Hello my darlinghearts,

It’s been one month + one week since I boarded that big plane, left the place I’d lived in for 9 years + moved back to my little hometown.

Sometimes Chris asks me:

Do you miss Canberra?

And I sit. And I think. And I muse.

And I cannot for the life of me think of one single moment when Canberra has occupied my thoughts since leaving.

There is no missing. No longing. No comparing.

And yet, I did love that city. It was very, very, very good and kind to me.

Canberra truly was “Kamberra” to me – the Aboriginal name for “meeting place.”

I met my spiritual mentors there. I met my destiny. I met my adult self. I met my goddess self.

I met goddess sisters. I met goddess circles. I met the work that I was meant to do.

I met the little soul that was waiting to come into the world.

And then, just like that, I had met all that was needed in that land.

And I had to leave… to return to the place that was calling me home so strongly, to do what was next in my journey.

Home to my paradise. Home to the land that has left its lands and ocean and skies all over my heart, mind, soul + memory.

To the place that feels like my healing secret… the one that fills me with an inward smile… the one that I want so deeply to share with others. I want others to come here and be healed too.

I was talking to my big sissy about it the other day.

And how we both feel that things would just be right with people if they could come here and sit on the land too. Look at the sky and laugh at the dogs and hang out here.

For now, I fill my days with love. And creating. And settling into our 100 year old wooden cottage.

And buying a new rainbow hammock chair for my love’s first Father’s Day.

And stopping by the sea before we go grocery shopping.

Eating ice-creams by the beach on Saturday mornings.

Cuddles on the boardwalk.

I hope these photos work their blue beauty healing magic on you too…

May the energy of this land seep out them to you… where you are right now… to give you just what you need.

This world is a love song just to you, angel-heart,