Hola gorgeous goddesses!!!
Tis the season to be dreaming… setting our intentions for the year ahead using the 2012 Creating your Goddess Year workbook.
As part of our 2012 Dream Extravaganza, I wanted to invite some gorgeous friends to share some of their filled out pages from the workbook & what they were dreaming of for 2012. I get SO inspired hearing other people’s dreams + plans!

Today’s gorgeous + useful sharings are by the incredible Sara Avant Stover (aka The Way of the Happy Woman!) She’s definitely a soul sister in the world of women’s work, and I’m so honoured to have her share here.
Sara Avant Stover is, first and foremost, a yogini. Second to that, she’s a motivational speaker, teacher, mentor, and author of The Way of the Happy Woman: Living the Best Year of Your Life (New World Library). After a cancer scare in her early twenties, Sara moved to Thailand, where she embarked on an extensive healing and spiritual odyssey throughout Asia and served as one of the pioneer Western yoga teachers in that part of the world. She now lives in Boulder, Colorado, and continues to teach women about wellness, spirituality, and lifestyle around the world.
How the Happy Woman Creates Her Year
I’ve been doing Leonie’s Creating your Goddess Year workbook + planner each January for the past three years.
Here’s a video I made after filling it out for the first time in Thailand:
It’s a yearly ritual that has reached the “indispensable” status.
You see, my life and life’s work is in service of evolution. I’m here to become a fully realized woman— professionally, spiritually, creatively, and relationally—and to inspire and empower other women to realize the same.
As part of this path, I’m a growth junkie. A transformation addict. A change fiend.
This conscious expansion requires regular check-ins.
What were my triumphs and defeats? Where did I keep my word to myself and where did I betray it? Did I stay on course? If I veered off, was it intentional or sleepy? What, exactly, in me and in my life, is changing? Where am I stuck and where am I soaring?
The Creating your Goddess year workbook helps me to answer these questions with honesty, compassion, and faith.
Over the past few weeks, sometimes with my morning tea, sometimes by candle light in the evening, I’ve been savoring my annual goddess review.

I’ve noted what I’m celebrating and releasing from 2011 (like publishing my first book and surrendering expectations of how the world would receive it).
And I’ve been invoking 2012.
This year I’m giving myself permission act more resolutely from my divinity. To trust my wisdom and my greatness. To move, speak, and breathe as the BIG SHE.
But instead of sharing with you the broad strokes of this vision for 2012, I thought it would be more useful for me to share how I intend to walk my talk DAILY. Because staying on track and holding ourselves accountable for our dreams is the hard part. It’s at just about this point in January that we can start to stumble. We feel the depression and darkness of winter, rather than the New Year’s verve with which we set out intentions.
But if I find ways to stay on track (and then you’re inspired to do the same), we’re all set up to WIN the game we’ve entered ourselves into.
Here’s what I’m doing each (ok, most) day(s) to realize my vision for 2012:
At the beginning of each month I’m filling out the monthly planning sheets (p.76 in the Workbook for January).
I’m filling in “The essence of what I want to accomplish” that month, plus three main “To Do” items.
Then I write the action steps needed to accomplish those three things into the calendar (p. 77 in the Workbook for January). I make sure to check these all against my larger vision for 2012 (which I’ve already uncovered and fleshed out in the earlier parts of the guidebook.)
I’ve made extra copies of the “My Goddess Day” action sheets out of the Workbook (pp. 74 + 75).
Each morning (or sometimes the night before), I fill them out. What are my 3 MIT’s (Most Important Tasks) for that day? What’s my intention or affirmation to help me succeed at those and to stick with them, even in the face of obstacles, resistance, and distraction?
At the end of the day, I review, using the “4 G’s” method. What am I Grateful for? What was Good (did I do well)? What were the Glitches (inner and outer obstacles)? What are my Goals for the next day (here’s where I plan for my next “Goddess Day”)?
At the end of the week and month, I do the same 4 G’s review.
Then, by the time I get to January 2013, I will have actually LIVED my goddess year, everyday.
Thank you, Leonie, for the playful, beautiful, and insightful prompts in the Creating your Goddess Year workbook. And here’s a big virtual hug and hooray for all of you as you too live your visions, daily.
That was so gloriously, magically helpful + practical, dearest Sara.
I just LOVE knowing how other goddesses are using the workbook to plan out + MAKE HAPPEN their most exceptional year yet.
love love loveeeeeeee!!!

If you like this post, I’m pretty dang sure this is going to rock your world: