I have returned.
And, as with all journeys, I return a different woman.
The same Leonie spirit, yes… but somehow deeply and ephemerally changed.
We drove 2500 kilometres to our homeland by the sea.
We rejoiced, we sat by campfires, we drummed on a little piece of land beneath the mountains that we dream of living on.
We nestled back in again to that bosom of family that sustains, nourishes, pulls us, and makes us walk our talk even more.
We drove even further north ~ my love, my family and me.
We arrive at a place where mountains dip straight into the sea, where fruitbats roam and gardens are jungles.
We witness, celebrate, honour and photograph my beautiful big brother marry his true love.
We wake every morning to eat papaya and croissants for hours – just the fifteen of us… brother, sisters, partners, nieces, nephews, my brother’s dad, his kids, my parents, and new family. One swarming nest of love and kindness.
We witness acts of bravery, vulnerability, sweetness, hilarity.
We swim under the stars in a lagoon, the water turning my skin by turns green and blue – a mermaid incarnate.
We are soaking wet with sweat and laughter, tears and bear hugs, children’s piggy back rides, golden sunlight and dewy grass underfoot.

And we are engaged to be wed.
My love – this man who has been my partner, soulmate, teacher, student, lover and friend – takes me to the sea where we first fell in love seven years ago.
We slow dance in the ocean as sea eagles float on ocean winds overhead, their shadow dipping over us, blessing us as their totem people.
We laugh on rocks, toes in pools, pointing the places where our mermaid home is under the sea.
And finally: to the place where the river meets the ocean,
two tides meet, kiss, overlap and become one,
he asks me to marry him.
I say yes. There is only one answer to be said.
He places a ring on my hand that is a mermaid’s ring… blue, shining, with silver waves and rainbows. It is topaz and opal, silver and magical.
So I return filled with love of all its kinds –
the love of the earth and sun and sea,
the love between new friends and old lovers,
the love of parents and elders, hope and knowing,
the love of children and toes in sand.
And the love of a man who is my most beautiful man in the world.
Ten years ago, in that teen soaked love of Dawson’s Creek, I decreed to a friend that one day I would marry a Dawson.
And so it is.
When we marry I will be Mrs Dawson. 🙂
Written on the stars, written on the shells, written on the sky – just one word:
with love always,

Frequently Anticipated Questions
Q: When will we wed?
A: Sometime after we move home to our piece of heaven,
sometimes before we have children.
Is he hot? Yes. Really, really, really. Utterly perfection.
Are you back in the studio? Yes 🙂
All print orders received over the holidays will be sent out by 11 October {this Saturday}. You can also now submit your orders for custom art. Hurrah!
What does Charlie think?
He is utterly excited. Even more than he usually is.
He’s already given his world famous lick-blessing of our ring. 🙂