I have been blessed to spend time with some teachers this past week, in amongst travel and adventures and laughter and hotel rooms and yiros and bubble tea.

A 3 month old star warrior, his mother and grandmother, all with Spirit in their eyes.

The teacher of Trust: my brother’s sister standing on my shoulders.

My totem, the Buffalo. I walked on the same piece of Earth as them this week. Can a girl be any more blessed than to be with their most sacred animal?

RelationSHIP. My relationSHIP with him is a mysterious boat with many coloured sails. All of my relationships are teachers.

The experience of spending time with my brothers’ dad, my mother’s first husband (and his two daughters). I am blessed to experience this seamless flow of relations and love, irregardless of what it looks like or how it is shaped. Photo by Radiant Renee (8 years old).

Children have deep lessons they teach. May I be present enough to see them.
This miracle photo taken by Renee of her sister Chelsea (3). Is Radiant Renee not an amazing photographer?

Not only an amazing photographer, Radiant Renee is a magnificent and whimsical model.

Spectacular He. Spectacular South Australian earth wafting past the window.

Me. my experiences. my life. my story. me.
I teach me as I go by going where I need to go.

Sometimes it leads me to the dusty flat plains of South Australia. Sometimes it leads me into the arms of loved ones. Sometimes it leads me into a cave of myself, to listen closely to the soft murmurings of my spirit, and write words only I will read.

I go where I need to go, and I am blessed by teachers along the way.

Who are your teachers?

be true,