This is me. Last night. Waiting for a massage, a pre-retreat ritual. Filling up my energy well. I found an exquisite massage therapist whose hands fit + is intuitive + kind. I feel like I’ve been looking for her for years. I told her cheerfully last night “I’ve officially added you to my support team of superstars!”
I feel very calm, confident + aglow as we enter into our second private coaching retreat in two weeks. I know these four beautiful women are going to receive such ginormous gifts for their lives and businesses. The more I grow + change + shift, the more I can hold the space for women to do the same.
Right now, I feel more calm, confident + peaceful in my life than I think I’ve ever felt before. I mean, it’s always been there on different levels. It just feels more solid now. Like it’s permeated into every moment. I feel sure.

I’ve started a Pinterest board called “Shit I’ve Actually MADE From Pinterest” as a way to challenge myself creatively.
This was the simplest project I’ve undertaken – a balance board for the little mermaid (who ain’t so little anymore!) A bit of board, some bricks from under the house + wa-la! Instant project!
I also have a Pinterest board for “Shit To Make” as a to-do list.
I personally don’t like using Pinterest only to collect aspirations. I want to actually MAKE IT HAPPEN.
I regularly go through and delete pins that I don’t really want to make, or that feel a bit “hipster-try-hardish” to me. Otherwise I get creatively constipated + start feeling like I’ve contracted a rare case of Inferiority Complex. Then I’m forced to give myself a creative enema and just MAKE STUFF ALREADY! STOP PINNING! LOVE UP YOUR OWN DAMN LIFE.
Creative enemas are the best.

After my highly successful woodworking foray with making a cart, I thought to myself:
“Phwoar! Piece of piss! ImagonnamakeTHEWORLDWOOOOODEN!”
So that’s what Imabeendoin.
Was super proud of making some wooden statues/puzzles/play sculptures for Miss O.
This is the fire set. Also made ze mountain + tree set!

Very proud to have made my 100th loan to a woman entrepreneur in a third world country using Kiva.
I truly believe Kiva can change the world in so many wonderful ways.
If you haven’t tried Kiva out yet – click here to get a free $25 trial.
Or if you are already a Kiva user – I’d love for you to join my team of Incredible Women Changing The World. Since starting less than a month ago, we already have over 70 gorgeous members who’ve made almost $4000 in loans! Truly amazing work, women. I am so proud of you!

A new order of stationery arrived yesterday.
I spent an inordinate amount of time sniffing them.
Post-it notes smell AMAAAZING.
As do beeswax crayons.
And these beautiful pencils. (They are expensive, and I’m usually a cheapskate when it comes to art supplies. But holy guacamole, they make drawing so damn PLEASURABLE. So soft! Colourful! Peaceful! Sweetly smelling!)
Please tell me I’m not the only stationery aficionado/sniffer out there.
Annnnd I’m off.
Have four gorgeous women to pick up from the airport to start the next incredible chapter of their lives + businesses… right here, right now.
I had a vision just this morning over the kitchen sink: how when we start businesses, we are pulling around a big box of our gifts behind us in the dirt. And it’s hard yakka, and we can’t travel very far, and it wears us out. And this art of becoming a Business Goddess? It’s adding wheels to the box. So you can travel faster. And easier. And in a bigger way. And we keep adding support and wheels and more pull power to the box… and it becomes even more effortless. Us sharing our gifts with the world. With the wheels, that have already been invented. I have no idea if I’m even making sense here. It makes sense in my heart though.
I see how possible it all truly is.
What a tremendous blessing.
infinite love,