i decided to spend some time in the studio last night really cultivating my dreams. i followed spirit and opened the windows, letting the cool evening breeze in. i didn’t turn music on like normal. i lit one candle, inscribed with a goddess. i didn’t turn the lights on, i just painted in the twilight. i was spilling blues on to paper, living in the magic moment, and i looked up and out the window – and there in the sky, radiant, glowing, looking at me, was the most beautiful waxing moon – grandmother moon roundening into her fullness. she was watching me, and i felt so close to her… i got such a delicious feeling in my belly and in my spirit. there, creating by candlelight, with the moon shining upon my soul.

the magic moment…

Hi Blossom!
I’m Leonie Dawson
International best-selling author with 500,000 books in use and an award-winning entrepreneur. I’ve created $14 million in revenue while only working 10 hours a week & am proudly neurodivergent (ASD).
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