Had a groovy day today
me and Yankee boy Adam went into the city
and met some friends for lunch at ze mexican place
Left to right is:
Nate, a very sweet Virgo boy from work
Ben, a totally groovy cartoon artist, animator, feature artist of the week and all round noice dude!
My gorgeous friend Deb, a beautiful dudette from work and soul sister
ze yankee boy Adam who’s been such a brilliant guest.
Adam is with us for one more day before he heads back to his Yankee base in Japan…
it feels like too short a time
we’ve been penpals since we were thirteen, and kept in contact this whole time.
since he got off the plane
it’s been a joy
i’ll definitely miss him, in a funny way.
we’ve only known each other for four days but it’s been all comfortable together and really good and surreal and interesting and an experience.