Lovely ones!
It’s the first episode of 2021!
Part of me can’t actually believe we’re out of 2020 but honestly most of me is just relieved.
Settle down with a nice drink (something iced if you’re in Aus, omg Summer pls) and enjoy this short episode!
Explicit AF
Just to reiterate: this is one sweary motherfucker of a podcast. So if you listen to it around kids… they will defo learn some new vocabulary from Aunty Leonie. MWHAHAHAHA. ENJOYYYYY!
How to listen
Listen below, or subscribe via Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Overcast, PocketCast (or wherever else you listen to podcasts!)
Want to find all of my podcast episodes?
Just pop over here treasure!
You can also just sit on your couch and yell “OK Google! Play me “Leonie Dawson Refuses To Be Categorised” podcast!” and your digital servant shall administer to your needs.
Who gives a fuck about privacy when you can have a little robot assistant at your beck and call so you may never leave the couch again.
Big hugs,