congratulations to my lil sis mooks on her final results! yeeeeee~haaaaaaaaaaa!
you go girl! đ
i’m so proud of you for all you are doing…. hope italy is grande!
yesterday, when chris took me to the doctors, we saw a tatt shop had opened up next door
so we went and had a look. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a tattoo store before!
Tick that off my experiences to have list!
Just don’t know if I would be able to live with something for eighty years and not grow tired of it. (apart from chris of course.)
I find myself changing week to week, month to month, year to year…
find myself awakening each day as a new person, with new ideas, new movements…
that the thought of a lifetime of something on my body scares me to some degree.
and yet in the same breath the thought of a purple lotus flower on my wrist appeals to me.
Or a mandala on my hip.
So, I am intrigued.
more daily bliss over at the message board.
to get there, simply click on the connect button to the right of this text.
a delight to see the delightful violet bijoux there.
There are many delights in the days.
I awake to Chris gently nudging my shoulder, taking me by the hand to the computer to show me his latest webpage creation that he was working on. (Will unveil it shortly).
We drive to the hardware store and pick up a hired lawnmower, and i find in the craft aisle some purple fabric paint…. ideas bloom in my mind, lilac spirals appear on imaginery shirts, and I dream.
hmmmmm, might go off and use some now!
(i get distracted so easily!)
okay! back again!
my very first t~shirt
let me know what you think! Or not! All good, anyway?
I went and sat on the patio,
dog at my feet, toes warming in the sunset,
with purple paint in hand, t~shirt in another,
I painted my way to joy, to gratitude, to bliss.