I sat down with Katy-Rose Bye from The Rooted Reinvention podcast recently and talked all about how I refuse to be categorised!
We spoke about:
- How we are animals (and zebras don’t base their worth on the width of their stripes)
- My dad, a North Queensland sixth generation wild bushman cattle farmer could join David Attenborough on Nature Documentaries.
- Using cognitive therapy concepts to undo the conditioning of the patriarchy
- Why I gave up “conforming to the standard view of being a woman” after 3 hours
- How you want to prioritise your time and energy, to actively create your life
- Why your inner compass should point to ‘fun’
- How I have implemented life rules that work for my family, such as “this is a working home” and “my kids (age 7 and 11) both go to bed at 630.”
- Separating business creativity and personal creativity
- How television can be beneficial to our creativity and my current favourite shows to watch
- “Discerning between projects” by considering the value/quality of the task
You can listen HERE or if watching podcasts is more your thing, click HERE instead!
Katy-Rose is also one of my top affiliates, which is absolutely delightful!
Big love,

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Podcast: Leonie Dawson Refuses To Be Categorised
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