Hey beautiful hearts!
Each week, we hang out together as a gaggle of goddesses & make our gorgeous lives a little clearer, calmer and more zen. We do one Zen Your Life project together for the day… an easy, possible kind of project… just one small thing to make our lives more zen.
When we make space in our lives, we are making room for even more delight, comfort, magic and love to enter.
Sound like yummy delicious fun? Want some more zen goodness in your life?
Hurrah! Let’s start! We can doooo eeeeeeeet!
Today, your Zen Your Life project is:
Get your to-do list organised.
Today, that’s our big focus.
It doesn’t matter HOW you do your To Do list.
You could:
- make a To Do list book
- use Todolist.com {free & simple}
- check out my beautiful friend Eileen’s Sailboat Kit for a lovely way of planning out your week of to-do’s
- use just a piece of paper & pen.
It doesn’t matter how you’re doing it – just that you’ve got it organised. That you know what you need to do, and that it feels good to you. Simple, clear, easy.
Go for it.
Make your to do list zen.
Some more points to make:
- be totally happy to delete things off your list that you don’t want to do, or that are no longer needed.
- make your list divided by topic, or one big list – it doesn’t matter – as long as it works for you.
- it’s more important to feel like your life is zen and lovely then to feel like a productivity machine. I’m just saying. Your life is not more complete if you’ve got more things ticked off your to do list.

Need some accountability?
You can use the above button on your blog, and photograph your progress. You can check-in to the Comments Circle. You can write out your Zen Goddess goal on a scrap of paper beside you.
Whatever you need to do to give yourself the support you need, do it.
Loving you, fellow Zennifying Goddessa!