Two collaged journal pages: Fullness, Ripe and Abundance.
Acrylic paint, tinsel and leaves.
{click on images for larger version}
“Don’t ask what the world needs.
Ask what makes you come alive and go do it.
Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”
~ Howard Thurman
I’ve found a few guides written by other creatives that I have found immensely useful.
I am so grateful to them for sharing their knowledge and experience in the creative world ~ it makes the path less travelled seem a lot less daunting. Hoping among you creatives, artists, writers and joyous sensual lovers of life, you each find something to spark your day!
~ Hints on holding an art booth – by kathy cano murillo
~ Crafting for cash – by kathy cano murillo
~ How to start as an illustrator – by keri smith
~ Seven steps to getting published – by keri smith
~ How to make a living doing what you love – by keri smith
~ Recommended reading – by keri smith
~ Inexpensive adventures for leading an artistic life – by penelope dullaghan and friends
~ The superhero guide to designing a creative business – by andrea scher

“spirit angel” by chris