This will be my last post on social media for my businesses (I’ve already shuttered my personal profile).
In this post, I’ll be sharing with you why I’m doing it, if I’ll be going back, and the best way for you to keep hearing from me.
Why I’m leaving
Six weeks ago, I decided to embark on a series of 21 day challenges. The first one I chose to do was to go without social media for 21 days. At the time I felt like I needed a short break, but I was also incredibly nervous about how I would go.
Here’s what I found though: my life is SO much better without social media. I am happier. More content. More creative. Wildly inspired. More present. I have so much time back – time that can be spent doing things I truly love doing. I have literally felt my brain healing over the last six weeks. My heart, my soul, my art: all of it glistens with life again. I thought this beautiful life of mine, my quiet mind before the internet began – that it was gone, disappeared without a trace. But it wasn’t. It was right there, waiting for me. I just had to give up social media to see it again.
So first and foremost: I am doing this for my one wild and precious life.
I am doing this because I believe that what is good for my creativity is what is best for my business.
I am doing this because I believe it would be out of integrity for me to market using social media now I know how damaging it is to people’s brains and spirits (not to mention democracy and conspiracies).
I am doing this because my best work has never been on social media. My best work has always, always, always been in blogging, writing books & creating programs. Since December I have been regularly blogging again and it’s like falling in love again with my first love. This is where I belong. This is where I can create + serve + help people. I don’t give a fuck if people say blogging is dead. There’s still a ripe world of bloggers out there.
And you know what blogging really is? It’s social media that’s… OWNED BY YOU + CAN’T BE TAKEN AWAY FROM YOU! It’s your creative playground that you are completely in charge of… not at the whims of a beast that legit wants to suck all your life + money out of you. Social media isn’t here to truly serve our needs. It has its own intentions, and they don’t align with you having a spacious, glorious life.
Leonie + blogging = miracles and unicorns! Weeee! Watch me fly!
Leonie + social media = sadness and disappointment. Watch me… waste my precious life hours on this bullshit.
Will I ever go back?
I doubt it. Life (and business) are just so much better without them.
Of course, if in 3 months or 12 months time I’ve discovered I’ve made an awful mistake, I’ll happily admit it and come crawling back and tell you I was wrong. But I don’t think I am. And I truly don’t think I will.
The best way to hear from me
So with that said… I don’t want this to be goodbye forever, between you and me.
I treasure your friendship and would love to keep supporting you with loads of free goodies, and continue sharing my life with you.
The best way to do that is through my emails.
I send two kinds of emails:
- Daily-ish emails with everything I create (this is a new thing I offer – there’s about 1000 peeps who get these)
- Weekly-ish emails with the best of what I create (I’ve been sending these for over 13 years to about 50,000 people)
I make sure they are the funnest, most inspiring part of your inbox… the email you can’t WAIT to read. They are all about creativity, business, marketing, parenting, books and soul.
Thank you for being who you are.
Thank you for being on this brave and magnificent Earth.
All my love,
P.S. Yes, I will share what I learn about marketing businesses without social media as I go!
And if you’d like to read more about quitting social media, Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport and How To Break Up With Your Phone by Catherine Price are my BIBLESSSSS. Highly, highly recommend!
Daily-ish writings
Weekly love letters
Podcast: Leonie Dawson Refuses To Be Categorised
A library of free treasures
Sales Star
Money, Manifesting & Multiple Streams of Income
40 Days To A Finished Book
40 Days To Create & Sell Your E-Course