Hola gorgeous Goddesses!
Tres divine… today’s peek into the studio of Emily Falconbridge.
Em is a lover of mess, color and handmade stuff! An Australian gal currently living in the USA, her pride and joy is her nutty scientist husband Mick and three little sunflower sprouts Ivy, Banjo and Yindi. She loves to teach and share her creative passion, and holds workshops all over the world as well as online.

Where do you create?
mostly sitting cross legged on the floor. i also love to take a little basket of arty goodness with me outside – spread a quilt down on the grass or sand and let it all happen surrounded by inspirational mother earth.

What do you create?

at the moment i’m into making clothes – but i’m always loving different things: paper, paint, wool, fabric scraps. i love to make all different kinds of stuff.

When do you create?
it’s tricky with three small children to find alone time to create. so i answer the creative call from inside me with projects i can do with my sprouts joining in, or at least running
around me while i work!

Why do you create?

i come from a line of clever, artistic women – so i think i was born with that urge to make stuff with my own two hands. it fills me up and makes my spirit soar to have an idea and follow through, or even just mess around with pretty, colourful things. soul food. i’ve also been forced to create things out of necessity living on a tight budget – so gifts for family and friends, clothing for the children and myself etc have happened from this, along with much experimentation and learning.
Thank you so much precious goddess Em for sharing your rainbow spirit + life… you rock angel!
You can find Emily’s work regularly in Creating Keepsakes magazine, the Autumn Leaves book series and www.todaysmama.com. You can also check out her blog at http://embers.typepad.com.
colourful messes + sunflower blessings + always love,


6 days left to enrol to discover the creative goddess in you! The Creative Goddess e-course is six weeks of creative + soulful projects, art & meditations!
{and it comes recommended too…}
“Goddess Leonie lovingly and intuitively holds sacred space for enormous healing work.. much deeper and more powerful than I expected. Her work, if you’re willing to surrender to it, delivers you to the heart of your creative blocks and empowers you to dissolve them. All the while having fun, kicking back with my sisters in the circle and getting paint on my hands!”
– Goddess Sara soularchitect