goddess inspirattion

My gorgeous goddesses!

Some beautiful things to share with you today… not my usual looooong rambling inspiropost because I’m really drawn to simplicity these days. Simple & good.

My lovely Ostara & I have been painting with lots of watercolours lately… including long hand-painted letters to dear friends & lots of painted typography. That’s me of course… Ostara’s way more into embellishing every surface known to man with paint & making everything look vaguely abstract expressionist. Woo! Go you good thang! Creating with kids really can be fun!

Thus the new header. Really in love with it for today.

Onto the inspiring, good & simple!

 Thank you for all your orders of the 2012 Creating your Goddess Year workbook & planner… I’m loving how much you are all loving it. WOO! Rainbow! Dreams! Activate!

 Mini Creative Caravan update: My Centaur Daddy-o’s best man who just happened to marry his younger sister (aka my Uncle John. Not to confused with the other TWO Uncle Johns that my Dad’s sisters married. Yus, out of five sisters, THREE married Johns. What up with dat?)… oh hang on… where were we? Oh YES! My Uncle John has been enlisted in the Caravan of Courage project. He just came & did some consulting work on how to relocate it back into our backyard. Hopefully in a day or two it will be tow-happy & installed in the location of our dreams. WOO!

Just picked up my first copy of Dumbo Feather. Loved this interview of the editor & mama, Kate Bezar.

At last! Someone who has a bigger to do list than me!

The Glowing Truth About Sex & Self Respect

My darling friend & Goddess Circle sister Heather (who really, really likes almond butter) made the most incredible necklace for her beautiful baby daughter.

Loved this goddess’ sharing about her year at Goddess Circle.

Dear Photograph. Touching.

 Kind Over Matter’s Create your own Printables Kit is really clever! Likey likey!

My daughter draws a goddess. Cutest EVER!!!! Little talented sprite!!!!

We just watched this documentary Dhamma Brothers about Vipassana meditation being taught in prison. Really, really touching. Wow. Definitely one of the best spiritual movies I’ve watched in a while!


There is SO much magic in the world!


love love love always in ALL WAYS!