business women who’ve been where I am + have had an insight that’s helped them along.

With that in mind, I’ve asked a number of gorgeous, inspired, soulful business women to share their sacred AHA! moment – of the thing that changed their business.

Today’s insight is for anyone who hesitates when sharing their offerings with the world in a BIG way.

May it give you the guidance you seek!

Lots of love,


Healing the world through our offerings (It’s not all about you).

I’ve always been scared of marketing myself. Of putting my work out there, like little pieces of my soul, waiting to be judged.

What if nobody likes me? What if they say I’m no good?

For a long, long time, ever since I’d written my first (unpublished) novel back in 2008, I’d had this huge, scary idea to create and run a writers school. But I was terrified of failure. So I pushed the idea to the back of my mind and tried to forget about it. I threw myself into my 9-5 job and hoped that one day, I could stop thinking about this writing school dream.

Only, I couldn’t forget about it. I went on to have a baby girl,  and I wrote my first published novel while on maternity leave. As soon as it was published, BAM! The ideas for the writing school came in, thick and fast. I had been so desperate to finish my novel, despite the challenges of motherhood. I was still amazed that I had actually done it! Without nannies, or daycare, or a stay at home husband. I wanted to shout it from the rooftops, so that other mothers could hear. It is possible to achieve your writing dreams as a mother!

I’ve taken a lot of online business courses in the past. I have taken away something unique and valuable from each of them (most of them anyway!) but something that I couldn’t seem to find anywhere was a way to believe in myself and be confident with my offerings.

I had been a member of the Academy for less than a month when I launched my blog and online writing school. When I first joined, that was SO not even on my radar! I just wanted to soak up the Business course and see how Leonie did things.

I’m not really a person who identifies with words like goddess and hippy, so I was unsure if this would be the right place for me.

But, oh my goodness! It feels amazing.

Two days in, I was like a woman possessed:

  • writing blog posts,
  • designing websites and
  • creating my first product.

You know those, “Aha!” moments in life? Here is one I want to share with you, something that transformed the way I think about business and the way I approach marketing and getting clients:

Marketing is about opening the doors to allow people into our business to be healed & helped by our gifts.

It brought tears to my eyes (and I’m not a person who that happens to very often). When I was struggling through the days and months of colicky baby and sleep deprivation, the hours spent writing my own novel were incredibly cathartic and healing for me. What I didn’t realise until reading Leonie’s wise words is that in sharing my knowledge and experience, I can help others heal their souls and achieve their dreams.

I finally understood.

All of those thoughts, about whether people would like me or whether they would think I was silly? They didn’t matter. People aren’t looking to judge me (or you). They are looking for help. They are looking to be healed.

Something inside me shifted with that realisation. What a breakthrough!

I’m not scared of marketing my work anymore. Overwhelmed, sometimes. But the fear of putting myself out there is gone.

What could you do if the fear of putting yourself out there didn’t exist?

Author photoJessica in a nutshell: Writing coach. Tea Addict. International best-selling author. Mumma to a rambunctious one-year-old. Wine lover. Avid reader of fantasy and paranormal books. Constantly overwhelmed by ideas. Find her at


(And the Business Goddess program begins!)

Get in before then to save mega dobleros + change your life + biz.