Once upon a time,
she had a dream
that she could live in the world
and set her gifts free.

And once she learned the way
of living in this world
heart open, rainbow dripping, money flowing,

she set pen to paper
and wrote absoloodely everything she knew
of what it was
to be a Business Goddess.

18 moons later (two pregnancies worth of gestating!!!)
her tome was ready.

And she flung it out into the world
on golden tipped wings
for all who needed it
for all who longed for it
for all who wished to sing the song of their soul
and receive their abundance for it.

she said.

This is a miracle.
And she is grateful.

May every single miracle appear & prosper & glow from this, my love.

I know I’ve poured everything I had into this course… now my shell is softly hollow, and ready for some quiet time and chick lit and rom-com filling up.

And I’m so glad I did. SO glad.

I want to see you out there, dearest. Living your gifts, sharing your life, and receiving all the abundance you desire from it.

The Become a Business Goddess e-course is here.

At last, at last, at last.

And my heart is immensely full after reading these beautiful messages this morning:

That tome, that song, that spirit that came through me… is out in the world, doing what it needs to do.

Igniting and supporting goddesses who want to do their work out & alive in the world.

They are brave & strong & courageous & I believe in them with every cell of my being, every bone that makes me up.

Yes. We CAN change the world.

Yes. We CAN do this.

I’m wishing you all the love and joy you can possibly stand, dearest.

You deserve it all.

Love love love,


and for my next miracle?

in 21 days, I am marrying this magical man, by this magical sea…

ten years to the day and place where we first fell in love on our first date…