What you have, truly, is what is within you… no matter how many readings you receive, or healings you are “given”, or channelings from guides, or love and compliments and gifts and “stuff”… when the sun goes down for the last time this lifetime, there will be you, what you chose to do, and what you have developed within you. That is the mystery, and the one most worth knowing.
– The beautiful & sage Lucy Cavendish, author + oracle card creator.
We met serendipitously in Sydney two years ago, and spent a magical afternoon talking, walking & taking photographs of her in a grove of some of her dearest tree friends. The photo above was taken after we had finished, and had flopped down on our bellies, laughing in the light. Lucy is a bright, bright light + a gift. These words of hers took my breath away this week.
Have a divine Sunday, dearest heart.
All my love,