breakfast on the verandah. my new favourite place.

me thinks miss mermaid daughter likes it on the verandah too. me thinks she just likes it here, full stop!
she’s just happy. and warm. glowing.
soaking in the new life, the new roads, the open skies, the golden sun.
surrounded by a big tribe of welcome arms.

hello my sweet lil cottage. oh what dreams we have for you my love.
over 100 years old you are, my dear.
i think we’ll be happy living in you, between your cream sunshine walls.
i have taken a series of before photos to document your goddessification process!
{we’re living in this cottage in town until we build at crystalbrook retreat}

looking down our sweet lil street to the sugar mill.
i wish i could bottle the smell of the sugar mill, and spray it all over myself every morning.
if that’s wrong, i don’t want to be right.

two of my favourite people in the world underneath the farmhouse.
my hunky love. my capricornian big sista Bek.
{interesting: my sis was named after Rebekah, the biblical woman who carries water. not sure exactly why that’s interesting, but i think it’s kind of magical. the end.}

my old bedroom at the farmhouse where me and mermaid daughter are sleeping. we tried sleeping at the new cottage on a single mattress on the floor, but that made for one sore mama! so for now, we’re back to sleeping at the farm until our furniture and KING SIZE BED arrive.
last night, me and mermaid daughter were at home alone. i was tired and sore and in need of some soul balm while we move through this giant transition. i went downstairs, and the sun was setting all golden and beautiful. and the evening ocean breeze wafted around us. i was wearing my sister’s long cream peasant skirt, and it swirled around my ankles. we talked to the eagles that circled above us. we talked to the ancient ghost gums by the river. and everything felt right again. everything in this place heals my cells, and makes me feel like me again.
australian aboriginals teach about the place you were born bearing the soul lines and song lines of your heart.
and i feel that here. the map of this place and the map of my heart join up and overlay.
everything feels right again.
even when it still feels big and overwhelmy and transitiony and leap of faith-y…
it still feels right again.
and now… for some mermaid daughter loving on grandaddies…

poppy bear (chris’ dad) and mermaid daughter loving each other up on our new verandah.
i think they look just like each other! hee!

and scuse me while my heart ‘splodes with ze cuteness!
my daddykins. my daughter. the spotted hat. the pink skirt and pink hula girl hawaii shirt. my daddy’s arms. (i remember being held like that!) the farm. the mountains i love truly.
i remember once upon a time when i was living in canberra, i was talking about proserpine, and calling it home. and a friend said to me: you can’t really call it home anymore. you don’t live there anymore. canberra’s your home now. and i stared at him blankly. he just didn’t understand. even when i didn’t live there, proserpine was my home. i always knew it was my soul’s true north, the home of my heart. and it’s now the home that my bare feet roam again. the home i get to give to my daughter.
i wish you were here too, darlinghearts.
all the love in the world,