
Just wanted to give you all a quick heads up about a scam that is currently doing the rounds. We got targeted in it too, but thankfully managed to escape unscathed because I’m a lazy binch.

We had two emails inviting us to be interviews on some very well known podcasts. One of the email addresses it was sent from looked exactly like one of the podcasters websites – except it was a .net instead of a .com. It otherwise looked incredibly legitimate – they used images of the podcasts host as their email signature, and even called themselves the name of their manager.

We said yes, though were slightly perplexed at why we’d been asked as their guests are usually a whole other level of fame to my Z-list internet celebrity status.

They then asked to jump on a Zoom call to “share their screen” and get me set up in the tech. We refused purely because of my Lazy Binch status, and said I’d be able to handle whatever tech was thrown my way.

The day of the interview came and went, and I didn’t get the link to join the call, and emails weren’t responded to. I was SUPER anxious that I’d somehow effed it up as it felt like a big opportunity.

And then I had a nasty feeling it was actually a screenshare scam… and did some googling and discovered it’s one that’s been doing the rounds for a few months.

How it works: during the “tech setup process” on Zoom, they get you to add them to your Facebook page. They then take control of your Facebook page. This has happened to other creators already.

I DM’ed one of the podcast hosts to let them know what had happened. They were horrified, said they had reports of it happening to other people, and had reported it to authorities.

Here’s some other people who’ve been targeted by this scam, as well as an article written about it:

Please do share this if you feel called… I was stunned at how legit this particular scam appeared.

Stay safe (and be a lazy binch like me)!

Big love,