My darling hearts,
When I think of how to explain the World’s Biggest Summit
I don’t know how.
There’s a million ways of saying it.
How I had this vision
of all these teachers gathering
to share all the big wisdom in their
and speak it to all
who needed to
hear and listen and know and grow.
Like a university of illumination.
There is something very special happening in this world of ours.
We are all growing so quickly, learning so much,
evolving together.
Over and over, I have
again and again
huge, wild, gobsmacking

Of things I never thought being possible
being possible
and here
and positively scrumptious.
I’ve seen angels in the sky with my love,
saying over and over
“Can you believe what we are seeing? Do you see it too?”
I’ve seen people
open up
blossum and change and heal.
I’ve seen crystals move of their own accord
I’ve felt dogs lick my face at the perfect time.
I’ve given birth.
I’ve healed from Post Natal Depression and Anxiety.
I thought I’d lost me,
but I found her again
and she was waiting there beneath the muck
even lovelier and wiser and more powerful than ever before.
I am in love with this gigantic, glorious, beautiful world.
That’s why I made the Summit.
That, and for many more reasons.
I wanted for
people to be able to learn
what they needed to learn
about everything
creativity, spirituality, business, health, wealth
light bulbs of illumination
for free…
without restriction.

Just turn up…
and give yourself what you need.
It’s been a momentous task
to put this baby together.
It’s been a lesson over and over in not burning myself out,
in asking for help,
in having minimum requirements of rest and play,
of taking the easy way, the gentle way
wherever possible.
It was a big birth.
But, holy DINGER, I am in love with this baby that has been born.
An incredible list of teachers.
Utterly incredible.
At the World’s Biggest Summit
you can learn from
Julia Cameron
Lynn V Andrews
Jennifer Louden
Joanna Powell Colbert
Hiro Boga
David Siteman Garland
Danielle Laporte
The Astro Twins
Christine Kane
Naomi Aldort
Fabeku Fatunmise
Alexandra Franzen
Kate Northrup
Dr Lissa Rankin
Jenn Lee
Jamie Ridler
Jessica Swift
Carrie Contey PhD
Anita Revel
Leah Piken Kolidas
Britt Bravo
Tara Sophia Mohr
Michael Nobbs
Sara Avant
Don’t know all these names yet?
That’s okay.
Let me introduce you.
They are absolutely freaking amazing
at what they do
and have so huge life-changing wisdom to share.
I really wanted this to be a Summit of Love.
I knew it needed to be in October.
It felt like the right month,
that that was when the world would need it.
I am beyond honoured & grateful
how it has all come together.
How everyone said YES.
Incredible, wise teachers.
I am deeply grateful
to every single soul
who has helped share about the summit
to all those who need to hear about it
by writing about it on their blog, to their mailing list, to Facebookywooky, to the Twitters.
Please please please – if you could keep sharing about it
that would pretty much make my life.
I want people to know it’s there.
I want it to help.
And it begins TOMORROW.
Every day, you’ll get 3 or 4 workshops
from incredible teachers
sent to your email…
100 teachers over the month…
teaching big huge incredible things.
Please please please make sure you have signed up.
And share it along wherever you can my love.
Are you ready for the World’s Biggest Summit?
(30 hours to go!!!!)

P.S. Just yesterday, a new baby white humpback whale was seen here in the Whitsundays after it went and played with a sweet family. And it pretty much made my whole week. It feels like white buffalo calf woman, you know?