Hola beautiful souls,
My interview with Eventual Millionaire went live this week which has been a LONGGGGG time in the works… getting on that podcast is like Podcast GOLD, I tell ya!
There’s an application process, and you need to prove you’re an actual millionaire (instead of just one of those shammy internet shonks who talk the talk but aren’t walkin’ the walk) and then there’s this intense process of trying to get on the recording calendar.

It’s pretty full on and super selective and for good reason – it creates such a great, thoughtful podcast filled with super legit, super smart peeps like David Allen, Tim Ferriss, Michael Port, Laura Roeder and Verne Harnish… all of whom give me a #businessboner. So that was pretty damn excitlement.
Anywho, what a pleasure it was being a guest on show where Jaime and I discussed rainbows, unicorns and success.
We talk about:
- How can a “weirdo hippie kid” make it in the world of serious business?
- The one thing that changed my business trajectory.
- Why getting a good marketing education is important.
- Why business is the best way to make friends.
- Can you build a successful business by only working 2 hours per day?
It’s been beautiful to see the feedback too:

Come listen/watch/read over heresies!
Big ole love,