someone’s painting.
last thursday night me and a select group of groovy people went to
nude fest 2005 ~
otherwise known as the Opening of Art Shed Nudes exhibition.
I went along with a spectacular bunch of three ~
ryan, raquel, ben pretending to be art connossieurs
ryan is one of raquel’s friend, and he is also a champion of making people giggle. truly.
if there was a giggle~making olympics, ryan would be on the highest medal receiving tier with
a silly wreath on his head, making the presenters giggle.
raquel is a succulent sister i met through the women’s group i attend. and, bizarrely enough, she is great friends with a guy I was already friends with… the ever rocking….
ben and raquel. feel the lurve. i love seeing old friendships.
ben-o schmoozing.
Ben! ben is a funky monkey cartoon artist that i met on a bus. we started conversation by talking about “Pride and Prejudice.” I liked his tie died shirts and he thought I laughed alot.
we met janet, another wonderful woman from the group there…
raquel and janet light rooms with their smiles.
So we went to a cool art exhibition opening in an old warehouse with peeled wooden floors, in an industrial estate.

there was a lot of nude paintings, funnily enough. 😉
and some nude people in body paint… but i didn’t take photos of them.

i like to call this one “snogging stone…”

so after we’d oggled enough nudity,
we went strolling down the downtown streets of queanbeyan…
stopping for the obligatory photo shoot.
i like to call these shots
“so very european, so very 2005”

check out ryan’s face and stance in this one. it’s total zoolander.

then we went for scrummy woodfired pizza.
i laughed and laughed and laughed
we all did.
we laughed ourselves silly, literally.
ben stood up and announced that he was going to the bathroom,
and that by the time he got back he wanted no less than three practical jokes played on him.

so without thinking, me and ryan reached over and turned his pizza upside down perfectly on his plate.
raquel placed a straw in his wine.
and we turned his chair upside down.
it was art at its very best.
my face, my cheeks, my ribs hurt from laughing so much…
i think we all suffered from GRI ~ giggling related injuries.
it was the funnest, silliest, gloriously frivolous night i have had in a long time.
we stopped in the parking lot for one last hurrah of a photo ~

here’s what sums up my night really…
joyful nudity, and a fabulous hat.

love to you all,