Hola possums,
It’s been a wild rush around here – I haven’t even had a chance to properly introduce you to my full 2016 planner collection!
It’s been a wild rush of getting them into the world + dealing with the thousands of emails with my 5 staff in customer happiness mode!

There’s been so many questions about them too, so I thought I’d share some videos + photos + words to help you work out if they are the right choice for you!
I’ve been absolutely delighted to hear how excited people have been getting them in the mail… and LOVE how much they are loving the upgrades we’ve made this year in making them even more incredible!

- Biz + Life goal workbooks are now in two separate printed books (so non-biz women + teenagers can just get the Life goal planners!)

- Biz + Life goal workbooks have been redesigned, rewritten + reillustrated.
They are now in luscious chapters/sections (for example – in Life, you have sections like Relationships, Health, Spirituality, Creativity + Financial Goals. In Biz, you have sections like Marketing, Team, Finances + Systems Goals).

- Both workbooks are thicker, have heavier covers, gorgeous recycled paper that is a dream to write on!
- Both include plenty of notes paper at the back for you – in a gorgeous variety of graph paper, lined paper + unlined paper.

- Both workbooks have a pocket for putting extra paper/notes in.
- The 2016 yearly wall planner is DOUBLE the size of last year’s one! This one is A2 sized and completely damn scrumptious!

- The 2016 diary/weekly planner is brand spanking new! It features rainbowy pages, monthly goal planning, weekly to do list reminders, income goals, action plans + lots more! Exactly what you need to get your goals happening every week!

- The to do list pad is brand spanking new as well! This one helps you to make sure you get your most important tasks done daily, as well as making sure you have healthy, thriving, shining habits along the way (i.e. meditating, eating greens, staying hydrated, getting exercise + being connected!)
Remember: some of our stock has already sold out thanks to huge amounts of pre-orders AND the number of orders placed from one email… and we won’t be ordering more.
If you’re ready to invest in an incredible 2016 with these proven + powerful planners that get serious results… jump on them NOW.
I don’t want you to miss out!


We are now shipping daily out of all our mailing houses in:
- UK
- Australia
- US!
If you pre-ordered and haven’t received your books yet, please do email us (support@leoniedawson.com). Chances are you haven’t confirmed your postal address with us yet!
Otherwise, we’re on track + shipping well! Hooray!
It’s been such a joy to watch them appear all over the world… we are selling in over 100 countries + I love how excited people are when they get them!!!

And the comments just light me + my team up every time they come in… we actually have a #kindwordsandhappiness channel on our Slack instant messaging service just to share them with each other!

We also have a Facebook group just for the 2016 workbookers!

It is:
- totally free to join
- a lovely, inspiring community who work through the workbooks together
- lots of local meetup groups around the world
- over 5000 members from around the world!
Please do join us + invite your workbooker friends too! The more the merrier!

Make sure you head on over to our uber gorgeous page with all the details, video walk-throughs, info + order your 2016 planner collection. Perfect as a gift for yourself for an amazing next year… and a perfect Christmas gift as well!

It’s one of my favourite things to hear how these workbooks + planners change women’s lives.
I can’t wait to see what miracles they birth into 2016 for you!
Big love,